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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by revmister

  1. OK I was sleeved on Aug 27th. I weighed 341 right before my 2 week pre op diet. I now weigh 268 lbs .... So thats 73 lbs of weight loss... that puts me a little over half way to my goal of getting just a hair under 200lbs! I remember weighing 195 when I was 16 years old! Never would have thought it possible! I weighed 245 when I got married in July of 1982! SO things are going in the right direction!

    I have thrown up about 4 times for various reasons ... Eating too fast or "sneaking" a drink after eating ... NOT A GOOD IDEA! I ate 45% of a Gyro then my daughter was drinking a birch beer soda ... I loved that stuff & said ... let me have a sip.... WRONG CHOICE! my tummy was packed with the spicy gyro & then a sip of that ... Well thank God the lady had given us a nice handful of napkins... & Lets just say the gyro tasted better going down then coming back up! OH Well ... Note to self... Don't do that again! Still getting used to this new stomach! People are always asking me how I feel... Sometimes I don't know how to answer ... Evidently I need to take some Iron tabs due to my last blood draw... Well I hope everyone is doing OK ... I think by the Spring of next year we all should be in pretty good shape! God bless you all!

  2. Love Temple! Dr. Meilahn & Dr. White.... They did an awesome job! I had surgery on August 27th, 2012. Since my 2 week preop diet I have dropped 56 pounds! So thats a total of 9 weeks .... Dr Meilahn can come across a little abrupt BUT he is a seasoned veteran surgeon! He is a good man & has my respect. I started at the hospital in the northeast - Jeanes ... but as I got approved Temple had more surgical dates open & I had the surgery done downtown. I have kept my post op check ups at the TU office....

  3. Wow Forever that was a beautiful answer! I am an Ordained Minister who just had the surgery on Aug 27th, 2012. It seems that there are people who have pretty strong opinions about this surgery. People also have opinions about what they would do in your shoes ... I think some people can only see another persons problems through their own eyes or experience. I was told (at church) that I should go get hypnotized ... The person said that they read about an individual that had gotten hypnotized to think they had the surgery... I shared that story at the support group that I go to & the response was that the people who decide for WLS generally have read & studied and have educated themselves to the point that they understand that they need HELP! and the WLS gives them the TOOL to loose weight. SO, for me ... I try to educated people to understand why I did what I did & to WATCH how it helps ME! Perhaps as you go through the process of weight loss & your friend sees your happiness & improved health she will start to understand why you did it! It may just take time for her to understand! As far as God is concerned ... He sent Jesus & the Gospels are full of the accounts of Him healing! Funny thing is there were those at the time that hated Him for what He did... As to their motives why they felt the way they did about it ... Only God knows - But maybe in your "healing" your friend will come to understand what you did was good for you & your health! AND that God blessed you through it! God bless you! & I trust you will be able to help your friend understand.

  4. I know everybody has their reasons for wanting to loose weight. Mine is about mobility. As a child I had weakensses in my lower body. I had a disorder that I believe was due to a reaction to the polio vaccine. Motor Neurons died in my legs leaving loss in muscles. I pretty much got by fine & played sports as a kid but always have been leg weak! Along with this weakness I have been overweight since the age of six.

    As I have aged my walking gate and weight have taken a toll on my joints. One knee more than the other and both ankles along with my back have suffered. I also have arthritis in these joints. I started shortly after the new year (2012) to have to use a walking stick to get around... & prevent falling. I have balance issues and feel it would be easy to fall. I also found myself using motorized shopping carts when in stores for the past two years.

    As I started to think things over I could see that very soon I would probably not be able to walk around ... This has been my motivation for surgery. It is my hope that I will recover my ability to navigate without the aid of canes or motor scooters...

    I guess I could add that taking blood pressure meds for 27 years & diabetes medicine for the past 2 years should have been enough motivation along with CPAP machine at night... But it was mobility that made me want to get help with my weight!

    Beyond all this my wife & I are raising our Grandson who will be 17 months on the 15th... I cannot keep up with him which places the bulk of the burden on my wife. I cannot bear to sit back and make her do all the work! He loves us both very much and depends on us completely!

  5. OK this is my first time on this site... I am being Sleeved on Aug 27th Today I started the first day of liquid diet leading up to my surgery! I have been having mobility issues and I hope by loosing significant weight that I will be able to get around a little better! I need to be able to keep up with my Grandson who is 17 months old! I wanted to get this surgery done earlier in the Summer but by the time I jumped through all the insurance hoops I got a late Summer date!

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