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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by faith2911

  1. faith2911

    Weight "gain?" Yea, it's real

    I am almost 4 yrs post op and I lost focus and stalled pretty early but kept an intense exercise routine which helped me maintain and even lose sometimes. Then I got pregnant...that really derailed my focus. So last Monday I said "Enough!" The baby is almost a year old time to refocus. I went back to full liquids only and have lost 9 lbs. it will work again, you just have to remember your mindset in the beginning. My sleeve fits more than it used to but it still works. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. faith2911


    I've gained back almost 40 lbs as well and that's because I never made my goal so I have more than that to lose. I had a baby which accounts for some of it. Due to complications, I was told to increase my calories and Protein intake and I may have taken it too far. I also haven't been able to exercise due to sciatica and knee pain. I was already losing my mind and eating poorly and then these things made it so much easier. I had barely been maintaining my weight with 5 high intensity workouts a week. If I go back to full liquids, how long is best? I'm thinking three weeks at least. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. faith2911

    Hey July Sleevers

    Thanks for the advice, I had already been making those plans when I posted but at least now I know it was he right plan. I went to my surgeon; he only offered duodenal switch. Told me that this was probably the stabilization period. After I left his office I called the psych and made an appointment for this week. I finally lost five more stubborn pounds so I am at 90lbs and yesterday was my one year anniversary.
  4. faith2911

    Hey July Sleevers

    I am coming up on the one year mark and I am extremely disappointed in myself. I had hoped to lose 100 lbs by now but alas it did not happen. I haven't lost much in the past 3 months or so. I have been slowed since January. Only down about 20 lbs since then.
  5. faith2911

    July Sleevers How R We Doing?

    That is awesome!I was 292 on surgery day and I am only down to 230. I know that I have been making some wrong choices so I have to get back on track ASAP. I think working out five days a week is almost making me worse because I think I can afford more bad choices, which is SO not true.
  6. faith2911

    5-6 months out sleevers.... ?

    I was sleeved July 13th and my typical day looks like this: Breakfast: Protein shake Snack: 100 Calorie Greek Yogurt Lunch: String cheese and a Piece of fruit or about a half cup of chili or another yogurt and the string cheese Dinner: about 3 oz. of grilled chicken and half of a Green Giant Just for one veggie However there are days that I can eat way more. Especially around a certain time of the month. I am a teacher so I am having trouble getting in my fluids but I usually get in at 3 bottles of Water and about half an Isopure clear protein. I also exercise at least 3 times a week. My minimum workout is 3 hours of Power Yoga which can burn almost 300 calories an hour. I am losing very slowly now. I am actually scared that I won't make my ultimate goal. Although I will be satisfied about 15 lbs before what my ticker says.
  7. faith2911

    July Sleevers How R We Doing?

    Same for me. This is a notoriously bad time of year for me. Lots of devastating anniversaries come up around this time and food used to be my comfort, I find myself trying to revisit some former habits these days. Also craving lots of sweets and it seems to get worse the more I try to satisfy it with ridiculous sugar free imitations. Going to try all liquids for a couple of days to see if that resets my taste buds. Down 67 pounds but hadn't lost anything for about two weeks. Just dropped two pounds in the last couple of days, though. Hoping I am back on a losing streak.
  8. faith2911

    Tingling & Numbness

    I am having this same issue and the doctor checked all of my levels. He says they are fine. I am going to monitor the numbness for now and check back with him if it doesn't go away. My toes are numb and now my fingers are starting also. I am going to have to make another appointment soon if this keeps up.
  9. faith2911

    July Sleevers How R We Doing?

    Wow! Everyone is doing so well. I am a little jealous but I am still very happy with my results. I know that I need to get back in the gym to help myself along. I have been so busy that I just haven't made it to the gym in a while but that is going to change this week. I am going to get in there because I was sleeved on 7/13 and I am down 66 pounds or so but I wanted to lose 80 by the six month mark and at this rate I might be cutting it close. I know I have lofty aspirations for my ultimate goal weight but I like to set the bar high. The doctor will consider me successful at anywhere between 165-175 but I want 145-150. It will give me a few pounds to play with you know what I mean?
  10. My surgery was July 13th and I have lost 42.5 pounds so far but 15 were pre-op. So I am a bit disappointed even though I know I shouldn't be. I had a three week stall that began at the three week mark.
  11. Phillygirl, I feel your pain. I was sleeved July 13th and I have the same anxieties that you do. I hope we are doing this right. Maybe the veterans will have some insight.
  12. I am so frustrated. I am also smack dab in the middle of a stall. I have not lost weight since week two and this is almost the end of week four. Actually, I gained three pounds. I know that I am retaining Water because my output isn't nearly as much as what I take in but I am doing everything else. I am getting in my Protein. Yesterday I had 74 grams. I am going to the gym for at least a 30 min workout and I am NOT cheating.Not much to cheat with anyway, I am on purees. What gives? I just can't go back to all liquids. I think I will cry if I have to do that.
  13. faith2911

    How Long Until You Felt Normal Again

    For me, it was about two weeks until I felt pretty normal. I was still taking a daily nap at about 2pm until then. I don't know if you will be able to work a full day with just one week under your belt. I know I would not have been able to do it.
  14. I am having the same problem. I was sleeved 7/13 and the scale has not moved since last week. Well, actually it has moved up and down a couple of pounds. I know I am not getting in all of my protein but I am trying my darnedest. (Is that how one would spell that?) Anyway, I am managing to get in at least 40 because I can almost finish an Isopure drink and I can eat about two four ounce greek yogurts throughout the day. The problem is that the Isopure makes me so thirsty that I also sip a lot of water and it is just sooooo much sipping.
  15. faith2911

    July Sleevers?

    I had surgery on July 13th. So far, so good. But boy do I miss food. it has been four weeks of liquid so far.
  16. Hi everyone, I am new here. I was just sleeved on July 13th and I am on full liquids. The problem is I hate the way everything tastes and the sugar free stuff is the worst. Not only is the taste of the artificial sweetener so heightened that it is all I taste, but it also makes me run to the bathroom. Right now the only thing I like is a cream of chicken and herbs Soup but I know that is not enough Protein. Any suggestions? And will this change in the near future?
  17. Thanks, I will be careful with the Sobe waters. I am being pretty good about reading labels so far but I won't get too comfortable. I am planning on making my own Soups next week. I have a cookbook that is just soups and casseroles. I hope to try some recipes soon.
  18. Good news! Sobe Life water has zero calories and tastes awesome. I am drinking the fuji apple pear flavor and it rocks! I am so excited. Between this and the Isopure I will stay hydrated and get protein.
  19. faith2911

    Post Op Diet Stages

    I was sleeved on the 13th and I was on Clear Liquids for a week. Now I am on full liquids for two weeks. Next, is pureed foods for four weeks. Then, soft solids for four weeks and finally, solids. I won't eat solids until the end of September, I think. I don't know how I am going to make it because I am struggling with full liquids.
  20. Maybe the opposite will happen for you. On my pre-op diet I had no troubles and now I can't stand any of it. Here's hoping. I have tried the Isopure and while it is tolerable flavorwise, it gives me a dreadful case of cotton mouth. I can't win for losin'! Thanks for the suggestion, though, I am drinking it as much as possible.
  21. Wow! Thank you everyone for your speedy replies. I am going to the Vitamin Shoppe tomorrow. I have to go to Barnes and Noble anyway and it is right next door.
  22. faith2911

    Teachers? Where Are The Teachers?

    I am an 8th grade teacher in deep South Texas and had surgery July 13th. I have only told my closest co-worker and she is supportive. I told her because she is usually my lunch buddy so she had to know why I wouldn't be eating Jason's Deli with her anymore for the first few months of school. I have already lost a bit so by the time school starts it should be noticeable. We'll see.

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