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Posts posted by IrishEyes

  1. Today I am 13 days post-op and experiencing pain. Up until the night of day 10 everything has been going pretty smoothly. Then in the middle of the night (3 nights ago) I woke up out of a sound sleep with doubled over pain. Took about 45 min for it to go away. It was strongest when I woke up and gradually faded. I was able to take liquid pain mess (hesitant to swallow ANYTHING) and used a heating pad on my belly. I also took gas-x strips and had to pass a lot of gas.

    The 2nd night it happened twice and the discomfort stayed with me a bit yesterday. Luckily I had my first post-op appt yesterday as well. Driving to the appt I was talking to my Mom (she is a nurse) about it. After ruling out things like I am tolerating food fine and no acid issues, she found it strange it only happened when I was sleeping. She guessed it had to have something to do with my bi-pap.

    After telling my surgeon about it he immediately said "yes, I believe it to be you bi-pap and I need you to STOP using that until you can get the settings adjusted. I fear it may be pushing air into your tummy and extending it and you are still very much in the healing process right now."

    Last night I slept without the bi-pap and no waking up with pain at all.

    I placed a call to my pulmonologist and they are sending the settings to the bi-pap distributors. Just waiting for the call to take it in and get it adjusted. It has the capability of being programmed to adjust to my body changes but the Dr never sent in the prescription for that adjustment to be made prior to surgery.

    I haven't ever had any pain eating since surgery. The same thing I had for dinner monday, I had for lunch today and it was so painful I had to stop and lay down with the heating pad. I am doing that now and it is feeling better. Guess I will go back to basics for awhile. I had been able to progress to soft food, which is only a few days early by my Dr schedule.

    I'm afraid some damage may have been done. Praying it isn't too bad and subsides in a few days. No other trouble so not too concerned to call Dr just yet. If it gets worse or anything else changes I will. He didn't seem too, too concerned yesterday as long as I stop bi-pap and I have.

    I am posting this for mostly post-ops that use any machine for sleep apnea. I wish I had known this was a possibility. I would have stopped the first night it happened.

    Thanks for your time. Hope this helps someone and spares them pain and possible complications, that would have been worse for me had I not caught it so soon. :)

  2. Today I am 13 days post-op and experiencing pain. Up until the night of day 10 everything has been going pretty smoothly. Then in the middle of the night (3 nights ago) I woke up out of a sound sleep with doubled over pain. Took about 45 min for it to go away. It was strongest when I woke up and gradually faded. I was able to take liquid pain mess (hesitant to swallow ANYTHING) and used a heating pad on my belly. I also took gas-x strips and had to pass a lot of gas.

    The 2nd night it happened twice and the discomfort stayed with me a bit yesterday. Luckily I had my first post-op appt yesterday as well. Driving to the appt I was talking to my Mom (she is a nurse) about it. After ruling out things like I am tolerating food fine and no acid issues, she found it strange it only happened when I was sleeping. She guessed it had to have something to do with my bi-pap.

    After telling my surgeon about it he immediately said "yes, I believe it to be you bi-pap and I need you to STOP using that until you can get the settings adjusted. I fear it may be pushing air into your tummy and extending it and you are still very much in the healing process right now."

    Last night I slept without the bi-pap and no waking up with pain at all.

    I placed a call to my pulmonologist and they are sending the settings to the bi-pap distributors. Just waiting for the call to take it in and get it adjusted. It has the capability of being programmed to adjust to my body changes but the Dr never sent in the prescription for that adjustment to be made prior to surgery.

    I haven't ever had any pain eating since surgery. The same thing I had for dinner monday, I had for lunch today and it was so painful I had to stop and lay down with the heating pad. I am doing that now and it is feeling better. Guess I will go back to basics for awhile. I had been able to progress to soft food, which is only a few days early by my Dr schedule.

    I'm afraid some damage may have been done. Praying it isn't too bad and subsides in a few days. No other trouble so not too concerned to call Dr just yet. If it gets worse or anything else changes I will. He didn't seem too, too concerned yesterday as long as I stop bi-pap and I have.

    I am posting this for mostly post-ops that use any machine for sleep apnea. I wish I had known this was a possibility. I would have stopped the first night it happened.

    Thanks for your time. Hope this helps someone and spares them pain and possible complications, that would have been worse for me had I not caught it so soon. :)

  3. Thankyou for reminding me about that too. I am 12 days post-op and had my first post-op appt today. I was disappointed I am only down 6 lbs since surgery. Considering how little my intake is, I thought it would have been more. And I FEEL like I lost more than 6. I did take measurements so tomorrow I may look at where I stand with those and hopefully I will see more results, as far as #'s are concerned. Thanks again for the reminder!

  4. Fantastic transformation!! This is what its all about! We feel the change happening but when we see our befores and afterwards, we feel it in our hearts too! Your doing such a great job! And your so beautiful! Congratulations! You have inspired me to now take before pics. Wasn't going to do it, even after family and friends begged saying "you'll never be this size again, there can't be a do-over for a before pic". I never felt the desire. Seeing your transformation has changed my mind. Thank you!

  5. Part of the challenge is planning your intake schedule, too. I think the time off helps you get used to what you need, what works for you and taking time to listen to/figure out your new tummy. I am 10 days postop and took 2 weeks off, glad I did. Energy increases more each day, tho slowly some days. And I had no complications.

  6. @smb... My own personal experience is with the UV light in the Mally 24/7 professional 17pc gel kit through QVC and it is amazing!! Dry instantly. The kit comes with step by step instructions on how to put on and remove. Kit has everything you need. I saw other UV light and gel nail products in Ulta but have not used them myself. When I run out of Mally remover or want a different color, other than the 4 included in the kit, I may go to Ulta. I personally will always use these gel products. I had no idea such a great nail product existed until this. Oh, and an added plus, my cuticles are sooo much better and rarely get hang nails anymore. I just thought bad hang nails were just something I would always have to live with. This is the future of nail care, imo. I wish it wasn't so expensive, I'd buy it for all my friends and all ladies in the family. Guess this is one of those things, ya get what ya pay for. Good luck and let me know how it goes if you purchase anything! :)

  7. There is also gel polish, similar to the shellac mentioned above, but this is a do it yourself kind. The kit is a bit pricey at first because your buying the UV light and other supplies. The polish is $10 a bottle. It can be found in Ulta. I ordered mine through QVC by Mally. Was pricey but it is revolutionary, in my opinion. Using the UV for 30-60 seconds and it's completely dry. Last week when I did my nails I picked my puppy up right away and no damage. The color AND gloss is set! For over 40 yrs I would bite my nails. Now I actually have pretty nails. It's the added nutrients and gel polish.

  8. Well, of course its best to talk to your doctor but I can tell you that I am day 6 postop and have been taking Protonix, whole pill, since day 1 in the hospital and ZERO problems. I am to take it every day for 2months. However, I don't have to crush any pills, not even my daily anti depressants. Since its not something you need, need for like pain or nausea, I'd just wait til the morning and ask the Dr.

  9. Heard a song yesterday that motivated/inspired me and thought I would share. Eminem's song "lose yourself". I am not a fan of him but really like the song. I would post a link but don't know how to from my phone. You can YouTube it. If your not familiar with the song its basically about someone not settling for what they have and choosing to take a risk and make a change. It's his true story, also the movie 8 mile. Hope this sychs you like it did me. :)

  10. This must be our week! I am scheduled the 21st! @Kris, I had that thought briefly yesterday too!! Lol. To Kris, Liz, Joisey and Sunset~~~ many prayers you have a successful procedure and a pain free recovery. Oh, an prayers that the anxiety calms in us all, that we are overcome with peace and resolve that we are making the BEST decision for our future. :)

  11. And ALREADY nervous. I don't have much support. Most family members don't understand, mostly the men. The females get it, though nervous too, but many are busy with children or out of state. Will keep praying. I have to remind myself that He gives the support I need.

    Being on preop diet is making me a little emotional too. Being hungry has impacted my mood, which was unexpected.

    Anyone have any tips for reducing anxiety?

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