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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sramos89

  1. sramos89

    Pushing It?

    I am two weeks out as well and I am eating cream soups, protein shakes, sf pudding, popcicles and fugecicles. i also tried applesauce and yogurt all low fat and sugar free. I can usually only get a few bites at a time. I have been pretty satisfied on this today. Last week on broth and clear liquids I was not! What have you been eating? They told me I could get something stuck in an incision and it would get infected and I would have to have another surgery. So they scared me into not eating a piece of chicken which was really what I wanted! I am glad to hear you are doing good!
  2. Wow, always some a-hole on these forums! Yes, I did research, but if I said No, what difference would that be? We are all on here seeking help and advice not to have our nose rubbed in what we did or didn't do. I checked him out and I still have questions. No matter how much anyone checks out their doctor it does not guarantee a smooth and complication free surgery.
  3. sramos89

    This Is It!

    Congrats you will do great!
  4. sramos89

    Egd...funny Story

    Ha! I had the same conversation with my doc at my EGD. I said "is this the Michael Jackson drug?" and he said "Yes but we know how to use it."
  5. I am one week post op today and the pre op diet was harder than surgery or anything I had done since! I lost 10 lbs on the liquid diet and my doc said my liver looked great. I did cheat a little, a bite here and there but never a meal or anything like that. I hope that helps! Good luck and know it will get better!
  6. Checking in, How are the Mon. Sept. 17th Sleevers doing 5 days out?
  7. My surgery was Monday, I went home Wednesday and quit my pain and nausea meds today (thurs.) because I don't need them. My stomach is sore but I am not in pain. When did you stop your pain/and or nausea meds? Also I am having to crush my other medications and they are awful to get down an a clear liguid diet. Any suggestions on how to get them down? Thank you!
  8. sramos89


    It was awful for me too! I had a fight with my husband over him not letting me have a wendy's baked potato a mile from the surgeons hospital. I thought I was going to die. But I did it, surgery was on Monday and the surgeon said my liver looked great! So it was worth it. Hang in there because now that I am on the other side, I am not hungry at all! You can beat this!
  9. Started today day 1 of pre-op, it is not specificly listed but I thought I saw on here that a sugar free applesauce on a full liquid was okay. thanks
  10. sramos89

    Pre-Op Diet A Fail

    Amazon is so right! I have been overweight my entire life but since my doc told me that for 7 days not one bite of solid food can cross my lips it has been a breeze! I don't need the surgery now, I will just continue to drink crystal light and protein shakes for the rest of my life! Pre-op diets are hard because we have not had our surgery yet we still have the grhelin and normal size stomachs. Of course this will get easier for us. I have found that on every message board there is some shutin that has nothing to do but be a jerk.
  11. Yes, I have bcbs and that is almost exactly how my approval read.
  12. I go Monday at 9 am surgery is at 11. I am cleaning house and trying to stay busy and not think about it but I am having anxiety!! Mainly trying not to kill someone while on this liquid diet, I am a bit of a grouch!! I
  13. I agree with Jena talk to your doc, every pre-op seems so different. I am on my pre-op diet now. I can have anything I can get threw a straw within reason- no milkshakes!
  14. sramos89

    One Week!

    I am on Monday the 17th as well. Starving on my liquid diet!
  15. sramos89

    Calling All Low Bmi (Ers)

    My stats are close, I am 5'4, 240 with a 40 bmi. But I am a big blab and told everyone! I am sure I will regret that, as I do most things come out of my mouth! but I thought I needed the support of my friends and also thought if they knew maybe I woldn't have to explain later, they would just accept me. PLUS, I have a friend who lost a lot of weight fast and looking back I KNOW she had to have had this done and she told me it was diet and exersize and I think that is fine to tell a thin person but when your friend, who is fat and struggling with their weight asks you, I thougth she should have told me. But thats just me. I wouldn't have thought one bit less of her! My surgery is 9/17
  16. sramos89

    Did/does Anyone Else Feel This Way?

    I think these thought all the time!! I am so glad someone else thinks them! Thank you for posting!
  17. sramos89

    Help Please!

    I am on pre-op right now and have tried a BUNCH of protein. I just found that I like the Gladiator protein powder from Smoothie King. It does not have the protein powder taste and it has 1 gram of carb for 45 grams of protein.
  18. sramos89

    How Far Do You Have To Travel?

    We have a 5 hour drive to Dallas, looked at flying and I think a lot of people do, but I was worried about the possibility of not being ready to fly on the scheduled date so we decided to drive so I can take it slow! I hope I make it! Lots of stops and walking, at least once an hour!
  19. sramos89

    Beyond Upset

    I am hoping it is not a denial, just they need more info, When BCBS needed more info, it came across as a denial. If you meet their standards, which you must or you wouldn't have done the 6 month diet and doc wouldn't have set the date, then hold strong! They will clear it up!!! I am like you and have my heart set on this, anything that gets in my way will break my heart. I am thinking about you. Please keep us updated!
  20. sramos89

    How Long Does It Take Once You Start The Process ?

    Sorry! I start my liquid diet on the 10th and my surgery is on the 17th! Can't tell I am a little excited can you?
  21. sramos89

    How Long Does It Take Once You Start The Process ?

    Oh I had the sleep apnea test done- Twice! forgot that! So you will see alot of doctors in a short period of time.
  22. sramos89

    How Long Does It Take Once You Start The Process ?

    I attended a free bariatric seminar on July 21st, I am having surgery on Sept. 10th. There were a lot of pre-op hoops to jump through and I think I had an easy insurance policy that didn't require a weight history or pre- diet. Every doctor and insurance company is different so none of our stories are the same. After I attended the seminar I met with the surgeon that day, the next week I met with a NUT, the following a week I had my psyc eval. (took her a week to write and submit the report) then it was submitted to insurance- took about 7 days for approval. I then got my surgery date and had my second dr. visit. Then I had my EGD and Cardio clearance. I have since had my pre-op blood work done and I start my liquid diet on Sept. 10th. I have BCBS IL. I hope this helps some, but like I said everyone is a little bit different.
  23. These boards have been a lifesaver for a pre-op's like me to ask questions and seek advice on how others have experienced this surgery and I love it! I want your advice. However, I have been told and I have read where others have been told (frequently) by members on this forum that they should "really get professional help for their issues with food". Can I just say "Duh" to all of those that feel the need to say this. Of course we do and ya know what? So do you! We all do or we wouldn't be in this situaiton. After many failed attempts at dieting I went to a LPC and it didn't help one bit. I just gained more weight and felt like a bigger failure. None of us should be so quick to make a referral for professional treatment. It is the pot calling the kettle black and is not helpful. If you want to be of help, share what your LPC told you about your issues with food and maybe that will help us too! Thank you!
  24. I should have also explained the context of the questions as well. The post I saw this morning the OP stated that she had cheated on the medifast diet and someone told her she needed therapy. In my case I said I was a chronic over eater and wanted to know how the sleeve would help me. Both responses were "you need to seek professional counseling to deal with your issues with food." I am not talking about people who are sincerely offering help by saying, "I too had this issue, I saw a therapist and it really helped me. You might want to try that." See the difference? One is not trying to help but offer a blanket judgement and the other is really offering heart felt advice.
  25. Thank you Susan! That is what I wanted to say and I think you said it much nicer than I did! Thanks!

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