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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. I measure it all out also, and almost never have a problem. I say almost because last night I ate and then for the first time forgot to wait to drink.. I took a good size swallow and immediately felt uncomfortable and had the build up of saliva. It passed pretty quickly but a very good reminder not to over do it and follow my rules. At 8 weeks you may still be healing. Try not to push it, especially with the more dense Proteins. Sliders are another story. You'll most likely be able to consume much more and they won't fill you the same as Protein. You sound like you are very mindful of how you are eating, check in with your surgeon or NUT if you get too worried.
  2. JerseyGirl68


    Ask your coordinator what is a standard exercise log. They may just need an accounting of what you did. You could set up a calendar sheet on the computer and fill in to the best approximation what you did, walking, jogging. . I can't imagine they would require you to be a member of a gym or specific program without letting you know that in advance.
  3. So happy you are having a great post-op! Congratulations on a successful surgery!! Best of luck going forward.
  4. JerseyGirl68

    This is totally off the topic.

    You can't control how others act in the workplace, no matter how hard you try. I know the feeling and can empathize. Don't engage in her antics. If she confronts you in front of others, calmly ask her "isn't there a more professional way we can handle this?" Don't stoop to her level. Maintain YOUR professionalism always. Even take her aside and explain that you do not appreciate her discussing issues with you in front of others and ask in the future for her to take you aside. Granted, this could have no impact whatsoever, but you have to give it a try. I have gotten more response from workers when I point out that behavior is not professional / inappropriate or they are being disrespectful. Is she a peer? or does she have position over you? Do you have a HR dept or manager/boss you can talk to about this? Do your best to stay calm, dont' let anyone else dictate how you behave. The second you engage in her type of behavior , no matter how justified, you become part of the problem. Best of luck on your upcoming surgery!!
  5. JerseyGirl68

    Not about surgery but cant help it

    Wow, congratulations all around!! Have a wonderful day tomorrow and a lifetime of blessings to come.
  6. JerseyGirl68

    It is A.......!

  7. JerseyGirl68

    My Birthday Cake :)

    Very sweet! Happy Birthday!
  8. I really wish I had a yard to grow veggies in. I do my best to cook most of my meals at home. I usually take a few hours on Saturday or Sunday, make a few meals and portion them out in 4 oz. containers. Easy to grab and go. I have found that no matter how hard I try, i don't get ALL my meals homemade. I always have a good quality Protein bar handy and greek yogurt in the fridge. Good luck!!!
  9. I don't find it awkward. If we order out for lunch, I'll ask for a salad with Grilled Chicken, Or chicken salad/tuna salad over lettuce. I've even ordered a "sub" ( typically turkey w/ some fresh mozzarella cheese and no bread, just over lettuce. and just add a little oil and red wine vinegar. Eat slow, enjoy the conversation and have a container ready for the leftovers. I've found, the only people who notice my smaller portions are folks that know about my surgery.
  10. JerseyGirl68

    Can you still eat in restaurants?

    I agree, no problems eating out at all. Depending what is on the menu, I'll order a regular entree or just off the appetizer menu. I always have leftovers.
  11. JerseyGirl68

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    I added a 5.13 mile ride yesterday total ride/walking for the month at 36.95. Good luck everyone!!
  12. Congratulations on a successful surgery!
  13. I'll echo what Wispy said. I didn't lose in about 6 weeks, but absolutely lost inches. I'll take it!
  14. Try not to worry, it is perfectly normal for it to take anywhere from a week to a month. Fingers crossed for you!
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Time off for desk jobs?

    I had surgery on a Tuesday, came home Wednesday and was back to the office on Monday. I had a very smooth recovery and was off the pain meds the day I came home. Everyone is different and responds differently to surgery. I had the same recovery time when I had my gall bladder removed. Only you will know when is best for you. Good luck!!
  16. Maybe ask your surgeon or Nutritionist. They may know someone they can recommend.
  17. I'm almost 10 months out and 4oz. is comfortable.
  18. JerseyGirl68

    October 100 Mile Challange!

    I'm Chris, The thread last month was a HUGE motivator for me too, so glad you started this up for October! I got started late in September so I didnt' get to 100, but 60 in 17 days I was happy with. I got 5.2 miles in last night. Good luck everyone!
  19. JerseyGirl68

    What's your reaction story

    I've had that happen a few times in the last few weeks. All very positive, "wow" you look great kind of thing. My very favorite was from a friend of a friend that I ran into at a festival this weekend. I have not seen him since just after surgery 9 months ago. He came over, looked me up and down and said "wow"... Bless his heart, he worried how that sounded. ..So he followed it with " Well you know I always thought you were always beautiful" but NOW Damn"... LOL He got a BIG hug for that one. Male friends of mine always seem to have a "better" reaction, it's good to feed the ego sometimes.
  20. JerseyGirl68

    Tummy tuck today!

    Awesome!! Take care of yourself and enjoy the morphine!
  21. JerseyGirl68

    Rapid Release Tylenol

    It is always best to check with your doctor and follow his/her instructions. I was allowed regular Tylenol if I crushed it. I was on Full liquids when I left the hospital, so I crushed a tablet and put it in a spoonful of sugar free/fat free pudding.
  22. JerseyGirl68

    New body but same body image

    I hear ya Ruthie. I have no confidence issue in any area of my life other than how I look. Just this weekend, I was wearing a pair of "regular" pants ( a first for me in my adult life) from the Gap. No wide leg, no Plus. And I tugged at them all day. No they didn't' feel tight, but I thought for sure I was rolling out of them. I asked my sister - we have a total honest pact thing going- if she felt they were too tight. She shook her head at me. Told me to get a grip and or a better mirror. I ONLY see a difference in pictures and because I all but hid from a camera before I have no good full body shots to really see. This struggle to see the new body will be ongoing, but it is getting better slowly. I'm not done losing yet, like Laura said, I'm embracing the imperfect me. Thankfully I get now get my arms around her.
  23. JerseyGirl68

    Feeling stuck

    First, let me say.. Great progress! I'm not quite out that far, but I know how slowing down can get frustrating. There are so many aspects to this journey that we cannot control, and will not get clear answers to. But I would tackle what you can control and see if it makes any difference. My best suggestion is to re-boot. Start back at basics with what you are eating - Proteins / Water intake etc..., log/track everything and see if you can't jump start your loss. Do you use MyFitnessPal or a similar app? If that fails, maybe get your bloodwork done. Prior to my investigating surgical options, I never knew that certain Vitamin deficiencies can make losing weight harder. I chose the sleeve so that when I get to my goal I wouldn't have to traditionally diet again. The getting there is the hard part. I have realized that carbs never have been and never will be my friend... sleeve or no sleeve. If I have a carb-heavy week, it will reflect on the scale. Check out the Vets forum (If you haven't already) They have a unique insight to issue that can come up further out in the process. Good luck!!
  24. JerseyGirl68

    I cant get my proteins

    Aside from trying different shakes, Unjury make a chicken soup that is really good. Also BariWise and American Bariatrics make protein fruit flavored drinks/puddings that are pretty good.
  25. When air is incorporated into the food (like a scrambled egg) it bulks the volume but not really the weight of it. as you chew you break it down. if you took 4 oz. of solid cheese and grated it, it would appear to be much more, but really isn't. I typically portion out my food in 4 oz. containers. Sometimes even then, I get full quicker if the food is more dense, It's not a scientific answer but it's how I understand it to be. :-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
