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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jessica89

  1. Right now I am almost 5 months post op and have lost 111 pounds and need to lose 62 pounds more until I am to my goal weight. My husband and I were talking and we thought we would start trying to get pregnant at the end of this year in december. So I would be 15 months post op. My weight management program told me to wait 1 year and my surgeon told me to wait 2 years. So I figured around 18 months would be fine and if I start trying at 15 months post it may even take me 6 months to get pregnant. The only way I will do it this soon is if im at my goal weight, consistently getting enough Protein everyday, drinking enough Water, and taking all the viatmins I need everyday. What I am wondering is, can anyone that has been pregnant 1 to 2 years after VSG can me any info on the struggles, concerns, if u wish u would have waited to try or not, etc. I just need as much info and advice I can get. By the time I try, get pregnant and have the baby my daughter will be like 7 years old...so I don't wanna wait to much longer.

  2. Hey everyone,

    So I don't really have a lot of tips. I just get in a lot of Water and try to get in enough Protein everyday. I haven't even really been working out much and im still losing. So im not sure how. I am starting to notice that my skin is getting that stretched out look somewhat on my stomach and arms. Its worse on my arms than anywhere else. So I need to start toning that. I actually just weighed myself this morning and am down 4 more pounds now. So 111 lost so far! :)

  3. I am soo happy with my progress! I have had a lot of issues through this journey though. Im still losing a lot of hair and still have trouble keeping food down sometimes. But for people out there that are only 2,3,4 weeks out...it gets better! I didn't think it would...I would cry because I thought things would never get better but now I feel amazing! I love it! I started at 333 and im now at 226 and my goal weight is 160 to 170. Im going to Vegas in october so my goal is to get to at least 170 by then. :) I've attached a picture of myself. Im the one on the left with the brownish blonde hair.



  4. I just wanted to update everyone and let you all know that I did end up drinking last night. I mixed crystal light lemonade with vodka and had about 4 shots in that then had cranberry and vodkas at the bar....about 4 or 5 over a 4 hour period. I definitely got drunk. But it took way more than I thought it would to do it. The weird thing is, is that im not hungover at all. Had a little bit of a headache this morning but that's all. Im definitely not drinking again for a while because of it being empty calories. But I just wanted to let u all know for the people who were like me and wondering. But everyones tolerance is different. I could handle a lot before surgery.


  5. Okay so I know we are not suppose to ever drink again according to the doctors and dieticians because its empty calories and you apprently get drunk quicker. Can anyone who had this surgery a while ago tell me when its okay to try something? Im not a huge drinker anyways but I use to go out like 2 times a month with my friends to the bar and have a few drinks and im just wondering when I could try that again and how much can a sleeve patient drink and what should I drink? Any recommendations would be awesome!


  6. Lol thank you everyone but I just updated my ticker and it put my weight loss from b4 the surgery all in there. I have lost 41 since surgery and the rest was 1.5 months before surgery. Its good to know that im not the only one in a stall...not tht I want tht for everyone but im glad its somewhat normal. I feel like im an emotional wreck. Does anyone else feel like their emotions are out of control since surgery? I think my husband thinks im going crazy lol. One thing that is hard is I cannot have anything with chocolate in it or dairy now. Im getting sick alot. So its hard to find things tht I like that don't make me sick. My dr. Thought maybe my carbs are up but I don't feel like I eat a lot of carbs...idk. I am trying to figure out this app my fitness pal more so I get better at tracking my food. I really want this tool to work for me. I am starting to feel like a failure. Maybe im just hard on myself. Im not sure who asked this...but yes I had a lot of stomach, intestinal and food problems b4 surgery. I was sick all the time b4 surgery as well. Not very much fun but im kind of use to it now. Thanks everyone for the advice and input. I kind of started feeling depressed a little and pulled myself away from any of my supports for this surgery and I just want to make it more of a priority to be more involved in the things that help me stay on track and help me stay positive. Thanks everyone!


  7. I am now almost 7 weeks out of surgery and have hit a plateau in the past 2 weeks. I have only lost like 2 pounds. My dr. Says im not getting in enough calories and I need to be getting 1200 in but its sooo hard! I barely able to eat any food, cannot keep down my Vitamins, and now cannot handle dairy products at all. I love this surgery a lot but im trying and trying so hard and I just don't know what im doing wrong. Please someone help me!


  8. Im 6 weeks post op and down 40 pounds exactly! I lost some before surgery as well. So I am down a total of 63 pounds! :) it feels great. None of my clothes fit me though lol. I had a lot of struggles in the beginning few weeks but im starting to feel a lot better now. :) thanks for everyones support.


  9. Thanks everyone for the input. I just feel like I am getting sick no matter what I try. Even off from yogurt. I took one tiny bit of a french fry today....bad idea....I threw up. Uhh I am so sick of being sick. If it isn't acid reflux its nausea ...if it isn't the nausea its diarrhea (sry tht was probably way to much info) lol ....but im starting to feel really weak bc I can't get in hardly anything. Im kind of starting to hate this. I just wanna feel normal. My incisions still hurt and I have absolutely no energy. Someone plzzz tell me when does this feeling start to go away? If ever? Im suppose to go back to work next week and I just feel so tired all the time idk how I am going to manage. :(


  10. 12 pounds!!! Now that's according to my scale at home...so tomorrow when I go to my first post op appointment I will find out for sure. But people are already telling me that they are noticing a change. So my total now from pre op and post op is 35 pounds. I am really happy so far with the way this is going. My pain is very minimal now. I just feel really itchy like all over my stomach...probably because its healing. I still am not able to eat much. Im still on my new direction Meal Replacement products from the weight management center I go and we are suppose to be doing 3 to 4 products a day and I can get in about 1 that's all. Is that normal for this early post op?


  11. thanks everyone for the advice and comments. I just wanted to give u all an update and let u know that the dry heaving and throwing up has completely stopped. I am keeping down liquids now...not very much at one time but its staying down. It almost feels like as the liquid goes down it pushes the gas up and causes a lot of pain. My incisions don't really hurt at all except the lower right hand one which I believe is the largest one...its got the biggest band aid on it. Im staying with my parents tonight bc my husband works nights and they have been so helpful, they got a room all setup for me and everything. I am very blessed that I have such an amazing family. I was very emotional today and kind of had a breakdown. Today is my 23rd birthday and I had no visitor at the Hospital BC everyone works and goes to school which I understand so I was so ready to come home and the minute I got to see my little girl (4 yr old) it made all the bad things go away. She kissed my tummy and asked me if I wanted to hold her hand to get out to the car. It was soo cute. So even though I don't feel the greatest ...this really is a birthday to remember...bc I will look back 100 pounds later and realize that I did this all so I could live a longer healthier life for my daughter, family, more kids to come hopefully and most of all myself. Thanks for all the support!


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