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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by NY LAPSTER

  1. Alexandra

    Thanks !!! The beauty of your response is that it is so therapeutic and based on what is really going on for you in your life...Wow!! I guess I'll strive to find that balance, sweet spot and know-how to manage to keep losing some and then maintain and still allow the ice cream man ( or woman) to ring the bell for me...I too will probably need to have ice cream in my life...I find that exercise is so helpful for me...I have thus elliptical machine that is low impact and when I pop on my Ipod I really enjoy myself...and can eat more ice cram and lose weight...Not that I exercise only for ice cream...that seems a little juvenile but...the exercise has been a really helpful part of making me feel better , sleep better and lose weight...I exercise in spurts..Right now I've been slack and only exercising twicw a week..I feel much better at 4-5 times a week..And I probably eat less ice cream then also because I don't want to sabotage myself totally...

    Thanks again...


  2. Leatha

    It is comforting to know that u face the ice cream and chili wars with me..You seem so knowledgeable and together with your banding and leadership on this board...I would love to get involved in helping support others with this stuff and hopefully we'll fight these demons together...The band is so unbelievable in that there is less to fight against but the ones left are still tough..It certainly isn't a free ride to speedo bathing suit land..


    ny lapster

  3. Hi Everyone

    I apologize for not being an active participant here..This is the only board I ever look at and have ever participated in....I was banded in NYC on 11/11/04...I started my pre-surgery journey 2 weeks prior to surgery at 302.5...I am now 226-230 depending on how much ice cream I have consumed recently...I say how much because I seem to always want ice cream recently...This really is no joke or funny kind of thing..although having lost a great deal of weight and feeling sucessful and much happier after being given this wonderful opportunity I am now succumbing to the wonders of Ben and Jerry's, Haagen-Dazs, Starbucks, and all the old and new great ice cream treats out there with or without mix-ins, Syrup, etc...Yep..I can thankfully no longer eat big hero sandwiches, little hero sandwiches, any sandwiches...Can't eat Bagels with stuff piled on it, tons of Pasta, pizza, fried chicken, steak, etc, etc, etc, etc...

    But I can eat ice cream..........


    I could use a sense of sensibility about this becausre i'm sure i'm sure I'm not alone out there..By the way other way less offensive and harmful demons for me are chili..I have consumed TONS of this chili made at Kings Supermarkets, and Sabra Babaganoush ( eggplant salad ).........

    What do you guys do about your demons to get to the next level....I even really know that is wondeful to now be able to have an occasional ice crean guilt free but I am kinda worried about it...

    I'm currently filled at 2.1...Haven't had a fill since early March......I do know that fill or now flu those ice cream cravings have to be managed because the slide is open for that demon stuff.........




  4. Hi everyone

    I haven't been on in awhile and I probably should have. You guys offer great support and being hooked in and helping other bandsters is such good therapy. Anyway, all in all I am doing OK but am having some problems..I was banded 11/11 in NYC..Went great..did really well 2 weeks pre-op and 4 weeks post op..lost a bunch of weight..That put me at the holidays and my 50th birthday 1/1..vacation..some parties, etc...I had my first fill 1.2 cc on 12/13 and then had all the holiday stuff and "only" lost 6lbs 12/13- 1/11..Still OK..The weight loss isn't the issue yet or maybe it ius just my inpatience..I keep testing this tool and have been taking too many foolish risks ie overeating, eating around the band , etc..I had a bad exp this week ..had my 2nd fill 1/10..1cc to bring me to 2.2 cc...I was so tight that I couldn't drink anything and was refluxing any liquid..I called the next day..rushed backi in and they unfilled .4cc to bring me down to 1.8cc..This really worked..I was able to drink and then rushed on to mush last night and overmushed with no adverse reactions....Today for lunch one day after my unfill and 2 days after my fill (confusing) I ordered in for lunch at work soft tofu with sauce and just coudn't resist throwing in the white rice.....Oh , i forgot egg drop Soup to start...Now all this is better than the pig out chinese I would have had pre-band days but..not good for me right now...I just spent the better part of the last hour in and oput of the bathroom trying to hurl with some success and I am starting to feel a little better..Luckily, I physically was only able to eat a very small portion of the lunch before my discomfort began...

    I think I am learning from every bad experience and I don't think I've damaged my band yet but why are we so stupid...Most of you don't seem to test yourselves this much or maybe you do...It's just really no fun being in discomfort and PBing,getting stuck, etc...Doing it right is so nice and so fullfilling and I am confident that I will do it not right fewer times..




    10/30 302.5

    11/11 BANDED 282.5

    2 fills total 1.8cc

    1/12 252.5 -50

    my goal is a healthy 199 whenever.......

  5. Greg

    It sounds like you are doing fantastic. It's so great to hear about people like yourself who are a little further advanced and others who are years into bandland and others who are just researching this approach..As you know it was quite a process getting us here emotionally to be ready to accept and utilize this healing approach..The band is such a remarkable tool and I want to learn to use it well..Right now we are still getting to know each other but the band has been friendlier to me as I am treating it better..My family went out to Chinese tonite --I had some hot and sour Soup and then picked at a chinee eggplant with seafood dish...We had alot to take home which is unusual for us.In my glory eating days not much left the restaurant.The tough part was when the waitress brought over a special complimentary desert for the table with scoops of ice cream, sorbet and fruits...As you all well know ice cream can be our great nemesis sO I did have a couple of spoons but plan to work out extra hard tomorrow...By the way an old buddy got me out tonite for a couple of hours and I drank a shot of vodka and a few sips of wine...I was happy to know that this indulgence went over OK..Now back to work tomw to have a more mundane and less caloric diet...It was fun though..I haven't been out in a bar in many months and just listening to some of my favorite music and hanging out a little as a bandster was great...I had asked my medical asst about drinking an occasional shot of vodka and he said fine..he does too...and no harm done...So, maybe I will reward myself every month or so with something like this. The days of 10 shots are over but one I can handle...Life seems so much more enjoyable being on the road to getting healthier...Came home and drank lots of Water........Tomorrow am planning on doing some aerobics and eating very light...

    keep up the great work Greg and everyone else.

    Happy holidays........


    10/31 302.5

    11/11 284 band day

    first fill 1.2 cc 12/13 259.5

    12/17 256 -46.5

    Dr Ren nyc

    goal 199 7/11

  6. Thanks Rebecca !!!! I Called My Doctor As You Suggested..she Feels That I Have Been Eating Too Fast And Not Chewing Well Enough..i Haben't Actually Vomited Any food Up, Just Spat Up Some White Flemmy Stuff...your Advice And Everyone's Is Great. I Just Have To Re-learn How To Chew And At What Speed.. My Wife Has Been Thru Alot With Me And Has Been Very Supportive Although Like A Typical Man I Always Want To Be Taken Care Of And Am Sometimes Unappreciative..thanks !!


  7. Thanks for the feedback..All is well taken advice but I'm sure will be a learning experience. We're going on a family vacation over XMAS to Florida so I want to learn fairly fast so as not to make my eating or not eating a focal point of attention...As far as an early fill ..it was 4 weeks post surgery and thought to be fine...We'll see....My surgeon is Dr Ren and I have alot of confidence in her ..



  8. Hey Guys

    I've got a bunch to unload and ask about and hopefully some other newbies can benefit from you really wise lap sages . I was banded 11/11 in NYC..So far I am doing great weight loss wise. I know men have this weirdly unfare advantage but I'm taking advantage of it. I started my journey 2 weeks pre-surgery at my heaviest weight ever of 302.5. This morning 12/17 I am 256. 46 1/2 loss is really cool and I am so psyched. But............

    I started eating solids last Thursday and then got my first fill Monday 1.2 cc...I'm really so unclear about what will go thru and be easy and what gets stuck and will make me feel so sick..My first solid experiment was with my wife. We went out for Chinese lunch last Thursday. I had just had a prostate biopsy done that morning after a pre-surgical exam scare..The biopsy was the pits but thankfully all is well..Anyway, the lunch.....I had 2 pcs of sesame chicken ( i know bad choice ) and a couple of spoons of shrimp with peanuts and I was off to the bathroom 2 or 3 times feeling horrible...No actually throwing up but white stuff coming up many times...After about half an hour I felt better..My wife was pretty upset that I had made the poor choices and ate the pcs too fast...

    Next...Sunday was at a family party---Had a chicken thigh and some salad...After a few bites of the dry chicken--off to the bathroom---sick, awful feeling, etc---passed in about 30 minutes...

    Next- Wed lunch---had 2 bites of a minced pork , guacomole, salad thing at a Mexican place and off to the bathroom for the sick run.....

    Last---last night had dinner with my wife and 2 kids....They had steak and stuff--I had crab meat with cocktail sauce..Took a couple of spoons on my plate of mashed potatoes with some sauted onions..After 2 forks of the crabmeat -ok--then took a bite of the mashed potato with onion and all hell broke loose...Off to the bathroom..Felt terrible and worse caused a bit of a scene at the table with the kids...My son is aware of the surgery but my 11 yr old daughter thinks I had a hernia operation...We feel she is too much of a blabbermouth and she also has her own serious medical issues to deal with...She got scared with my bathroom antics--went to the bathroom off the kitchen like 5 times and made some awful noises in there I guess..Anyway 30 minutes and all was well.

    By the way mushy stuff goes down fine and some solids with sauce ok too..Had a spicy tuna sushi roll for lunch yesterday and surprisingly was fine..

    Sorry for all the blabbering..My point is----my wife feels that I shoudn't inflict this stuff on the family and should get my act together.If I have a problem I should just leave the room and not return until it is over...I guess she is right but I feel it is harsh...Help...




  9. Dear Marie and Everyone

    I haven't posted much but do read the board alot. You guys are so great and have helped me so much in that you are all living this journey with me..I am now almost 4 weeks post op..I have 2 more days of mushy and then I re-introduce solids. The mushy part seemed hard in that the food was fairly caloric and I didn't lose much the last two weeks at all..At least I didn't gain..I get my first fill 1cc next Mon 12/13....Hope to get a little restriction on my way to finding that "sweet spot ". Doing this around Thanksgiving, a number of family and business events has been very interesting. I've been real good at home and my family is so supportive..When I am out to dinner with friends or family sometimes I forget and dring a little Water with the meal- not great. Also, I find that I order like a Soup as an appetizer and then nibble on some mushy -soon to be solid main course. Of course I eat so much less now but still I heard that people only order an appetizer for dinner...What do you do when everyone else is eating and is it hard to just do that...I am and plan to be in the closet with this for some time except my immediate family. For the first time ever I am doing something just for me and it feels pretty good.Part of me wants to blurt it out to so many people and then my sanity takes over and I say, nah.......

    Any eating out tips !!!

    Also, I am turning 50 in 3 weeks ..This surgery and new lifestyle is my gift to myself and my family but I am a little concerned about being put on the spot by some friends who know that I can usually pack away a good meal and a number of drinks when I am out partying...I guess these concerns are petty compared to the dangerously unhealthy life before....

    Anyway, thanks everyone..



    10/30 302.5

    11/11 BANDED 284.5

    12/7 261.5 -40.5


  10. Hi Fran

    Welcome to the other side. Take it easy and slow and you will be fine.The first few days are kinda rough but each day you will feel better..All the advice here is so perfect and such a great resource.But you already know that.I'm 3 weeks into bandland and I'm starting to feel that this is for real and for keeps and I love it..Bandland is great for depression, most physical ailments , etc..It is not an elixir because the band causes us to be much more conscious and responsible for our lives...It feels great to have regained that responsibility.. Good luck and go for it...




    302.5 10/30

    282.5 11/11 BAND DAY NYC DR REN


    GOAL 199

  11. Hi guys!!

    Happy holidays !!! It was a really good one for me. Banded 11/11 and doing pretty good..I started mushies on Thanksgiving Day so it was pretty special...My first response was thgiat the band actually works in that it allows food to go through..What a relief..Then the testing began but I settled for a few spoons of sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce and creames spinach..Had a few spoons of ice cream and sweet potato pie also..Somehow felt a little guilty..The next day took my daughter and her friend out to dinner and my dinner was awful (GUILT )It was a small hot fudge sundae..By Sunday evening we again had famil dinner plans out and I had a little Soup and somke chili..

    Anyway..my point is throughout this weekend I was going on the scale every morning pre and post bowel movements ( SORRY TO BE SO GRAPHIC ) The scale always moves a little post of course... I need to cool it on the scales for awhile especially during this mushy , non-filled stage where I think I'll be likely just to hold my numbers and not gain until a fill...What do you guys think???


    302.5 10/30

    282.5 day of banding 11/11 NYC Dr Ren

    266 11/29 -36.5

  12. Hey Ryan et al

    I'm about 12 dayd banded now ..still on liquids and actually graduate to mushies on Tday..Am really looking forward to some mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes...Doesn't sound real healthy but sounds delicious...Because I'm still in the closet with my wonderfully judgemental extended family I have decided to keep my journey betwwen my wife, son and myself for now..Even my unbeleivably supporitive but blabber mouth 11 year old thinks I recently had a double hernia surgery...I will tell her soon enough and then at somepoint will clue in the rest of the judgers...At least by then I will be well on my way to doing something so positive ...

    Haven't decided whether to put some turkey on my plate and jst leave it there for show or just be real and put on a little mushies...No big deal..It's my house and I'll be up serving and stuff anyway so it should be easy...

    Any advice on the mushy side..I hear stuffing is a no no...even drenched in gravy...like a couple of spoons ??? I f you guys don't think so ..

    Anyway Ryan...you are doing terrific...Hve a great Tday and onward we go..


    10/31 302.5

    banded 11/11 NYC 284

    11/19 269

  13. Ryan

    All I could say is right on...Your sentiments are excellent.I'm on the ride with you and everyone else and so far it is a pretty fun ride..Haven't got to the bumpy parts yet though they are coming ( ie- family gatherings in the next few weeks-I will pass on one this Sunday , but then Thanksgiving and my nepew's Bar Mitzvah in 2 weeks )..For now I'm in the closet at the suggestion of my doctor .I think the closet is helpful to a apoint for awhile to really focus on yourself without any judgements or negativity at all...My plan is to come leaping out of the closet at some point not too far away--maybe wearing a bandman cape (just kidding)....For now only my wife and son are in on it ..the rest of my world has been told I have had a double hernia surgery--partially trangulated to add extra drama....Oh boy....

    Anyway Ryan..be well ..enjoy..


  14. Ryan

    Welcome home !!! are both newly bands..I was banded 11/11...It's pretty surreal but I'm taking advantage of this liquid phase. I think it will provide the quickest weight loss opportunity and I do realize that we have to be carefrul, stay hydrated and get some calories in....So far ..so good...Glad to hear you are on this ride also...Hopefully, after we get to our goal weight this ride becomes our life and we can just mellow out..I think it will be earlier but I don't mellow easily..Except for a few drinks which will be a long way off...Maybe exercise will fill that void ..You are a great writer so writing will be a good outlet for you...Good luck ..


    10/30/04 302.5

    11/11 day of 284.5

    11/18 274.5

    199 ??????????

  15. I really mean it...mine was 11/11 and it was and is a very surreal experience...Everything will go great...The sooner we take the surrealness out of it and learn that this is the reality we have chosen the better we will be..We have chosen a great reality..Go for it and have a great band day.....

  16. Hey folks..

    Just wante some reassurance from you guys...I was banded 11/11 in NYC and all went well...My large port incision is pretty red and sore...Not scary red and sore

    just puffy, red and sore..My wife is a nurse and she is not overly concerned right now about it..I am on chewable antibiotics which should help any infection...Also, have had diahrea for past 2 days..most notably when I take in the ultra slim fast shakes..Maybe I am drinking them a little too fast..In my former life I would down a shake like that in like 20 seconds..Realistically I'm now

    dininh on my shake for 10-15 minutes but not the 30 minutes suggested...Am I still drinking it too fast...The clear broth, gatorade , Water and crystal lite al seem to be ok but I think I need some calories and protein...The last few shakes were ultra slim fast cappachino flavor which tastes great but had me heading for the safe confines of the toilet...I really haven't ventured out much yet and don't plan on returning to work until wed11/17 when hopefully I;m feeling less nutty...I also have to call my DR tomw and schedule an appt end of this week...My Iron caste stomach which never acted up and supported my year's of abuse is now a mere pouch of it's former self...Any sugestions...........NY LAPSTER BANDED 11/11/04 IN NYC 302.5 PRE 2 WEEK liquid 284.5 DAY OF SURGERY..-18...TRYING TO STAY OFF THE scales FOR AWHILE...THANKS

  17. Hi everyone

    Ijust got banded 11/11...Can't believe it but all done and it went really well. So far everything as expected. This board really prepared me for what to expect but there is nothing like the real thing...I'm being real careful ..doing the liquids..in fact I am nursing a cup of chicken broth . Besides the discomfort from the incisions I am really beginning to feel my new friend in my belly....Tough part amongst many is going to learn patience..I somehow gained 2 lbs in hospital and I have heard that weight loss can be minimal until the first fill..That's a little hard to understand given the caloric intake seems pretty low but I'll be patient...I'm gonna give my body the time to heal ..but I have always been the kind of person who is in a rush...It took me a long time to add these layers to my bod so I better get used to unlayering slowly but permanently...

    Anyway...thanks for being here..I'm really glad to be one of you...


  18. I really want to wish you well tomw....Good luck and enjoy the ride...It kind of feels like we're getting on a ride that much of which we are in control of and part of which we are being given some awesome help... Go for it!!!


  19. Hi everyone..

    I am getting banded 11/11. Yes, in one week..I am incredibly psyched . The instructions for all patients of my doctor is 2 weeks pre-op on liquids- I am doing Ultra Slim Fast shakes which are actually OK, Crystal Lite, some chicken broth..Actually we are allowed to eat vegetables -raw or steamed with mustard or just vinegar...

    This is really hard , yet somehow very empowering..I have not been perfect- have cheated twice but have still lost 12-13lbs in 6 days ..Both cheats have been Breakfast time when I ran into a local eatery and scarfed down some eggs on a roll...Overall I've been OK... I want to do the last week right and go into my surgery with the best possible headset, weight loss jumpstart and reduced liver that this pre-op routine is designed for..What are all of your experiences in this period?? Even thoughts.. I'd love to eat I really want to do this right...Any thoughts??


    302.5 290 199

    10/28 11/4 ??

    10/28 11/4

    10/28 /

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
