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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mastiff_mama

  1. Mastiff_mama

    5th day liquid preop

    Tstorm....that sounds tough but some are doing it for 30 days! Yikes!!
  2. Mastiff_mama

    How do i be thin?

    Woman in me....please write a blog and let me know the addy ....you're too funny! I'd love to read a post open blog and your big mouth antics!
  3. Be careful with juicing! You can get loads of carbs even with veggies. Buy some cheap cans of green beans and spinach and eat a low fat protein. No need for fancy equipment! I have an Ostar smoothie maker that's awesome and was about $30 at Walmart. There are loads of all liquid diets, but my preop qoils probably be easiest does you. It's two meals of protein shakes and one small meal I'd low fat low carb meal. That's a lot like the slim fast diet. Also....the reason for the preop diet is to shrink your liver to make surgery easier ans safer. Your liver lives on top of your stomach on the right aide ....most obese people have enlarged livers caused by fat within the liver.
  4. Mastiff_mama


    I am coming home alone and several in here did too and told me they did fine.
  5. Mastiff_mama

    5th day liquid preop

    My preop is liquid and one small meal of low fat and low carb, so if you do cheat I bet it won't be terrible! Don't sweat it too much! Stress keeps fat on the ole body!
  6. My surgeon has no idea I have this...not sure why I've not been asked. I know sleeve is last resort cure...so not worried about what surgery will do, but concerned about being empty with surgery!
  7. Mastiff_mama

    Gastroparesis anyone?

    Very common in diabetics. Diabetes is a nerve destroyer!
  8. Mastiff_mama


    The key to unflavored is to let it sit and take on the flavor of whatever you pit it in to get rid of the protein flavor. I love it!
  9. Mastiff_mama

    Gastroparesis anyone?

    Pre op diet is so much liquid so I probably will, but the vagus nerve gets damaged and slows digestion. Also, I take Victoza and that does too. Anytime I have a egd I still have food even with the prep. The medication for it has horrid side effects and I won't take it!
  10. Mastiff_mama

    I fu@#ed up today

    I'm a new grandma too! She's 4 months old and already too fat. I am on her mama all the time! She's one of those difficult babies and they stick a bottle in her mouth to stop the crying! I've tried to explain you're teaching her that food soothes her emotions! We've been spoon feeding her Cereal so she eats slower and stay full longer. [ATTACH]8685[/ATTACH]
  11. Mastiff_mama


    Gravity of our big tummys! I've had several abdominal surgeries so I sort of know what to expect and how to walk stooped over and carry my belly lol
  12. Mastiff_mama


    Remember that a gram of protein is 4 calories. I figure the minimum calories the powder can have and see how many they've added. So don't believe a zero calorie drink can have X amount of protein!
  13. Mastiff_mama


    Over look the coffee on the label! LOL!! I put a scoop each morning in my codfee
  14. Mastiff_mama


    Yes! Amazon.com nature's best ...100% whey isolate. [ATTACH]8684[/ATTACH]
  15. Mastiff_mama

    Gastroparesis anyone?

    I don't meet the surgeon until pre-op. I've seen APNs in my previous visits
  16. Mastiff_mama

    Referral issues-wtf?

    My surgeon operates out of about 6 hospitals, so don't stress until you find out!
  17. Mastiff_mama

    How do i be thin?

    That's sad, however, I so can relate. My super skinny best friend is starting to date a new guy ...she and I were high school buddies and we turn 50 this year. She's always been skinny and I've always been fat. Neither of us has dated in a few years and I am so happy for her yet a little jealous and worried I am losing my hanging buddy! I was looking forward to going out with her and getting some attention! She gets it all now!
  18. Mastiff_mama

    How do i be thin?

    Ditto! Ditto!
  19. Mastiff_mama

    February Sleevers

    Ahhhh don't start liquid until just after!
  20. Mastiff_mama

    Surgery at 500 pounds?

    My doc makes you lose to 450. I'd your insurance makes you visit the nut for 6 months like mine you will have it made in the shade!
  21. Mastiff_mama

    February Sleevers

    Fayetteville, AR February 18! Woo Pig Sooie!
  22. Mastiff_mama

    February Sleevers

    I have naked protein I got on amazon and make my own. I have some fit4life I picked up ages ago that's food. It's strawberry kiwi. I also have some veggie Soup from BA. I will want more rjongs savory than a month of sweet. That's why I like the naked protein. I even put it in my coffee. The trick it to let it sit for a while and let the protein take on the coffee flavor. I sometimes nuke it to warm it back up. That's the key with unflavored protein. BA also sells a protein elixir ....I have white grape and you can add it to anything. It's a great way to ads 10 grams to your Water. Hope that's not info overload lol also great thing for right after surgery is the BA with all the Vitamins and Calcium in it! It's pricey, but a great way to get protein AND vitamins that first two weeks.
  23. I know I am sick in the head! I've been looking for all you can eat crab legs! I've been eating lots of my favorite foods before surgery! Sick sick sick!
  24. Mastiff_mama

    I Can't Wait To Not Have To...

    How about no more "fat bows" on your shoes! For those who haven't noticed...look at fat peoples tennis shoes! Bows are always to the side! Lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
