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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cookeeeeez

  1. @ hm734 Your body may be in what my doctors call "starvation mode" Basically it goes "wtf! Where's all the food I'm used to?! Stuff this I'm holding onto everything for dear life!!!!" This is a stage even anorexics go through (trust me!!!). Try upping carbs intake slightly a few days or jolting exercise routine and it may jiggle your weight loss! Ask around the forum for stall tips or see your NUT or psych for motivation Good luck!!!!
  2. Cookeeeeez

    I Can't Wait To Not Have To...

    Livinglifeout: my backpack always pulls my sweater up over my behind!!! = HATE lol
  3. Cookeeeeez

    Who Have You Told?!

    Lol @ dar1983, Im glad he's so "supportive"
  4. Cookeeeeez

    Who Have You Told?!

    I agree, if not spokesperson motto, and my partners family all know but think diet/exercise is key... I will just show them proof in pudding post-op ... since they've seen me yo-yo so many times I think maybe they'll be more open about it when they know it works for some
  5. Lol!!! Rofl No room for pity at my party I'll take your pounds and raise you
  6. Meant to add: My skinny azz sister would kill you if it meant she could lose 2 pounds in a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think about it huh?!?! You're doing so great keep up the good work!!!
  7. Also : I am rather big *ahem* I WILL lose more than most of you and probably quicker A) I have MORE to lose in first place!!! my body burns more calories dragging my fat behind around!!! But! This will slow down too! You know my skinny azz sister
  8. Find a 1 pound, 10 pound, and 20 pound item a imagine where that great chunk of weight has somewhere come off your body... Then think about how much exercise you have done and Protein you have eaten/drunk = HEAVY lean muscle mass!!!! You have probably gained a significant chunk of muscles around your legs from carrying so much weight and arms from push-ups etc and stomach from situps etc... Then remember how many times you used to get on the scale to find you had put ON another 1,2,10,20 pounds!!! This is not a one-way street, you will have little backslides in times of stress or winter months or party seasons or just because your body SAYS SO!!! Lol Keep positive, in stalls try something fun and new like Pilates, yoga, massage, boxing, self-defence class, walking with friends, window shopping (or mall-walking), and think if you could have done this B4?!?!? Good luck my friends!!!
  9. Cookeeeeez

    I Can't Wait To Not Have To...

    To go swimming without feeling like shark-bait in my giant seal-like one piece! Lol
  10. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Some people (even those nearest and dearest to us) don't understand the knife edge we walk with our weight! You are responsible for your body, you know what you can achieve on your own and it's a big step to ask for help when you need it! At least by losing some weight yourself you know you can try even more when you have the sleeve and that you won't be like some people I've heard (on here and elsewhere) who just don't even want to try!! Seriously, almost verbatim, I've heard a recent sleever say "soda makes my new stomach hurt, how can I get over this?!" or "what's the best way to stretch my sleeve? I want to be able to eat with the family at thanksgiving" You can say to naysayers that the fact you can lose some weight pre-op just makes you a healthier candidate and the surgery less risky + more likely to be effective and boo to them Good luck
  11. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    I'm planning on dr hatzifotis in Brisbane! I'm in Caboolture aka Cab-Baghdad! Lol I've got HCF but getting some back from super (not much as I'm still a young one) and saving over 12months pre-existing count down... I don't want band as lower weight loss and slippage rates- plus I've already had major ab surgery for gall bladder and seem to tolerate gas well lol I'm on pre weight loss kick, tvsn's whey less vanilla tastes fine but it's xylitol doesn't dissolve so sometimes a slight gritty taste- aldi slim choc shake tastes like brownie mix (seriously!!!!!) but higher in carbs than others- getting musashi vanilla ( their diet is actually higher in carbs than their n-force brand)... Also ordered a bunch of hippie eastern medicines, swisse Vitamins, and flaxseed, LSA mix, wheatgrass and barley mixes to add to shakes... Anyone tried kinoki detox foot Patches? I ordered some and can't wait to try them... Also swisse liver detox supplements with turmeric are meant to be good! Good luck my Aussie sleevers!!!
  12. Babysteppin: I have less than a year before I'm sleeved but I've been forced into weight loss by excruciating pain caused by slipped disc! I'm only 25 and am on OxyContin (hillbilly heroin) twice daily! For years I've pretended I'm fine, no diabetes, no high bp (actually its normally very low!), no chol, etc... BUT I've suffered depression, self harm, sleep apnea, pulled hamstrings, back aches, and now this! 20pounds down the pain is still strong! I think I can do a lot of this myself, but to get the rest of the weight off I need surgery. I'm seeing a psych too and unlike some I'm not mourning food- I am learning to like it! I could eat an entire lock of chocolate or a pound of fries and not like a single bite! I hated myself for even having to eat! For me I need the surgery to undo the damage of a lifetime hatred of and terrible relationship with food!!! My goal with surgery: a do-over! Start from the beginning loving food, loving Soups, loving mush, loving salads and veggies, and nice cuts of meat and cheeses! Loving that food is nourishing my new body! I think if you can growto think of it like this too, and if you know you need this tool to help you with this, then go for it! Watch the gsleeve videos on YouTube, (you can really see how it should go, both how easy it is nowadays, but also the risks for staples slipping or infections), read these online forums for inspirations, purchase small kiddy sized eating things, practice eating differently around others (including feeding kids and/or hubby separate meals, and going out) try avoiding drinking calories in coffee, soda, and alcohol sometimes (mourn these losses now because they will be non-negotiable post-op!) If you can get into the post-op mindset now, think you will be able to do it afterwards, and KNOW for 100% that its worth the risk... Then go for it!
  13. Cookeeeeez


    Facebook = place for people to b***h about people they wouldn't be in touch with in any other situation!!! Tbh, mentioning your great weight loss would have piqued people's interest in good and bad ways... They would be curious how you lost it but jealous either way! People were same bout my sister's implants! Haters Gunnar Hate!
  14. Cookeeeeez

    Any Low Bmi's Out There?

    I'm 51 bmi start, down to 48 now, should be much lower in 10 months when sleeving happens, I'd love to check back in then to find out how you've all gone!! Tbh I think the only reason I can stick to this new regime so easily is knowing I want to be as healthy as possible when I go under! Right now people think "OK she's heaps overweight she MUST need the surgery"... I wonder what it will be like when I'm more "normally" overweight?!?!
  15. Cookeeeeez

    Belly Bandit

  16. Cookeeeeez

    Sudden Hopelessness.......

    newgrandmother do you have physical trouble with exercise or mental? I usually have the physical- unless I'm swimming my leg (sciatica + nerve damage) aches until it feels like a sledgehammer hit it! Sometimes I'm lying down and have a desire to jog around the garden but am in too much pain once I stand up! Just do what you can and remember it would be much worse if you were still in old habits and gaining weight!!! Time is still on your side!!!!
  17. Just ordered what my hubby skeptically referred to as my "medicinal moose" from http://teddy-tech.com/ a bargain for the so-called Bari buddy bear hope it helps with the coughing pain, in any case I just got another snuggle buddy for bedtime
  18. I've found that a tupperware steamer and George Forman grill are my new besties!!! I throw fresh broccoli and carrot and some mixed frozen into the steamer/microwave and get pre-sliced meat (chicken, steak, pork chop, french lamb cutlet) onto George! Rinse the steamer and wipe down George and cleaning done!!!! Even the plates clean easier because there's no sticky gravy or sauce on them after a simple meat n three veg dinner That being said, I'm making a butter chicken for hubby tonight- hope it turns out ok!!! Lol I'll let you know, though the raita was heaps easy - small tub of light Greek yoghurt and a grated cucumber! Yum
  19. Cookeeeeez

    Major Cheat On Pre-Op Diet

    The important thing is : did you learn anything from the experience? It sounds like you learned the food didn't agree with your body! Lol soda is really hard to avoid but the best thing is to just have a sip of someone else's to get the "taste" but drink water only if you are actually thirsty... Apart from the soda you chose well at the party! It's onditioned into us that special occasions bring special food... Normal people would have eaten what you ate in that situation! That's why shows like the biggest loser are garbage! They. Never. Test. You!!! You didn't fail the test! As long as you recognise it is important to you to taste some of these foods every now and again you won't feel so guilty. But around party "seasons" - where everyday is a party- pick your battles and PLAN for them! If you are going to a long event bring food too! Have a sandwich or soup to fill your stomach then just "taste" the party food. If you are going to a short event check the menu before hand so you can rationally choose a healthier or lighter option. If you can, ask the host to prepare some healthier options (good for everyone there to eat a little healthier!) smile and be happy it's all ok! You did well and will continue to get better at adjusting your lifestyle best wishes!!!
  20. Oh and always seek a second opinion, I've seen great dieticians and horrible ones! You should be able to discuss organic options with a decent dietician as well as psychological problems about food! They are not nutritionist, they focus on healthy lifestyles! Make sure you're comfortable with your dietician because they should be able to help you transition throughout the whole journey
  21. Yes that five hour window does seem extreme, it doesn't teach you to respect your new relationship with your belly- you should definitely learn to tell when you're hungry or not by your belly, not your watch! Also 800-1200 cals is how much a person on life support gets to maintain healthy organs- yes the surgery is there to reduce cal intake to lose weight but too long on too little calories will damage your system and lead to stalling if your body goes into starvation mode... If you want to stay under 800 cals this early on fine, but exercise your muscles, keep up protein and watch out for too much fatigue or headaches and see GP/surgeon if they persist!!! Good luck !!!!
  22. A lot of people have said they use anti-gas strips from the pharmacy... I really can't remember their name though, sorry hope you feel better soon and congratulations on a successful surgery
  23. Cookeeeeez

    Adding Cheese

    Oh also try low fat ricotta ( best cheese ever) with honey, or light cottage cheese and shredded green veggies... I use light cc in lasagne with spinach and nutmeg instead of fatty bechamel!
  24. Ladybuglv and others- I get how you feel about wanting a new sxy bod! The thing is I tend to become "anorexic" and have once been clinically diagnosed with anorexia when I lost 60 pounds in 3 months (no surgery, just 100 or less calories a day for three weeks of it!) The truth is (and it's taken me years of my young life to figure this out) I HATE food!!! I hate having to buy it, prepare it, cook it, and most of all EAT it! So I gain weight by trying my best to ignore it which ultimately leads to night time binges or, after months of starving, months of bingeing!! The reason I mention this in this thread is because I do hope you all get that euphoric feeling of extra confidence that comes with being thinner! I hope you all fulfill your fantasies!!! It's great, it's a natural high! It does become so much easier to admire your own body and how amazing a machine it really is when you're not weighed down by all that extra goo but remember to still love food, it can nourish this new body of yours! Sometimes you can transfer an addiction to food to an addiction of loving losing weight (and the compliments that WILL come with it from everyone around you) and then you can never actually be happy with how you look - no matter how thin you get! You start chasing the dragon in a sense! In a way, this cycle of thin/fat is why I've usually kept my confidence up- people who met and loved me as a thin person still loved me as a fat person, and visa verca - I am lucky to have such loyal friends so I've never really cared about my looks, I just felt high being thinner... Now I'm losing weight for my health and learning what foods I like and like preparing I suppose I am really fantasising right now that I don't use the gastric sleeve as another tool to not eat at all - that it helps get off the weight I put on by having a bad relationship with food all my life but doesn't lead to that panic and addiction I seem to get plagued with But, getting that all off my metaphorical chest - I do hope I don't lose anymore off my chest! Lol another TWO inch off boobs this week (pre-op!!!) none off waist or hips any tips fellow sleevers!? P.s these stripping lessons seem like a GREAT idea!!! Did anyone see that "big" girl stripper on Americas got Talent auditions this year!? REPRESENT!!!!!!!!!
  25. Cookeeeeez

    Birth Control

    You should be able to get preggers one cycle after having implanon removed

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
