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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by slynnw

  1. Hi Sandy, I know you have to be nervous and excited! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! Please keep us informed! :D

    Hi Boo1. I am waiting for them to call and let me know they got all the paper work to send out! How has your process been? I have been through everything that could go wrong has..They lost my file, they aren't getting my records from my phycians office. They sent them twice so far! I just need to know how your's is coming along, Please!

    I was worried about this same thing happening to me. I got all my records myself and took them to my surgeons, Dr. Matthews, office myself. Stuff gets lost and misplaces so easily

  2. I know.....the smell of food is soo good. Its not that I am hungry, because I havnt really been hungry at all. I guess its just the old way is hard to change. I was a grazer and now I make my little lunchbox and take it to college with me. I only eat 1/2 cup or so at a time but I eat about 4 to 5 times a day. I have been eating lowfat cottage cheese, babyfood prunes, a mashed boiled egg with a tad of lite mayo, and creamy Soups and Jello. I still have broth in the evening before bed, I have myself convinced it makes me warm and helps me sleep :)

  3. I had surgery 01/24 and have done pretty great. Before surgery I was taking 7 pills a day for blood pressure. Its been really bad and the main reason I had the surgery. After being discharged I have been on 4 per day.

    Today I went to town and I knew that I felt really weak and tired, even after having my protien shake and eating a little. My boyfriend pushed me in wheelchair at Kmart, thats how weak I felt. I saw bp check and checked mine. It said 80/50. OMG, thats like less than half of what it used to be. Before even taking the 7 pills a day it would still be 180/100. So now that it is dropping this low I am scare to take the bp meds........

    Should I call dr before taking them again? I sure dont want to feel this weak and tired and cold again. Since coming home all I have done is lay in the recliner.

  4. Angelamarie, except for the fact that I was sleeved on 1/23, it could have been me writing your posts. :) I have been sooo hungry.

    I can't express how much I appreciate Jenny and the others who have responded to this discussion.....you have most likely saved my sanity. I was beginning to wonder if I had made the biggest mistake of my life.

    our surgeries were only a day apart :)

  5. I had my sleeve on 01/24/2013. I too have thought I could "eat" too much. Im still in full liquid stage. I did have a soft scrambled egg omelet last night using two eggs but was only able to eat about half. It was way more filling than just my applesauce or Soups. I have been buying the gerber babyfood applesauce and I reuse the little plastic bowls it comes in to "measure" my portions. I fill them with lowfat cottage cheese and take them to school with me (Im in college) along with my protien shake in my lunchbox...........our surgery dates are so close :) we need to keep up with each other :) Good luck :) we will be just fine.

  6. Hey, I am 5 days post op and I havnt even had the first bit of nasua. Thank Goodness! I have done exactly like they told me too and have done very well. The only thing I have felt in my tummy is a bouncy feeling. Sometimes it feels like there are jumping Beans in there.

    Just tell everyone: dr, nurses, anisthesia, ect. that you get sick easy and they will make sure they give you the meds to prevent it. I did, and they sent some home with me too.

    Hope this eased your mind a little :)

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