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Posts posted by srs82781

  1. I spent a year researching Mexico in case I was denied by my insurance, and sure enough after all was said and done... DENIED, so I made the decision to go to Mexico. I went through ready for a change with Dr Garcia.

    I could not have asked for a better experience and would not change my decision for anything.

    As much as I would have liked to stay home and be 5mins from my house and 2yr old, it was not an option.

    If I had the surgery here, I would have been released to go home the next day. I was so not ready for that. In Mexico I spent 2 nights in the hospital and had an extra 2nights to recoup in the hotel! It was exactly what my body needed. Everyone was so caring an helpful and I didn't feel like just another number like I sometime have felt as a patient in the states. I had 3 leak tests performed on me as well there. Here the Dr I was originally going with was so "confident" in his work that he didn't even think that one was necessary. That's a scary thought.

    The amount of money I spent in the entire trip air and all was still less then my out of pocket expenses after insurance if I was to stay here.

    I had a friend traveling with me, that was with me every step of the way, even staying in the hospital with me. And she was kept in the loop with every step the doctor took. My care was amazing!

  2. Amazing results so far Rebecca! And tired is normal!!! It slowly got better for me, by 6wks I felt like I had the energy of a kid! Which is good cause I need it to keep up with very active 2yr old! It will be amazing the energy you will have, give it time! I'm 3.5mos out and 60lbs down, ski for some people's standards but great for me.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Congrats everyone that hit that amazing mark with with me! And it's almost there for the rest of you!!!! Keep up the amazing work!

    I'm a little over 3 months out and I must say I was obsessing a bit with the weight loss. I was weighing in everyday! I had decided I was going to stop at 3 months but being as I was so close to the 100's decided to weight till I hit this amazing milestone on my journey.

    The obsessing with the scale has been a little consuming, so now my goal is to weigh in on Mondays and Fridays only, and focus now on starting a healthy workout routine.

    (I've been slacking on the exercise, not gonna lie!)

  4. Welcome disneymomma! This site has helped me to make all my decisions.... Sleeve instead of band, traveling to Mexico since I was denied my insurance, and picking out my wonderful doctor! Good luck on your journey!!!

  5. I was at Mi hospital back in February, my friend did stay at the hospital with me. If not she had to pay for the 2 extra nights at the hotel. I'm not sure what the price was, but we didn't even consider it, I'm thankful too cause I was sick most of the first night and she helped me out a lot. She hung out down in the cafe a lot on her computer and making friends with other companions and the couple that ran the restaurant. Our coordinator advised her not to venture off by herself around the hotel. She said she would get her transportation though if needing to go anywhere. (Ready 4 a change). If you can stand each other try I for one night in the hospital and if its that bad maybe go back to the hotel then. Atleast she will only have to pay for 1 night instead of the 2. Good luck!

  6. I thought about the money as well.... Then I thought about losing my mother at such a young age and if I didn't get ahold of my life now I might not be around to see my daughter grow up and get married an have a family of her own. I wanted to be healthy for her. So it justified everything I was doing, it isn't selfish at all! You are gaining your life back! For you, for your daughter, your husband. You got this!!!!! I'd rather have the debt in my life then not have a life! You are worth it and more.

  7. Very common, the muscle underneath has been through a lot of trauma. My bruises showed up a few days out, my doc gave me a anticoagulant blood thinner injection in my stomach that had a massive bruise in that area. I'm sure you had some to maybe thru IV so that you didn't get blood clots post op, and the blood thinner makes a person bruise so much easier then normal. Hope that helps :)

  8. After being denied by my insurance I too decided l go to Mexico since out of pocket in Mexico was so much cheaper then the states.

    I had surgery with dr Garcia in February at Hospital MI (wish florence was an option then, it sounds nice) I was so pleased with my experience, that If I had to do it again I would still choose Mexico. The thought of only being in the hospital one night in the states when you are there for 2 nights in Mexico then an extra 1 or two in the hotel where doctors are checking in on you, To me that made all the difference in my recovery.

    I loved all the ready for a change staff and dr Garcia and his entire team!

    I found telling surgeons in the states before you leave they will deny you aftercare because they want you to stay and have it here. When I got home, I already had a two week check up set up with my primary care doctor just in case. I did call around to numerous surgeons saying I had the sleeve and needed post op care in the area. They were willing to see me when needed. (I already had the surgery they couldn't change my mind at that point) I have decided to just continue to see my PCP since she has numerous bariatric patients and understands much about the procedure and what is required post op. I saw her 2wks post op to check on my incisions and to address some heartburn issues I was having, then saw her at 3 mos. I go back every 3 months for a year.

    Good luck with your decision, and I will give my 100% recommendation for dr Garcia if you choose to go.

  9. Some people experience the pain more then others and yea getting up was a difficult task because my abs were weak from the surgery. A lot of people sleep in a recliner for the first week because of that.

    And the throat and mouth hurting Could have been caused by them scratching the tube against it when they inserted it down your throat.

    I would be worried a little about the breathing issues and maybe check in with the surgeon, maybe it's just cause of the pain, but not something I would want to mess with.

    I say as far as everything else, it was normal to feel and give it a week or two till everything starts to settle and readjust. Good luck! And welcome to the losers bench!

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