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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cookeeeeez

  1. Cookeeeeez


    I get post inebriated anxiety after even a few sips these days, but the carbonation in beer most likely will not stretch your sleeve, only make you uncomfortable. It is banders who have to worry more about carbonation so I was told. But I'm not recommending or anything just do what you like with your body and live with it maybe a sip of someone else's beer rather than buying a whole one?!
  2. Cookeeeeez

    Quit Kidding Yourself!

    Hi, So I'm a therapy expert, so to speak... So where to start! What I like in a psychologist is some good qualifications. They are not everything but I find I can respect the information coming from my psych more when I trust their expertise. I usually like men more because I have a problem with female authority but at the moment my female psych can really relate to me and provide some insight that a male couldn't... That female bond feels really comforting Definitely some understanding with nutrition! If they have worked with people with eating disorders then they never make those stupid mistakes that can jeopardise your weight loss journey. Do they feel comfortable referring you to doctor or psychiatrist for drugs if they (and you, of course) really feel they may be a useful tool for you. Do they feel comfortable with you discussing other treatments like natural therapies, hypnosis, acupuncture, reflexology, reiki etc never underestimate placebo effect, the loving conversations you can have with a holistic carer, and the scientifically proven effects of some of these therapies... Are they close to you or far away: close can allow you to walk there feeling good and getting bonus exercise, time constraints etc. far away you can have some me time to think about your session while you travel... Remember the first session will be going through history, taking some notes (oh it helps if they have a good memory!!!! You really feel like they have listened to you!) discussing how often you want to see them (I prefer once a week, same day same time so I have time to process what has been discussed and feel like its a nice regular time for me) and what you want to achieve out of your time with them. I hope this helps, I've seen probably the best psychiatrist in Australia and he finally diagnosed me and gave me the best tools to work with mentally and my first ever side-effect-free antidepressant, but I moved away from Sydney (and him). He was very expensive but the price doesn't matter if it's for your health. I also had one psych who had to stop seeing me because "I was making her depressed"... There will be good ones and not as good ones out there but I cannot recommend enough how helpful this process is in helping me with my eating disorder and other mental issues... I hope your journey is pleasant and you make your dreams come true. Peace
  3. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Poor sues, and you've been sick too- good luck and can't wait to hear from you on the other side... Oh and I had that same feeling a couple of days ago like I would "fail" even with my sleeve... It's your little sabotage demon trying to keep raging and eating what he wants forever- be strong! You can do it!
  4. Cookeeeeez

    Ricotta Spinach And Cheese Cups

    I use same recipe for lasagne, using cheese mix instead of bechamel... Try adding half a teaspoon of nutmeg... Yum!!!! Oh and I cut up silverbeet and steam it if I want more texture than the frozen spinach
  5. Two words: Colonic irrigation! Lose some weight and get a spa treatment the same day, you'll feel much more energised to continue your journey
  6. Cookeeeeez

    Am I Wrong? :/

    Ok, enough, I'm on here to avoid my sociology statistics class!!! There's a forum for crossover addiction studies for this thing. The opening poster is only 21! She has probably given up a lot of her youth to obesity, having a social drink with friends seems ok, although I probably wouldn't only because even sips of alcohol give me anxiety issues... I agree with mjrevel, sometimes this concern is false but sometimes it comes from a genuine place but they don't know the suffering. Out of the blue my sister got breast implants. I was terrified for her safety and mental health but when she explained her situation I understood better. I hope jennapenn had a happy birthday and her healing is going well and pray her friends are genuine and come to understand her right to choose what she does with her body
  7. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Kelliv and shellz look great! You should see in person how tiny they eat! I scored all of kelli's leftover Soup and focaccia toast!!! Bonza! Lol Now for the next meet up I'm still thinking I'll bring my own, maybe pickup some sushi or sandwiches somewhere so no-one post-op is wasting money on num nums they can't finish soooo cited to see everyone again
  8. I use morrocon oil (silk brand) and got a dermatologist to prescribe an ointment to rub in and I get injections in my big bald spot... Noes the time to have fun! Chop it real short, very textured to add thickness with a moulding cream or volumising mousse, go light to match the colour of your scalp, and don't worry about lightening it coz you can change it up once your hair starts improving again
  9. Cookeeeeez


    We're all human and think- that was a pretty good cheat! Listen to all the other posters and remember you are trying, keep on trying
  10. Hey aumum!!! Maybe we can be global sleeve buddies!!!! I have to wait until June 2013 for my 12 month insurance too! I'm having big problems somedays, and then feel fine others, but I keep telling myself even when I get sleeved it will still take time to lose the weight... So it's a long journey baby! I think if you can find a therapist (psychologist or spiritual alternative) then it will help you cope with the big changes that are going to happen as you lose weight... My affirmation is "I feel safe to move in new directions".. I will part with the unhealthy eating habits and the fear of bullying, unacceptance, pain that comes with them... God bless and keep you through these difficult times!
  11. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Lol- I have to wait until June 2013 for mine! I'm seeing dr hatzifotis @ greenslopes... But the longer I wait the more I'm dealing with the mental side of this whole thing had a wonderful day today- cereal and sushi w a long walk inbetween and I feel good! Can't wait til I see reflexologist/massage therapist on Wednesday I'm craving the me time!
  12. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Oooooohhhh hope Lila arrived safe and is enjoying the beautiful sunshine up here!!!!
  13. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Hi ozee Welcome & good luck!
  14. Cookeeeeez

    Macho Cheese Doritos

    Hmmm, I think I was addicted to meat not carbs... I would crave grilled chicken, steak, the meat in lasagne... And ditch the rest of dinner... My feet are huge compared to everyone else in my family (I'm a size 9.5-10, they're all 5s-6s)! Mum thinks it was the growth hormones in all the chicken I ate!!
  15. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    I feel you susie- yum cha is my fave too! Just hold it in your mind that next time you confront yum cha you will be able to think more clearly, enjoy small bites, and have an experience that everyone else is having! Not the panicked rush to consume everything on every tray that I know so well!!!! Peace
  16. Cookeeeeez

    Macho Cheese Doritos

    Exactly! The dietician who helped me with anorexia really explained the power that labelling food can have! If you say it's bad, naughty, not good- well we're descended from Adam & Eve, we're all gonna taste the forbidden fruit... But, once you taste it (with mindfulness and acceptance rather than guilt and secretiveness) you realise it was never that good to begin with and you can get over your obsession with it! I found that with Peanut Butter. After I gave myself permission to eat it, I ate peanut butter sandwiches exclusively for three days straight and haven't touched them since (8 years now)... A "taste" is what "normal" people do all the time! If we give ourselves permission to taste first then we can make the decision whether or not to eat the thing itself...
  17. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Oh and if anyone wants to add me on myfitnesspal I'm blevarre just d/l app tonight...
  18. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Lol @ kayargh sometimes I think it must be fate too, but you can't always see the reason at the time... I wanted to study biomedicine at unsw but due to a bout of depression/anorexia right at end of hsc I just missed out- I got into arts informatics at usyd where I met my gorgeously smart boy toy of seven years doing American studies in the building next to me When one door shuts I'm sure there's always a window somewhere, even if it only leads to the basement lol Oh and both you & puppyphat are inspirations! I don't think I could handle the energy of children even if OH did stick around! I think I'd be hauled off the the loony bin if I had to do it alone!!! God bless you both!!!
  19. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Bah! * be more help!!!
  20. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Yeah they were very nice, got them from pharmacy! And can be made smaller or bigger solutions and kept in fridge if you're having trouble keeping stuff down... Also my partner used to guzzle Immodium when he would get diorrhea- not ibs but something similar poor him I keep thinking toast but that's probably not an option... Dah/lol! cheese binds you up too... Sorry I can't Benitez help
  21. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Hmmm puréed is hard but I took a really nice Rehydration formula, gastrolyte tablets in raspberry, the last time I was ill- they fizz less than berocca... That Campbells chicken noodle Soup blended up? I'll keep thinking and hope you get better soon!!!
  22. Cookeeeeez

    Macho Cheese Doritos

    Oh I recently learned they put salt in soda... Not just for the taste but to make you drink more... Not only does the sugar raise blood glucose making you thirsty but now salt too!!! Even on my worst days now I'll never drink soda, only drinks I've seen being made like frappes or smoothies- as long as i cant see any table salt going into my drink I know I'm way better off than before!!!
  23. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Oh god, kayargh! I know the feeling- I didn't "defer" my ba at usyd and now I have to reapply through uac just to graduate!!! Stuffs up my masters for 2013 chronically! If I hadn't been sick earlier this year (obviously my weight affects general health) then I'd be fine! Just keep truckin and try to focus on health... I've just been checkin out the overeaters anon thread on here and really feel more understood... This obviously isn't about "willpower" for me- I have a big problem but am getting there everyday a little more... Good luck all!!!
  24. Cookeeeeez

    Defining A Higher Power

    God and my addiction... I feel so alone in this it's hard to believe anyone is out there watching over me. Maybe it's like the footprints prayer, or maybe I am all alone... For me I guess I'm caught in a catch 22- did a god give me this problem to see me through it? If He did, I'm pretty angry because I don't know if I'll make it... If there's no one out there then I got this problem through luck of the draw but also have no option of divine intervention. My arms are open to a higher power though...
  25. Cookeeeeez

    So Many Views. So Few Comments?

    Throughout this site I haven't really found people who seem to understand me maybe this is the place- I am a total food addict. Addicted to eating and not eating. I thought maybe I'd started to gain some control over this addiction in the past few months, but this last week has been hell! I'm pre sleeve and today ate a footlong double meatball sub for lunch. Four hours later I still feel sick but can't stop thinking about the refrigerator... Will this end?

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