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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Bandedbut

  1. I was sleeved 2/23/23. Overall I feel pretty good, no issues with nausea. I am constantly sipping something all day long to get my Protein and Water in, but am still concerned about being dehydrated. I feel weak and tired until I get enough in during the day. My only issue has been a little cramp/stich on the left side. It hurts when I take more than 2 sips, or not enough time between sips. I wasn't going to weigh myself so soon or so often, but seeing a pound come off everyday has been encouraging. I know some others have issues with weigh ins, and I know the mind game that happens when the numbers are't what we want to see, and yes, I know I should be focusing on helathy habits. But for ME... right NOW... it's exciting.

  2. 16 minutes ago, BriarRose said:

    I never lost feeling hungry. But very little filled me up. Like a teaspoon of minced chicken salad every two hours, once I got to semi solid . Even now, 12 years out, I can eat a very small baked chicken thigh and a couple ounces of sweet potato, and 1/3 c of applesauce for dinner and i am soo done. What I realized when I gained back some weight, was that I NEVER learned in my entire life how to maintain my weight - I was always either losing weight or gaining it. BAM ! total mind blowing experience. So I started losing the weight I had put on, and after 10 pounds gone; I purposely stopped losing weight even though I wanted to lose 30 more pounds. And I maintained that 10 pound weight loss. I ate more, I ate higher calories. I found out what I needed to eat/how much I needed to move to stay at THAT weight. MIND blown. After a couple months, I purposely. With INTENT lost another 10 pounds. Slowly. Then stopped again. 2 months at that weight. And so on. Then I got to the down 40 pounds which was my goal. I stayed with in 5 pounds of that weight for a YEAR !!! A few months back, I decided to do 5 more pounds. That was harder. But I did it. And another 5 pounds. Right now I am a pounds under that, and pretty happy. Might do another 3 pounds but very slowly and carefully because at 67 years old I haven't weighed this since the 1970's !!! And I am loving it, I eat well. I have some dietary limitations and eat low Fiber and low residue as a medical necessity. Darn. But I had to figure out what would work for ME. Took me most of a lifetime. But so glad.

    Thanks for sharing that BriarRose! I remember you making a similar comment (but couldn't remember who or what post) and it hit home. I've never been in a place of maintanence.

  3. 1 hour ago, catwoman7 said:

    I'm currently taking a graduate-level nutrition course on obesity and weight loss, and this article is pretty typical of the stuff we have for readings - i.e. written in highly specialized language that you'd practically have to have a chemistry degree to understand! Fortunately, I'm not taking the course for credit, because I sure wouldn't want to be tested on these articles!

    at any rate, I do know that with sleeve, the fundus part of the stomach is removed, and that's the part where most of the ghrelin is produced, so hunger levels go way down (because the ghrelin level is what lets the brain know that your body needs food. If the level is low, your brain knows that you need to eat, and you feel hungry. If the ghrelin level is high, then nope - not hungry - don't need to eat). Ghrelin is produced in other parts of the stomach as well, but a majority is made in the fundus, so levels automatically go way down - and stay low - once that part of the stomach is removed.

    the fundus isn't removed in RNY (in fact, none of the stomach is removed - it's just sectioned off), but I don't know how just having the major center of ghrelin production in the part of stomach that is no longer used affects ghrelin levels in your blood. I don't think researchers necessarily know that, either. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. Although most RNY patients lose their hunger as well. But they think it could also be due to the actions of some of the other hunger-related hormones, like leptin and GLP-1. They do know that RNY causes leptin levels to increase (and leptin is a hormone that causes a feeling of satiety. I can't remember what exactly GLP-1 does, but it has a role in hunger and satiety, too). At any rate, there have been research studies on RNY patients who are a year out, and their ghrelin levels are very low compared to "normal" people. So suffice this to say, ghrelin levels are abnormally low in RNY patients, too - but not for the same reasons that they are in sleeve patients. It could be that the major ghrelin-producing area is now in the remnant section of the stomach - or it could be that changes in some of the other hunger-related hormones could cause changes in the ghrelin level. (Or maybe it's due to a little of both...)

    Thanks for the English! breakdown of the article. This is all fascinating! What I don't understand is if the fundus is removed, and hunger levels go way down, how does hunger return for some people then?

  4. 4 hours ago, GreenTealael said:

    Are you ready for a deep dive because the answers are complex. Here’s an article that is very technical but can explain some differences between the two surgeries.


    That is quite the deep dive! Most of it is over my head, but but what I got out of it is thatGLP-1 Reacts/restores differently between the 2 surgeries. So there is actually a physical reason.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Erin18 said:

    Not only do hiccups hurt, but sneezing too lol. I'm still having trouble getting my goals met. But I can't achieve them if I the a nap during the day. That's hard wven before surgery, I took a nap during the day. I find it hard too because I'm so sick of Protein Shakes, they're starting to taste so sweet to me. I can't wait to start purees next week.

    It doesn't hurt to sleep on your stomach? When I was able to sleep on my side a few days ago, I was so happy, but I have to have a pillow.

    I hear you on the Protein drinks! Last night I was having a strawberry one and I could barely stand it it was so sweet!
    I am mostly a back sleeper, and sometimes roll on my side when restless. I was surprised to wake up on my stomach!

  6. It appears that VSG is quite successful, with weight loss well over 100+ pounds common in the first year. But I've also read that maintaining that loss after the 2 year mark is difficult, and gaining weight back is common. This doesn't appear to be the case with the bypass so what causes this? I know it's a TOOL, but why is the tool so successful for 1-2 years and then not? What changes and why and what can be done to prevent it? Obviously maintaining healthy habits and continuing to work at it, but what physically or mentally causes this shift? I've heard the stomach stretches out so there isn't as much restriction, but then I read where that is not possible? Having experienced regain after countless diets I want to set myself up for success.

  7. 5 Days post op and feeling pretty good! I'm weak and a bit lightheaded in the morning until I can get enough Protein in. Had my first BM yesterday (sorry if TMI, but I figure after we've been through that shouldn't offend anyone LOL) Gas is slowing coming out. Woke up this morning surprised to find myself sleeping on my stomach. No nausea at all. I've barely been able to meet my protein and liquid goals, but it requires sipping all day long. The only thing is a persistant sharp stitch like cramp on my left side. Hiccups hurt like the devil LOL. How is everyone else progressing?

  8. I'm constantly sipping something all day long to meet my goals. By the time I can finish a Protein Shake, then have some Water, it's now time for a snack, so I'll have a bit of yogurt, more water, now it's lunch time so I warm up some Soup and so on throught the day. I'm worried about developing a bad habit of constantly "eating/swollowing" something. I'm able to meet my protein/water goals barely by working at it all day.


  9. On 2/19/2023 at 6:14 AM, mom2afbcrb said:

    The only time I wore it overnight was when I was in the hospital. I was told by my surgeon that I didn’t need to wear it at night if I didn’t want to. She did tell me that I needed to wear it during the day while up and moving around. And she was fine with me taking it off if I needed to nap or for a break.

    My surgeon never said a thing about a binder! On the bright side, 4 days post op I was able to poop! NSV!

  10. 5 minutes ago, RoxyChick said:

    Surgery 2/10. First 24 hours was pretty rough with the gas but lots of laps in the hospital helped. During the two week postop diet, I was struggling with fluids and Protein because I was just so over it. I’m not stressing about it. I just do what I can. I’m now 16 days postop and it’s easier to get my fluids in but I’m still so sick of Protein Shakes. I found Oikos Greek yogurt with 15 grams of Protein. The vanilla flavor is amazing…. Yum! I’m on puréed diet for the past three days, threw up twice just eating too fast because I was starving. But now I have adjusted to eating more slowly so I don’t throw up. The only issue I have is the bariatric Vitamins. I’ve been taking the chewable ones and they are absolutely awful and they make me vomit. I’ve taken them on a full stomach too, and they still make me sick. I’m trying to find a good Vitamin to take that doesn’t upset my stomach. I just ordered the BariMelts which I know are not recommended by my doctor, but they are known to be gentler on the stomach, so something is better than nothing. I have the calcium chews and those are fine. Does anyone have a good Vitamin that they like it doesn’t make them sick?

    Also, I’m down 18 pounds and I’m fine with that as I am a lower BMI.

    HI RoxyChick! I see you had the lap band a while ago, and live in Cali. I had the lapband in 2007, unfilled in 09, then removed in '11. Im in N. Cty San Diego. I'm now 3 days post op with the sleeve.

  11. 1 hour ago, Erin18 said:

    Thanks everyone!

    I really can't wait until pureed foods. I definitely know things would be easier. I have things planned already and I just can't wait. I didn't have problems with the Protein Shakes before surgery either, but they're just tasting a lot more sweeter now 😳 I'm gonna have a chocolate on tomorrow. Maybe I need a different flavor instead of caramel and creamy cinnamon. I could also make a Protein smoothie too. Which that sounds really good. My mom made homemade macaroni Soup a few days ago, it was great and we had left overs tonight and it was even better. Homemade Soups are better. Glad to know that each day gets better! Do you guys know if applesauce is considered something allowed on the full liquid diet? I didn't see anything in my directions.

    Applesauce is in my list of acceptable pureed foods, but not the liquid. Some of those thinner brands are pretty liquid

  12. 1 minute ago, Erin18 said:

    I'm getting sick of the Protein Shakes, they're definitely too sweet 😭 I could get unflavored Protein Powder to put in broths, but im not sure yet. Ahh I'm craving cheese

    I ❤️ home made Soup so I stockpiled a bunch before my surgery in the freezer. All some variation of a roasted vegetable, Bone Broth, 1 can of coconut milk and seasoning. I’ve got carrot ginger, sweet potato, butternut, cauliflower, and white bean with artichoke and spinach. I love them all regularly, just blended them more and a little more watery consistency. Today is the first day I can have them and I’m really excited. I may not feel the same way after a month 🤣. A little harder to calculate the Protein content. I plan to make a roasted red pepper, black bean, and celery bisque when I’m feeling a little better.

  13. Surgery was 2/23, and I was feeling pretty good and getting my specialty Water in, even 4 oz each day of home made Bone Broth. I somehow missed the clear Protein options however and today I’ve been super weak and light headed. Managed 3 oz of yogurt and protein drink with 42 grams. Finally got in a shower and now I’m exhausted. It’s a beautiful day today and I was hoping to take a little walk, but I’m not going to get far at all! How is everyone else the first week post op?

  14. Had my sleeve 2/23/23 and was discharged same day. (Self Pay). So far so good! No nausea, and Gas-X has helped a lot. Nothing unbearable. My pharmacy had packets of "Liquid IV", touted as a hydration multiplier, on the counter when I picked up my medications, so I gave that a try. It has a nice light flavor, nothing overpowering like some. I was pretty close to getting all my liquids in yesterday. I have a caffeine headache today! I keep dreaming that I forgot and ate food!

  15. Funny, I was thinking about asking this as well! I had the lap-band in 2007 and only told a handful of people I knew would be supportive. I would simply say eating a lot less and exercising and shrug. By the time I was around my goal weight, I was more honest about it, but now that I think about it, skinny people were more dismissive of the surgery, like it was cheating.
    Now I'm scheduled for the sleeve next week, and again have only told my husband, sister, and one friend that also had the surgery for now. Post surgery I will let more family know as needed, but still plan to be very selective. I love some of the answers above!

  16. If you had VSG 2+ years would you please share your updates? Did you hit your goal? Did you stall at any point and what did you do to get past it? Gain any weight back? Loose skin? Improvements in comorbidities like diabetes or sleep apnea? Regrets? Complications? Tips? Outside of carbonated beverages anything you can't eat or tolerate now? What's life like for you now? I would love to hear your successes and struggles!

  17. 62, and scheduled for my sleeve Feb 23. I did the lap band in 2007 and it was life changing. I reached my goal weight. Then had all the complications and had to have it removed. I was told I wouldn't be a candidate for the sleeve even as I gained some weight back after the removal as I was too close to my goal weight. Now here I am 40 lbs. heavier than when I initially had the band.

  18. My insurance doesn't cover bariatric surgery, so I am self pay. It is scheduled for Feb 23 at an Outpatient facility, and they are telling me no overnight stay is required. (If needed, overnight care is available). So far everything I've read states at least one night in the hospital. I'm a little concerned with cost cutting measures for self pay. We have a hotel booked a few miles from the surgery center in case of any complications (and for my husband in case I do stay overnight) as we are about 2 hours away. Mount Sinai Surgery Center in Tarzana CA. Anyone with experience there or going home same day?

    I also have 2 complications, Moderate sleep apnea, and likely a lot of scar tissue from a previous lap band. Not that I want to stay overnight, but I would prefer to be mentally prepared!

  19. I am scheduled for the sleeve next week (Feb 23). Looking for ideas on documenting this journey, i.e photos, videos, ect. A few years ago I saw someone that had taken a picture once a month in the same spot, same clothes, then put them into a video and you see her literally shrinking. It was very cool. This is for my own self, NOT for social media, but wondering what others do? I'm not a journal writer, but I'm sure that would be tremendously helpful to go back and read where your head was at!

  20. Well, my surgeon just gave me a complete unfill, and said that because I have had problems with my pouch enlarging on a reapeated basis, that he won't refill me. And, he said "no surgeon would do a sleeve on me because of my current weight," I'm too close to goal. I'm pretty ticked, and feeling "abandoned", as his only suggestion right now is to limit myself to 1200 calories a day, and just "do it on my own". If it was as easy as that, I wouldn't have been as heavy as I was in the first place! After each issue with the band, I asked what caused the problem, how to prevent it etc. and never got any useful information. "Sometimes that happens" was it. Never any warning that he won't refill me. My only other option is surgery to reposition the band, which "should" be covered by insurance.

    I'm determined right now to not gain the weight back, but it's a complete change of mindset, going from working on nibbling/sipping all day in an effort to get down enough Protein and Water, to dealing with hunger, and making healthy food choices vs eating what I can get down. I must see though, that I feel SO much better, I'm eating good food again, and am working out. JI'm enjoying being able to eat any food.

  21. OK, so at least my BMI shouldn't prevent me from a self pay revision. I do visualize myself heading there. I'm around 25 right now. I'm also 5'9 and 170 right now.

    Wow Jane, you do have your hands full! I have 3 kids and 3 step kids, (2 granddaughters, well, second is due any day now) most have moved out now, but we do have my step son with fragile X (a chromosome defect as well, imagine a Downs Child with autism), my daughter in college, and my 7 year old. I thought having a healthy baby with no issues in my 40's was exhusting!

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