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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mastiff_mama

  1. Mastiff_mama

    February Sleevers

    Mine is the 18th too. I meet my surgeon on the 8th and he will tell me when to start the preop diet
  2. Mastiff_mama

    I am afraid i will back out

    Mine is a week from Monday and I am starting to get that pit in my stomach. I cry easily and am so broke right now it all overwhelms me I cry at the drop of the hat....even when I am not thinking about it it is still effecting me! I am looking forward to summer .....this will all be behind me!
  3. My surgery is the 18th too, but I don't start my preop diet until Saturday.
  4. My neck is fused forward and I use straws a lot! I can drink without one, but some containers I can't drink the last 1/3 or so...no huge biggie...I like a straw.
  5. Mastiff_mama

    why no straw?

    Never knew there was much air at the bottom of a glass of water! LOL I was messing around last night ans noticed how easy it is to take tiny sips with a straw....I Jane several if the cups with a lid and hard plastic straws....seems I get less air than sipping with my bottles
  6. Mastiff_mama

    Meeting with Surgeon next week

    I have my surgery in 2 weeks and haven't even met my surgeon yet! Is this unusual?
  7. Mastiff_mama

    I need help

    A huge reason for me would be NSAIDS! No NSAIDS ever? You can with sleeve! I was only approved for sleeve by my rheumy, but everyone has aches and pains....how many overweight people don't have some osteoarthritis?
  8. Mastiff_mama

    dry skin

    I know it's winter, but shower in water as cool as possible and only use soap in important places! Our diet is so low in fat that our skin doesn't get what it needs but I've found olive oil on the outside works well too! Also coconut oil.
  9. Mastiff_mama

    Cardiac Clearance

    My cardiac clearance was questions and an ekg
  10. Mastiff_mama

    Packing for hospital

    I've not been cold since 1985, but I will take warm clothes just in case! I'd hate to shiver with incisions! Plus it is February! I can do anything I wanna do on my phone...that's all the electronics I am gonna take. My bff bought me a travel set of Burt's Bees for hosp...some lotion and lip balm in it. I have super oily hair. I am taking some spray, dry shampoo.
  11. I still have 2 weeks, but I am packing now so i can add as I think of things. I have a personal humidifier I have in my night stand....it uses a water bottle and works so well...wondering if I can take it with me!?
  12. Mastiff_mama

    Can I Ever Have A Diet Soda Again?

    There's no nutritional value in a cigarette either and I'd punch someone in the face for one right now! I feel like I want something but not hungry...ate half a lemon muffin...not craving sweets...it's stupid cigarettes! It will pass....but it's been a tough day! I ordered a non nicotine ecig to get me past these days! I have no desire to smoke again, really. I am embarrassed I smelled like that for so many years!
  13. Mastiff_mama

    Packing for hospital

    I have sjogren's syndrome and it causes dry mouth, eyes and nose. I use humidifiers in the winter. Having surgery also makes your nose and mouth dry. This takes up about as much room as a coffee mug and thought it might be soothing
  14. Mastiff_mama

    what is your favorite snack post op

    And they can kick box like no other bird!
  15. Mastiff_mama

    What is the best sweetner for tea?

    For a real sweet tea taste I'd use agave....but just this once. It is soooo much better than sugar but would be for only a rare treat
  16. Mastiff_mama

    Can I Ever Have A Diet Soda Again?

    What if you buy the diet cola syrup for drink machines and mix it with water? Would that help your craving? I know you can buy them at Bed Bath and Beyond.
  17. Why can't one wean off of caffeine? It has nothing to do with liver shrinkage
  18. Mastiff_mama

    Ahhhhhhhh, Loose Skin Everywhere

    I have bcbs but mine is medi pac advantage bcbs in arkansas too
  19. Mastiff_mama

    Just finished my last day at work

    So sorry to laugh at your misery....but that was funny! Try getting different colored sunglasses like rose color and maybe you will think you're drinking strawberry milk? I can't imagine drinking milk for so long! You're my hero! I have no doubt you will be one of the super successful sleevers!
  20. Since so many of us are doing protein shakes and one meal a day...you had one meal in a week? Sounds like you have it in the bag!
  21. Protein protein....I know you know this...but just male sure you're getting that in

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
