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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by DianaE

  1. DianaE

    People think I am sick!

    well I know i understand everyones opinions here but lets say you WERE sick... And they came up to you and said wow, you look great with all the weight you have lost.. And you know you lost it because you were indeed sick, isnt that just as or even more disturbing? I thank them and tell them I lost weight and how I lost it.. I feel better about being honest and dont care if people judge me. No sweat off my back
  2. DianaE

    cravings !

    maybe you should monitor your caloric intake for at least a week.. You might be suprised at the #'s.. The least that will do is give you a line in the sand so you know what to try going forward.. I am a year out and still monitor my intake at least 95% of the time.. It personally helps me and keeps me accountable.
  3. Man to think I had no idea I was that frckn HUGE!! love my sleeve!!
  4. DianaE

    the fat fills in the wrinkles?

    I am not liking the sagging face I have.. I like it better then being 100 lbs heavier but the face and the arms are bothering me a lot. I am 56 so I guess my skin isnt going to bounce back as well.. I will see what it does in the next 6 - 9 months.. I may be getting some procedures done late next year..
  5. Chili was one of the things that was on my list in an early stage. I believe that is because it is not that dense as someone earlier said.. I would put this in the slider category and make sure if you eat it in the future you measure.. I normally open a can and then break it down into 4-6 ozs bowls and freeze it.. Then just grab it for lunch occasionally.
  6. i DONT don t know THE exact ARTICLE(GOOGLE IT) BUT i READ EARLY ON THAT needing fluids can cause hunger pain. If you ate and start geting the signals try drinking water 1st. see if that helps.
  7. DianaE

    I give up on eating!

  8. DianaE

    I give up on eating!

    Too funny! The noises that come out of my throat and tummy are definetly annoying at times.. Especially when I am in a quiet meeting hahaha! Still prefer all the little annoyances over that 100 lb sack of blubber I was carrying around
  9. I seriously believe that the majority of the people who have never been verweight are different than we are. There is no way that they can be getting the same signals we are and not over eat. Since my surgery I no longer have the tummy screaming at me to fill the bottomless pit. It is tiny and probably now after almost a year getting normal. I can eat small amounts of anything and I am satisified. I think that is the way it is supposed to be. I have lost over 100lbs in the year I have done this and have no regrets. I am much older than you but I wish I could have done this much earlier.. I missed out on a lot of life because of being overweight. I hope you get the support you need but I did this for me. I didn't care what anyone else thought and still dont. good luck!!
  10. Wonderful!! Wish I was 24 again.. Glad you had this done early in life. You will never regret it! I am 56 and still dont regret it. I just wish it had been 20 years ago and I wish my skin had not lost its shape.. But I wil deal with that next year, right now I am just happy happy happy!!! Glad you are too!
  11. i have been eating cereal since about 2 months out.. I did change to Kasha go Lean though. We need protein more than carbs and it tastes pretty good.. Make sure you measure and only small amounts.. I remeber presurgery I could eat a half box of cereal, it seemed, at a time. I now know what the real serving size looks like and it astonishes me at how much I used to eat.. Measure measure measure
  12. DianaE

    Fast Weight Gain :(

    go back to basics.. monitor all of your intake and exercise again to see what could be happening. it is surprising how much you find out your intake is once you start writing down every calorie you put in your mouth, The basics are if you take in more than you burn you will put on weight. I wo8uldnt be worried if your clothes still fit ok.. you could be doing a muscle exchange,but since your clothes are not fitting well it could be a real problem. I am year out and still monitor my intake. If i dont, I have a hard time krecalling what i am eating, it just all becomes a blur
  13. omg thank you for the laugh and also for letting me know I am not the only person who asks others if i look like 'that".. tooo funnnnyyyyy
  14. hope you can lay it down soon! You wont regret it.. I smoked for 40 years and finally ladi them down about 5 years ago.. I did put on more weight, but at the time, I figured I would deal with that issue when I could.. I finally did last year with WLS.. So now I dont smoke and I am thinner.. WIN WIN!! good luck to you!!
  15. DianaE

    I want to zumba

    i love zumba too.. i have been doing it twice a week since jan 2013.. I was sleeved in Oct 2012. I just went at my own pace.. I am doing it all pretty good now.. It is fun!!
  16. WITH AS MUCH PAIN AS YOU ARE CAUSING YOURSELF EMOTIONALLY THERE DOESNT SEEM TO BE MUCH DIFFERENCE IF IT WAS REALLY HAPPENING TO YOU. My point is you ARE NOT having complications and you should focus on that. I too did not have complications and feel very blessed.. Did i worry if I felt something different inside? Yep.. I would cock my head to the side as if I was listening, stop breathing for a sec, and wait to see if it happened again, if not I would forget about it and move on. The fears are normal, but not to the degree it seems you are experiencing. Find another counselor if they are not helping. There are also groups that have sessions / call in #'s you can join of you can find the info. I did one as prerequisite for the surgery. There is no reversal so you have to look forward. You will be fine.. I cant wait to hear from you in a few months when you are succesful with this and going "what was I thinking"
  17. 5'10" and i am aiming for 165 - 175..
  18. DianaE

    Beef Jerky anyone?

    I love beef jerky and eat it almost daily as a snack and occasionally as an addition to a meal.. Only thing is it is rather expensive by the ounce.. Higher than steak by the pound.. I think it is about 1.18 per ounce or 18.88 a lb.. holy cow! hahaha.. still going to eat it though.. it is a good snack
  19. one of the most common regrets people have is not doing the surgery sooner.. It is my only regret.. You are 33... take the opportunity to get healthy now..People do not understand how hard it is for some. I lost my sister when she was 39 years old from obesity complications.. I am sure they are just afraid for you and are saying these things because they love you.. My daughter did not agree with my decision but now she knows how much healthier and happier I am and is happy for me!!
  20. DianaE

    Loosing hair! Help!

    You will be fine.. It is normally only noticeable to you and your hairdresser.. It will slow donw and grow back..
  21. I ate the toddler meat sticks, chicken and turkey.. Very soft and was tasty and had good protein
  22. I am a year out and my tummy still talks to me.. That isnt a problem just a nuisance.
  23. DianaE

    Eating post op?

    yep, it is a personal choice.. most anything in moderation is ok.. just know your trigger foods and do not keep those in your house. you will love how quickly you fill up, at least i do.. I still eat most of the foods i like but just very small amounts.. you will need to eat slower and chew more so you can tell when to stop eating.. you dont want to overeat. it is very uncomfortable and can make you sick.. again this is a good thing for me.. keeps me in check 10/16 will be a year for me.. lost about 100 lbs,, need another 30 .. Loving my sleeve
  24. DianaE

    MotheR in law issues

    IMO the husband / son should not allow anyone to mistreat you. The mother will either learn to treat you with respect or not have as much contact with son.. I am sure she would change over time. It is hard for me to believe how many people out there tink they have the right to make others so unhappy.. Just makes me so mad.

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