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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sramos89

  1. sramos89

    Ladies Only!

    Yes! It did not happen to me, but cutting the calories so drasticly will send our bodies into a tailspin and mess those things up- might want to make a quick call to the doc office or nuts office just to confirm but I bet they will just confrim that over the phone without an office visit. Once your calories stable and weight loss stables I would watch it and go see the gyn if it is not normal. I woun't worry.
  2. sramos89

    "wls Is Not What God Intended..."

    Has she ever struggled with her weight? I have told most of my friends and co workers and I explained to them that I have stuggled with this my entire life, I am 41, the weight is no longer a cosmetic issue like it was in my 20's just when I couldn't get a date, now the weight is effecting my health. I have to do something, I wish I didn't have to do this. The video of the sleeve procedure is sad, it is a beatiful stomach all smooth and soft and then after is the harsh, ugly row of staples. It is not what god intented, but ya know what? I am at a drastic point! I don't think god imagined a fast food joint on every corner or us working 50 hours a week and raising families. I am not making excusing for why I got fat but I have tried really hard to loose this weight and no one on this earth wants me to thin more than me. If your friend can't understand this or support you, and she has breast impants then she understands wanting to look better. I would question your friendship with her. Maybe she is jelouse that you will look better than her? Maybe she likes being the better looking one and likes you how you look now? I am glad I got the sleeve, and you should be too. I am sorry you are not getting support from your closest female friend, you needed her support and trusted her with what you are doing and she is being rude. I am sorry! I support you.
  3. Today I got the email from BCBS of what was billed from my sleeve surgery three weeks ago. Granted my surgery was at Forest Park in Dallas and to be honest that hospital is more like a 5 star hotel than a hospital and I have never had such great care or a beautiful room (suite) here was the amount if anyone is interested! Billed Amount $71,335.05 Amount You May Owe: $97.70 My insurance rocks!! Thought I would never say that!!!
  4. Oh yes I am sure the negotiated rate is a small fraction of what they billed!! I am sure this is inflated so they recoup $7K or so, just shocking to see that amount on a statement! I have learned so much about insurance and doctors billing during the last two months- it is crazier than Wall Street!!
  5. I don't think it means you will fail. I was so hungry on the pre- op and for the first 2 weeks on the post op but now that I am on the puree/mushee stage where I can actually eat some food like beans, applesause and thick soup I am starting to feel satisfied and I get full on much less. You won't fail. Who can really live on clear liquids for a week and not be going out of their minds? I have found there a people on this board who are very negative to anyone who asks a question. I can not tell you how many people have told me I will fail, I need counceling, I have a food addiction. People on here can not diagnosis you or me from a post. So take the good, toss the bad and above all stay positive, you can do this!!
  6. sramos89

    So Incredibly Disapointed In Myself

    It's done sister don't beat yourself up! Our stomaches were changed not our brains and that change is going to take longer. Let it go, are you getting your protein shakes in? If you do feel starving and need to cheat, do it on something that you are approved to eat like sf pudding or something soft that won't hurt your tummy!
  7. sramos89

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    My surgery was 16 days ago and I have lost 12 pounds since they weighed me before surgery. On a good day I am eating 500 calories. I have had a hard time getting in 64 oz of water so the last couple day I have really worked hard to get it in and still nothing. Could I not be eating enough? The doc didn't say anything about amount of food or calories just puree at this point and getting in protein. I don't understand with me eating close to nothing this weight should be falling off of me!!
  8. sramos89

    I Am Starving!

    Amazon. Really??!!! Lighten up you are not the word police, she was describing how she felt! Get down off the cross someone else needs the wood.
  9. It seems that there are two major groups on this forum. Those who get the sleeve and use the tool to eat less and loose weight and those who get the sleeve to kick off a new life of healthly eating, exersice, protein shakes and basicly a totally new life. The first group, in which I belong, is a little more laid back, we are going to incorporate birthday cake and margaritas. I would love it if the group of "Sleeve life changer- health nuts" would give us "Laid back sleevers" a break and not accuse of us of being trolls, or giving bad advice. We have a different lifestyle, it is okay not to be just like you, I promise. There needs to be room for both types of people on this forum. When I first started reading I thought the only people on here were health fanatics, I am glad to see there are people who are not running 5k's and drinking protein shakes 4 weeks out.
  10. sramos89


    Yes! and I didn't realize how much I was spending on food and fast food!
  11. sramos89

    Help I'm Hungry!

    I was also sleeved on 9/17 and I was cleared to start purée today but I have been eating baked potatoes, refried beans, chicken, applesauce, oatmeal and I am finally satisfied and not starving all the time. I haven't had any problems, I eat slow and chew things so much that they are near liquid before I swallow. I don't want to encourage you to do what I am doing but it may be that you will not be satisfied until you start on more solid foods.
  12. sramos89

    How Many Appointments

    Yes, we are all different depending on doctor and insurance. Mine took almost 2 months from the first time I stepped in the bariatric doctors door to my surgery! July 21- Bariatric Seminiar NUT Appt sleep Study 1 Sleep Study 2 Psyc Eval Sent to Ins and Approved Cardio and Echo EGD Blood Word 2nd Bariatric Doctor consult Sugery Sept. 17th
  13. My doctor isn't doing any blood work after the surgery. I would just go to my pcp and have have a physical with blood work. I think if it is your annual physical or if they are looking for something else if will be covered. Does your PCP know you are doing? if he does and will keep it out of your paperwork maybe you can discuss it while you are being seen for a covered event, ie- cold, infections, etc....
  14. Thank you for your post. I was have a very difficult and miserable time following my doctors orders and I too was having no problems. I am two weeks and I day post surgery today and started eating chicken last saturday and I have been so happy. I eat small amounts and I chew very well and I have had no problems. I am not going to put tuna in the blender and drink it. Not going to happen. I want to get my protein through food and not stupid protein shakes and artificial flavors and sweetners. My goal with the sleeve was to eat and live like a "normal" person. Protein shakes and fanatical eating is no normal life for me. I do not ever want to go back to my awful eating habits that got me in this position in the first place. I loved your post and I hope you don't get beat up for it, there are some people on here that are pretty critical of anyone not following the plan to a T.
  15. I took two weeks off and enjoyed the second week at home but I could have gone back after the first week if I had too. I have a desk job.
  16. I read some complication stories and I was worried too. This surgery is not without risks but when I saw what a low percentage of people had complications it was worth it for me. I knew that if I chose not to do it that I would regret it later. Bottom line, this was a risk I was willing to take becasue I was so at my wits ends with my weight and I was 240 but if I kept on going it would just keep increasing. I am two weeks out and I am glad I did it. It was way easier than having kids or any surgery I have had. I would make a list of pros and cons and see if this is the right choice for you. I think it should be a last choice. Have you done everything else? If not, try everything before you resort to this. Just my 2 cents! Good luck to you!
  17. I am right there with you! I am two weeks out today. I lost 10 pre op and 10 post op and here I sit with no more lost! I can't help but think I am ruining my metabolism. I eat maybe 400 calories a day. I am sure my body has gone into shut down mode and is hanging onto every single pound and calorie. I am really hoping I will wake up very soon and it will all catch up with me. My walks have been slow and not a real work out so I am going to step it up this week and see if that helps. You are not alone!
  18. I am two weeks out, went with our daughters team and families to Whataburger after the game. I was flipping starving! I actually went to the bathroom and had a little pity party for myself. I want a hamburger and fries too!! I know this phase isn't forever but today I hate the sleeve and I am hungry. HUNGRY!!!
  19. sramos89

    Feeling Hungry

    Stick to your docs plans. The sugar free popcicles really helped me. Are you on a PPI? Someone on these boards said that would help controll your hunger early on too.
  20. sramos89


    Have you ever had a shellac manicure? They are a little pricey but I think they are worth it! They are done in a nail salon and are about 20-40 but they will last for 2 weeks and protect your nail. I have noticed my nails are really growing too and I think it is because I am off those nasty diet cokes!
  21. sramos89

    Bored And Hungry

    Me too! I am 2 weeks out on Monday and supposed to be moving from full liquid to mush or purée I don't know but whatever it is it isn't enough! I went tonight and had the best meal I have had in three weeks! I ordered a chick fil A kids meal with grilled nuggets and fruit. I ate one grilled nugget and about 4-5 bites of fruit. I waited 30 minutes and drank some of their diet lemonade. I am satisfied and happy as I could ever be, hours later even! Y'all might want to note this if you never hear from me again that this did me in.
  22. sramos89

    Cried At The Whataburger

    Thank you all, It is nice to know that at some point I can enjoy these food again in moderation!
  23. I think I am in sleeve shock right now, I am 6 days out and I want to eat something so bad! Thanks to this forum I know it is only head hunger but I am craving food I normally didn't care for before, I really want a big hot dog! What is wrong with me? I don't want to drink anymore broth anymore! I am not satisfied, will this change as time passes and I get to normal food? Thanks for not judging!
  24. sramos89

    The Point Of No Return

    I just kept reminding myself that, I could call the whole thing off but how would I feel in 6 months or a year when I was still struggling and others who had gone through with the surgery were done or almost done with the hardest part. I knew I had to do it and just sucked it up. The odds are with you. I was sleeved on the 17th, the day of surgery and day after were not fun but by the 3rd day I was feeling better and each day since has been better and better and I know that I have a lot to look forward to. I have lost over 20 lbs and even a size smaller. So far no complications and no problems, I am bored with my food choices and ready to move onto a more normal diet that includes some meat but I know that will come. Good Luck! You can do this!
  25. I am one week out of vsg. I was sleeved in Texas, I don't think I will have any more contact with the doctors office/surgeon that did my procedure. I say this because on discharge they said "call us if you have a problem" and I haven't heard from them since. I was never told to call and schedule a follow up in a month or 6 weeks or anything. Since I have been home I haven't heard a word from them. I guess I'm just done pending any other issues. I am curious what your aftercare is like? Thanks!

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