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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sramos89

  1. I am six weeks out and I enjoy food and I don't know if I would have had this surgery if it would mean food was gone and just like a feeding tube or something. I have developed "new" tastes thank goodness. I get excited about grilled chicken and chili where in my pre- sleeve life I would never waste a meal on that, I wanted chicken fried steak, French fries, gravy, rolls and pie. Today I tried to eat 1 cheese it and had to split it out because it just tasted awful! Be prepared for the post op diet to really suck, I hated it, I was hungry, I was sick of protein shakes and soup but the first time I got a grilled piece of chicken I almost cried it was so good and I felt full after eating a piece smaller than my thumb, it was wonderful to be full on that amount! You will do wonderful! As an added bonus I cook a lot more because I trust myself not to over eat what my family didn't eat. Now I cook away and have no problem controlling myself, even around sweets! Good luck to you!
  2. sramos89

    Where Did You Lose.weight First?

    I have lost 32 and I notice it the most from around my rib cage- not my gut just ribs on the sides, weird. My husband had said twice he noticed by calves
  3. sramos89

    I Had A Breakdown At Work Today

    One more thing! You know you best, lots of people on the forum like to push people to get "professional help" and that works for some people, I get offended when people push that crap on me. It is perfecly NORMAL for overweight people to not want to be in pictures, not like our bodies, etc... It is not "okay" to be overweight in our society and we feel guilty and wrong for these bodies we have. Once the weight comes off we feel better, physically and emotionally. If you have other issues and need to speak to a counselor that is great but sometimes people gain weight because they eat too much food and are not active enough. The sleeve and the bariatric doctor will help you. Sometimes it is just that simple!
  4. sramos89

    I Had A Breakdown At Work Today

    I know how this feels. I have felt this way most of my life. You are more than your weight, think of your accomplishments and relationships. I have a friend who is very overweight and when I see her all I see is her loving heart, I never once see her weight because she is such a wonderful person. I promise you are being harder on yourself than others are. Please try and keep your chin up, your weight will come off but it won't be over night and it will be a long journey if you are hating yourself the entire time. I was sleeved almost 6 weeks ago and one thing that has boosted my self esteem is that I can walk away from food, where in the past I felt I had no control over myself around food and that made me feel awful about myself. Regardless of my weight loss the fact that I can leave food on my plate because I am full is a powerful feeling. I could never do that before the sleeve, if food tasted good, I would stuff myself. That made me feel awful. Good Luck on your surgery and keep your head up!
  5. sramos89

    Does Anyone Have Bcbs Of Il?

    I have them, it took 5 business days but I called them every single day, sometimes twice! I did not need the 5 year weight history. My docs office did not submit one form so that slowed me down a bit but once they got it in it was approved 2 days later, when you call they tell you it will take 30 days- i think that is their standard statement but I think 1-2 weka is normal. Call!!
  6. This is just me, but I have told all of my overweight friends. I even told the overweight lady I sat next to on the airplane yesterday. I am 5 weeks out and lost 30 pounds. It is not the weight loss so much as it is the freedom I now feel. I do not feel so controled by food and I want overweight people who are suffering like I was to know that this was a solution for me. It is not a solution for everyone, but it worked for me. I do not walk up to strangers and sell my sleeve but I tell friends who are fighting this battle. My close friends know but I don't really tell others, I don't feel that it is anyones business but mine and I don't put it out there for office gossip or judgement.
  7. I just want to say that it is hard eating out with the portions! It is also hard eating with people who want to discuss what you are eating and how much or little you are having. Very ready to get home and get to my schedule but airplane peanuts are just the right size now and no longer a small size!
  8. Kmbrly- you have lost a lot of weight girl! How long ago did you have your surgery? I did push my sleeve a little this trip and it didn't feel too good, but I never barfed! Still got my protein just feel stuffed!
  9. sramos89


    I haven't had anything fried yet but I have had some other things and I just have one bite and I am good, I am satisfied and no ill effects so far. Today I had a bite of a hot dog from SAMs club, don't ask me why I wanted that but one bite that I tore into 10 tiny pieces and chewed and chewed into nothing and I was happy.
  10. sramos89

    Had Pasta Today

    I was told I could have baked potatos as part of my mushy food stage, and I have had pasta but a little bit filled me up quick. I don't want any food "off limits" but have noticed that when I had a white carb I have more craving or am hungry more during the rest of the day so I am going to try cutting out the whtie carbs. That is just me tho!
  11. sramos89

    What Am I Thinking?!

    I am 5 weeks out today and down 30 pounds! I know this weight is NEVER coming back this time. You can call it off and walk out, I thought about it too but then I thought that I would look back at all the people having the surgery and where their progress was vs. mine and I would be so sad I didn't take this opportunity to start a new life! I am glad I didn't back out. Good Luck to you!
  12. Mine was a breeze, I was freaked out and the nurse said "oh sweetie, you aren't going to remember a thing!" I was so worrried about gaging! and she was right. They gave me a little something in my IV and 20 minutes later they woke me up and I was alert and awake and they said all was good! Don't worry! You will do great! Good Luck!
  13. Going out of tow for work next week and just found out the boss is having us all over to her house for dinner- no one at work knows I had the sleeve done- I am going to have NO CONTROL over what is served at dinner and I am still on soft - mushey foods. Should I "fake" sick so I can go back to the hotel? I really don't want to tell her or offend her by not eating her food. What am I going to do?? Have you been here before?
  14. sramos89

    Portion Size

    @urboyp thanks for posting your dinner from BJ's i was there for lunch today and ordered the stuffed mushroom appetizer. I ate 3 for 150 cals. It was super! Not high in protein but I knew I would make up for it later- I will try your fish next time!
  15. Omg girl! Don't post about this sleeve felony! The sleeve police on this board will chew you up and spit you out, so to speak!!! seriously tho, I was progressing super and was ready to get off the shakes so I called my dr. And got the ok to go ahead and try some new things and that was a good peace of mind. Congrats on doing well!!
  16. Yes, I used a similar calculator and I was around the same goal! Looks like you are going to much better than "Average" Congrats!!
  17. Last night at dinner I think I ate too fast or too much and at almost 3 weeks I threw up for the first time. Actually just a couple really hard dry heaves, sweating and had to lay down for a while. Maybe dumping? anyway, today my stomach just hasn't felt the same. I just liquids to let it rest but my stomach left achey and maybe like I had a little more gas/ nausea. Can throwing up or dry heaving cause damage at this point? Thanks!
  18. Thank you for the great suggestions! I have always been such a hearty eater in the past and as usual it seems so many events revolve around food. It is hard to "sneak" away with not eating as much as everyone else. I am loving the sleeve and find it so amazing and fun that I get full on so little, I have to show my whole family (very supportive) how little I just ate, because I am so proud and in awe that this is working!!
  19. sramos89

    Calcium Citrate...

    Do we always have to take the chewable? Or is there a point we can take the calcium in a pill form?
  20. Sleeved 9/17 starting 230 today 214 so I thought i was slow but I am right there with you all! Thanks for posting. I started pre-op diet at 240 so that is the weight I use as my official "start" weight. I'm counting every pound!
  21. sramos89


    Yes!! I went into the walk in clinic yesterday because my lower back was hurting in my kidney area and I thought for sure it was a UTI and the first thing the dr asked after looking at my lab results were I I was diabetic! I didn't have a UTI but my urine is very dark, still trying to make sure I get in all my water!!
  22. I will be 3 weeks out tomorrow and this morning I woke up with my right hip/back hurting. As the day went on I thought it might be my kidney so I went to the walk in clinic. The doc didn't feel like it was a bladder infection and said the area where I was hurting was too low for the Kidney. This is more in my right hip/back/pevis. Has anyone heard of this being sleeve releated? Of course any little ache or pain I am worried is a sleeve leak or problem so it could be nothing but wanted to see if anyone had this pain related to the sleeve. Thank you!
  23. sramos89

    To Tell Or Not To Tell Your Significant Other

    This is a major surgery. What if you were having another procedure done that required a 2-3 day hospital stay and a removal of part of an organ? would you tell him then? Please don't judge yourself for having this done and please don't let your partner make you feel bad about yourself for doing something that is right for you. I can tell you from expereince it is better to be alone than in a relationship with someone who is not supportive and does not put you first. Lots of overweight people would love to have this surgery to help them but can not due to insurance and money if you so blessed to be having this surgery be happy and proud and I hope once you have lost the weight you will feel so great about yourself you will only surround yourself with those who support you!
  24. I am so slow! I have lost 12 since surgery on Sept 17 and lost 10 pre -op so 22 total but I am wearing the smallest jeans I had in my closet so I know one day the scale will move! I am not getting all my water in and need more intense exercise. I am just walking and not enough to get my heart rate up. I am hoping once I make these changes I will see the scale move but I am holding all my food down and already advancing on my foods like mashed potatoes, soups, ground turkey, etc...

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