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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by katspaww

  1. Hi everyone.. it's been a long time. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with a brain tumer (Gioblastoma Malforme) that will take her life within the next 4-6 weeks, so I haven't had time to check-in with you guys in a while now.

    I just had my 2nd fill on Weds and think I am finally feeling the real "bandster" world when it comes to food. I can hardly eat anything without it hurting. I am hoping this is just due to it still being so new and it will ease up in another week or so. Before my fill I was able to eat anything in small quantities. But now, even 4 fries from McDonalds hurt!!! (I was craving something salty and it was there...)

    I hope everyone is enjoying their new journey with the band as I have been. Enjoy you week and I hope to be around more often.


  2. Hi everyone,

    I just had my 2nd fill last Weds. I don't know how much my first fill was but this fill was 4.5. He said I wouldn't need to come back for 3 months and that I would be very restricted now so be careful.

    Before the fill I could eat anything (rice, popcorn, bread, steak, etc) in small quantities. However, since the fill - WOWWWW is all I can say. I was wondering if I should go back but after reading some of your posts I guess I am just now on the "real" deal of being banded. I was comfortable with my last fill but noticed the weight stopped going off which was why I went ahead with a another fill.

    I tried eating a few French fries because I was craving salt and even 4 McDonald's small fries hurt! Pasta salad with small hunks of chicken hurt. I am worried that I am too restricted. I want to loose weight, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to drink shakes for the rest of my life to loose the weight.

    You think this is normal since it is so new? Give it a few weeks to adjust to the smaller hole? I am thinking that is the case but wanted feedback as well.


  3. I have to agree with others... My face, neck and upper part of the "girls" lost the fastest and slowly I see my front butt going down. My worse part was my back butt.. it doesn't seem to be going down as fast. My bat wings are getting looser and looser which is scary. I did expect the skin to shrink down a bit but the arms are just getting looser.

    As my stomach has decreased I have noticed the skin shrinking a bit. My hopes are that not too much will be left (yea right.. I know) so I won't have to have a Tummy Tuck. Boob job is a definite because they will end up being at my knees the way they are going.

    Ah the joys of getting healthy/thinner.... :-)


  4. You lost 16 lbs in a month and you are eating normal food? are you sticking to the 4 to 5 oz of food at a meal and not drinking? I had my surgery 5/23 and have been afraid of testing the waters...more so because I'm enjoying the weight loss. I think the diet is intended to instill habits as much as it is to protect the new stomach.

    When I say "normal" I mean I am eating anything I want with limits. I don't eat the same amounts I did before surgery. But I went up a Stage compared to what my doctor has as an average Stage. The Soups, Protein or mushy baby food wasn't cutting it. I started to get headaches and felt really tired like I had ran a marathon 85% of the time. So I started eating balanced normal food (chew, chew, chew, chew mind you) but small portions and tried to drink a shake between meals twice a day. Now, drinking is a whole other subject... I am going to talk to my doc about tomorrow. I still can't eat certain foods without having a small sip of Water. For me that is harder than not having sweets!! For example, one meal I had chicken, green Beans & sliced apples (all small portions) but by the end of eating my 7 green Beans (Italian style) I had to get a small bit of Water in my mouth because it was so dry. Before surgery I drank 3-4 glasses of water with my meal (or soft drink) so that seems to be the hardest for me.

    As far as my weight loss most of it was the first 2.5 weeks then I slowed down to 1.5 pounds a week. 3 day before surgery liquid diet, 2 weeks after all liquids or strained soups so I'm sure that is what jumped the weight loss. Now I noticed being on the same number for 3-4 in a row before I see any ounces going down. (No I'm not that into the scale, but my scale shows ounces as well)

    I still don't go into a marathon eating binge like I use to. But I just had to have food 1.5 weeks sooner than what the Stages were listed in my book from my doctor. I have been very careful about portions and what I eat up until this weekend when I just had to have a bit of my favorite steak from Outback. Even then I ate 1 small slice of the bread, 3 cheese fries, 5 small bites of the Ceasar salad and 1/4 of the 9oz Sirloin and again I chewed and chewed the steak until I thought my jaw would collapse because I am afraid of blockage. (even though I am not filled yet)

    I'll let you guys know what the doc says. I am now worried, after the fact I know!! I guess I let the worst of me win with food. But I really like to think I haven't messed anything up because of the chewing. I turn it into mush as much as I can to try to be safe while getting the flavor of real food.


  5. I was banded on 5/9 and have my 4 week post op appt tomorrow. I was so faithful on my eating until one week ago. I just couldn't take the shakes anymore!!! I wanted food and I ate food. Now, I did chew and chew and chew to make sure I never got sick from the food but I can eat everything with no issues! I had my first steak yesterday afternoon and it was so good (outback). Now I don't eat everything like I use to but I can eat whole wheat bread & rice in very small amounts. They said I wouldn't be able to do this after the Band.

    Did any else eat real food so fast and not have issues? I should just now be starting on small bites of normal food at this point but i started early. Knock on wood I have had no food issues like I have seen posted. I have only had surgery related pains where my port is and burping after I eat. I use to think (before surgery) it was because I drank a lot of carbonated soft drinks but I still burp after eating.

    I hope eating normal foods so soon hasn't messed me up. I guess I'll find out tomorrow by Doc when I go in. Maybe that is what I need.. and good ole' hand smack by the Doc for eating everything so soon.



  6. Hi Everyone,

    I need some help from the experienced Bandsters..

    I am almost 4 weeks Post- OP and am just now suffering through the hunger!!!! I will state I just had a pretty rough Period (surgery related??) and it's like my body said, OK we are tired soFFFEEEDDD MMMEEE :hungry: and of course I can't eat like I am use to. I guess I am just going thru the after period blahs because today is the first day I wish I hadn't had this surgery.

    Do any of you experienced bandsters have tricks of the trade to help get thru these difficult days of hunger, wanting to eat and wanting to cry for hours thinking you have made a mistake, even though I know it's not true...

    Tomorrow will be better I hope/know.

    Tough day for me......


  7. Thank you Syrah & Jachut. I have found my age, even though I feel young, has effected me in many ways with this surgery. All of my others surgery's I have bounced back a lot quicker than this. I had a huge hernia repaired just 2 years ago and had a 5 inch cut in my lower abdomen and was moving around faster it seems than 5 small incisions. So I guess I'm not too surprised. Things have eased up so I'm not ask concerned as I was during those bad 2 days. It was tough...

    I am just now suffering the hunger now!!!! It's like my body said, OK we are tired FFFEEEDDD MMMEEE and of course I can't eat like I am use to. I guess I am just going thru the after period blahs because today is the first day I wish I hadn't had this surgery. Tomorrow will be better I hope.

    Tough day for me......


  8. I would like to speak on behalf of the comment made to ME from Wassa... "If I can lost 70 lbs in 5 mos, anyone can."

    I merely took this as a form of encouragement and not a guild line I have to follow for my own journey. I am an individual and as an individual... I will be making my own journey into this new world.

    These forums are here for us to learn more about all the different ways the lap band can succeed or not succeed for each INDIVIDUAL person. As an adult... I take everyone's own journey as just a measuring stick that can move one way or it can move the opposite way and help clarify my sometimes muddy path. I spent 3 months researching this and in this very forum found quite a few people who this did not work for them as I have found people that were moderately successfully all the way up to people who were extremely successful with the lap band.

    Slandering an individuals choice on how they want to eat is out of bounds and not our place to judge. I would fight anyone if they try to take my rights away and try to belittle me for it in a public place.

    The comment was made to me, for my own INDIVIDUAL encouragement on MY journey and wasn't taken as a guideline that I should be following. If that was the case, I would be eating solid foods since I am now 10 days out instead of mushy foods as MY doctor had prescribed.

    I think we are mostly all adults here and we come to this forum for a common place to share our fears, insecurities, successes and a "wavy guideline" to know we are going thru the same thing with "someone else" but in our own way. Lets please stop slashing people for their own choices and keep this forum for what it is meant to be.


  9. Oh Thank you, thank you, thank you... for sharing your experience with me (and others). This has been my biggest fear after surgery. What is getting a fill going to be like??.... It is nice to know it might not be too bad. I do know my doctor is a little rough so I expect some uncomfortable moments as well but at least I am better prepared for the event when it happens in 3-4 weeks. Yes a LONG time out...

    Thanks again.


  10. I am just sly of 2 weeks post-op and am already growling!!! I just laugh sometimes because it is so loud. At first I was worried but I realized they said once you heal you will be hungry until your first fill. I do the same as Iluvharleys - drink Water first and if it still is growling after 30 mins I eat a little something. I sure hope this gets better!

  11. Hi Caz1970,

    Of course you should consult with your doctor before making any drastic decision but I have wrote some of the things I found while researching if I should go through the lapband surgery.

    Most of us are over-weight because it is a vice for us. We use food to hide feelings/emotions etc that are too hard to deal with on a certain level. This is something I have found most people talked about while loosing weight - they are working on the emotional side of things. However, most did say they are feeling so good about themselves while they are loosing weight it made it easier to deal with the other issues.

    Oprah had a special on people who had the Gastric bypass and some ended up turning their emotional issues into compulsions of another vice - Drinking/shopping etc. So you have to work on YOU as a whole and not just the food. You need to make sure that you will have the support you need to help you work through your issues. Find a great support group, Counselor etc... to make sure you have the proper support you need for the depression while going thru the banding changes.

    I think most Doctor's require you to have a Psychiatric Evaluation before getting approved for the surgery. They want to make sure you are prepared mentally for the changes that will happen after the banding. I do not know what they use to determine who is fit or not fit.

    Otherwise, take the time and research, research and research. This is a big decision that you need to make sure you are prepared for. You will start feeling better physically & looking better but at the same time have to let go of old eating habits that can be hard.

    This forum was the best gift I could have found in my research. I spent almost 3 weeks just reading all the different posts to help me get a realistic expectation of what "being banded" means. You will find all sorts of different views because we are all different. But you can gather the facts and learn.

    I wish you the best in your decision to be banded. It is one of the toughest decisions I have made in a while (3 months deciding) but so far (even in the painful moments) I haven't regretted any of it. I am learning how to work on the WHOLE me during this process. It isn't easy every day but I know it was the best thing I could do for me.

    Best wishes,


  12. Wow... thanks for the info Letha. You know I had a runny nose spell the other day and couldn't figure it out.

    Now, the burps after I eat, so I was a little confused. I guess I need to eat a little slower then to learn the full mark sooner. I am measuring out my food which is a good thing to keep me from eating too much but maybe I am still eating too much even measuring my Soups. I will give it shot to cut back. I was afraid the put me on mushy food too soon.

    Thanks again...


  13. I am one of those who's doctor said a liquid Protein diet for the first 2 weeks to allow for healing and to not mess it up in the future.

    I must say that I do feel my stomach growling quite a bit, and when this happens I know it is time for a Protein shake or Soup with Protein in it. Before surgery - I would immediately start feeding myself if I felt my stomach growl. Now... I let it growl for a little bit as a way of testing myself and forcing me to change my old habits. It is important to remember that it is ok if your stomach growls. My doctor told me a big long medical reason why it doesn't necessarily mean you should eat right away. I will have to ask him again today at my Post-Op apt and post it. It made sense after he explained it.

    So habits.... that is what we have to break. I am slowly learning the difference between a dehydration hunger and a true hunger. It is hard but I am determined to win this!! I want to be one of those who do loose 70 pounds in the first year!

    Hope this helps.


  14. OK NVGirl.. how did you get to roll over to the pillows? I got a body pillow and tried to roll-over onto it but I still could feel my stomach pulling too much. I even took an extra large dose of my pain meds last night and waited 30 mins till I was nicely droggy and then tried to put myself on the pillows on my side and could only stay about 3 mins and was in pain.

    I need to know the secret cause I am dieing on my back!!!...... :help::help:

    But I will state that I still can't stand comfortably without holding my stomach every so often so it just could be that I need to be patient and hope I can sleep on my back in a few days.


  15. I am now on day 5 Post-Op so I don't have much time to speak of. However, I have lost 12 pounds so far. I am assuming it is because of the liquid diet I was on and am now on.

    What my Doc put me on was:

    3 day liquid diet - Pre-Op

    No liquid until 2nd day after surgery & upper GI to make sure no leakage

    First 2 weeks - Protein-based liquids - I have been adding unflavored whey Protein in creamy chicken noodle Soup (strained of course) with a little bit of Better than Bouillon to the soup for extra flavor or Creamy Veg soup (strained of course) with Better than Bouillon Beef flavor to the soup. Both are VERY GOOD!!! Surgar free Jello with whipcream, and 1 or 2 sugar free popsicles a day. I also have the Isopure drinks and drink one a day. I found a few to have great flavor. That gives me a few Gs of Protein plus Water. Lastly, I am doing the shakes with 24G of protein. Oh and Water of course.

    So far this has kept me loosing weight. Of course I'm sure I will quickly tire of this but will try to maintain it as much as possible for proper healing as well as weight loss until my third week when I am allowed to start the soft food.

    Hope this helps.


  16. Good morning everyone. Today at 1pm will be day 5 of my new journey.

    I had a nice surprise this AM because I actually was able to get myself out of bed without help. Mind you it took quite a while to wiggle my way up but I did it. I wanted to give my hubby a little break and let him sleep in. I also was able to sit by myself on the toliet. So 2 new steps for me.

    I can walk about 2 steps without holding my stomach so I hold it for a few steps and let go a few steps. However, I still can't stand completely straight up because it still pulls.

    I am off work and will be till my post-op on Weds. I know there is no way I could go in the next few days because I am just now gaining some independence back.

    I sure hope today is treating all the other wonder folks the same as I am going thru. We all deserve it!

    2 quick questions for a "normal" check-in.

    Bowel movements? - anyone else still not needing to do #2? :eek:

    Laying on your side? - I still cannot lay on my side and this is just killing me laying on my back each night. :mad:

    Have a great day till we talk later! :D


  17. Happy Mother's Day everyone...

    Today at 1pm will be my 4th day out from surgery. I am still really sore and need help getting out of bed & chairs. I still have to hold my stomach or put a pillow on it to walk around. I definitely couldn't do anything "normal" yet like others. Gas is still around and hurting but at least I am passing via gas from the down below instead of burps. So that gives me hope that my organs are slowly coming around. I was hoping I would feel well enough by now to go out today but there is no way. Maybe a trip to Wal-Mart and be in a wheel chair the whole time but that is as much as I could do.

    I'm trying not to get to down because of such slow recovery but it gets hard.

    Hope everyone enjoys their day!


  18. Wow... glad to "meet" others who went thru the same pain I did on the same day.

    I am especially happy to hear that we are all experiencing the same thing with the gas pain. My stomach is constantly "gurgling" with the gas and then I get the "fist" pain every so often.

    Then tonight I noticed a blister by one of my incisions. It is outside of the tape. It was red at the hospital and now it has a blister on the skin and itches. I guess this is normal as well. Maybe really irritated.

    Otherwise, I guess I am doing pretty well considering the major surgery we have all went thru. Not hungry and feel pretty well. All things considering.

    Look forward to us all sharing our experiences.


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