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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jessica89

  1. Thanks everyone. Im doing pretty good. Wasn't in as much pain as I thought id be but it definitely still hurts. The hardest part for me is drinking Water and eating the Jello. It hurts :( im super tired and kind of feel weak. I think I over did it with the walking, showering, and getting around this morning. So im taking it easy this evening. I have some friends coming to visit, then some family, so that'll be nice. How did everyone else do on their surgeries that were yesterday?


  2. Thanks soo much everyone for the kind words and advice. Just reading this stuff makes me feel so much better about all this. I got weighed in today and lost 4 pounds the first week. So I guess that's okay? They said 4 to 6 pounds is average for the first week. Im ready to get back on track and lose more though. I have to get thru the mental part of it mostly. Im not as Hungary as I think I am ....its more the wanting to do something I know I can't do....I guess...if that makes sense. I hate that about myself...that is a weakness with me...something I need to work on in many aspects of my life. I feel like its going to get better though. Im starting week two tomorrow. New week...hopefully it'll be better than the last. 19 days till surgery!! :)


  3. Thank you everyone so much for the encouraging words and advice. I will definitely try some of the things recommended. I feel sad....its weird...like today was family dinner at my parents house and my sis was home from college and everyone was eating at the table and I just sat in the living room because it was hard being around the food. Does that sound crazy to be sad about this? Like normally on fridays my mom and I always go to dinner then go grocery shopping together and to me that was hard to not do that. At the grocery store it was very hard too. I almost wanted to buy a milky way candy bar and just eat it without anyone knowing and I was able to get out of there before doing it. I was very happy. Now last night I was very shaky and light headed and needed something so yes I did cheat and I got a half of sub from subway on whole wheat bread, turkey, am. cheese, lettuce and light mayo. It made me feel normal again after eating it. I felt horribly guilty though, but I was to the point where I just needed some meat or cheese. Like im not getting enough Protein or something, idk. Hopefully it gets better as time goes on thru these next few weeks. I just need to keep reminding myself why im doing this.


  4. I am in my first week of the Meal Replacement stuff and am having a horribly hard time getting through this. The 2nd day into it I was soo Hungary and took my Migraine medicine which has a lot of caffeine and I basically started to pass out, and had horrible cold sweats and felt like I was going to throw up. I feel like im craving everything. This is much harder than I anticipated and I have 3 weeks to go. I've lost 6 pounds so far though and started this is Wednesday or this week and today is Sunday. So the progress is pretty good but I am miserable. I feel weak all the time and light headed. I just wanna get through this so I succeed with this surgery afterwards but im having such a hard time I am starting to doubt myself :(:( help!! I need some advice?!


  5. Goodluck! It sounds like you have had a tough time in the past. Im really sry to hear that. :( that is my main reason for getting this surgery is to help me have more chances of concieving. I have a 4 yr old so I know I can conceive. Well hopefully everything goes well. Congrats on ur weight loss! :) I hope I am as sucessful as u have been!


  6. Hey! Welcome! Yes definitely start going to groups now. I started this whole thing back in april and am not having surgery till next month and I go to our local support group at my drs office for the surgery every month. If I hadn't gone to the support groups I don't think I would feel as comfortable about my decision as I do. Good luck with everything!


  7. I am starting to get really nervous about whether or not I am making the right decision to have the Sleeve or not. Im starting to think I wont lose the weight as quick as I would like to and its going to discourage me. I dont know if I feel like this just because surgery is in 30 days and Im just nervous all together ... or what. I have done so much research and I have seen success stories on here about people so I dont know why I am feeling this way. Maybe because Ive seen a lot more people with the RNY lose it so much quicker and Im feeling like maybe I should go that route. I was extremely happy with my decision to end up going with sleeve a few weeks ago....Idk why I feel this way now. Help!? :(

  8. LOL your funny.... I havent had surgery yet...but this sounds like something id say. haha! Im glad someone has the guts to post it! I agree with Sherry77.... get urself BOB! :):) Sometimes guys can make things complicated and at a time like this in ur life when ur going thru such a change you may not want that in ur life....let me tell ya! lol im married and sometimes I wanna kick my husband lol.... u can borrow him :) haha jk. But anyways....good luck!

  9. So I have been trying to get into the Chat portion of this site and either I dont know how to use it or no one is EVER on that thing? Can someone tell me if I am doing something wrong? I just click on chat and wait for it to load and it comes up and theres never been a person on there before.

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