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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Chicago1962

  1. That is amazing! Way to go! I remember when I hit 100 pounds lost! Such a victory for you and your body!!!

    If you are around the Chicago area I am heading up a team called "100+ Pound Losers" at the Biggest Loser 5K in June! I'd love for you to be on my team!

    Doing the Happy Dance with you today!!!!! Yeah!!!!


  2. I just did my second 5K. The first one I wore old gym shoes I thought we good. Feet hurt. Then I invested in really good shoes. The brand is Brooks. The one's I bought are Brooks Revenna. I bought them at The Finish Line. Well - I LOVE THEM!!! This 5K was great! It was like walking on clouds! Such a difference. Well worth the $75. I wasn't a believer in paying that much. I am a believer now!!!!

  3. I can totally relate. I am down 130 pounds and barely see the difference when I look in the mirror. Or perhaps I just don't want to think about how big I was before! Either way - I am thankful that my weight loss has slowed down the last two months as I adjust. I still have 67 pounds to go to get to my goal, but I've had a huge change and I want this to be forever so the "stall" as some call it is to me a gently, soulful, re-adjust and healing pause. I know I will start loosing again as my body does it's thing!

    I am super proud of you! Enjoy the size 14 and your new body. Relax into it and just try to live one day at a time. You have years ahead of you (God willing) to enjoy this new, healthy body of yours!!!! Yeah! Way to go!

  4. I'm 50 and ...

    - never lived a day without God's love surrounding me (even when I didn't recognize it)

    - never gave up hope that my life has purpose and meaning (even on the roughest days - and there were many)

    - never stopped praying for my husband (whom I've yet to meet - well, unless I know him and don't know it yet!)

    - never lived without an amazing animal in my life (right now it's Howard the cat and Riley the corgi)

    - never enjoyed my body, flexibility, energy, health more than I am now

    (ok, ok - I've never been waxed either)


  5. Congrats Honey! So proud of you. I totally relate to the clothes. I was in a 5x or 6x when I got my surgery last June. I am down 125 pounds and in a size 2x or 3x now. I can cross my legs, tie my shoes, ride in other peoples car with no fear the seat belt will be too small, sit in restaurant booths, go to any movie theater, and buy clothes at LB, Macy's, Kohls, etc. I still hav 75 pounds to go, but my life is so much more active and mobile. I thank God for the surgery - and for this website. Way to go on the jeans!

    Amy in Chicago

  6. We all get it. Sugar is a drug and so addictive. But so are many other things. We have to get used to staying away from those things that "call" us and are just not worth it. Sugar is one of those things. You deserve better!!!!!!!! We had our stomachs cut in half (actually 3/4 is gone) and that is drastic. We committed to this lifestyle change. It was "easy" when we didn't want the "bad" stuff. Now the true fight begins!!!! For me it's not sugar - it's salt. I used to be a sugar addict. Seriously. 80% of my 397 pounds was sugar. Since the surgery I have not indulged in much sugar at all. I do eat Peanut Butter Protein Bars - and that has been a tasey treat - Peanut Butter and chocolate. I have had 3 in one day when I've really had cravings - but generally only 1 per day. I had three Cookies over Christmas. They were good - but again - not worth it to me. The other night I went out to a nice restaurant and we ordered desert. Had a few bites and that was it. Just not as good as I remember. The surgery has given me a chance to think before I indulge - and it sounds like that is right were you are at - craving and resisting. You can do it! You can! Keep reaching out and talking about your cravings. Get busy and start living. The cravings will pass. Live like you are "normal" - like normal thin people live - thinking about all the other things you can be doing other than eating. Get active. Pray. Bless other's. Treat yourself well.

    Thanks for sharing. I'm behind you all the way!!!!!

  7. Hello to my fellow June/July 2012 sleevers! How is everyone doing? How are you staying successful? What support have you created for yourself? I'd love to hear how others are doing.

    I am down 120 pounds. I have 77 more pounds to go to hit my goal. My weight loss has slowed down quite a bit in the last two months, but I feel great! I just joined a fitness center for the first time in my life. I also invested in some amazing work out shoes and I feel like I'm walking on clouds! (smile) I did a 5K in October. I lost my job in December which has been hard... but I didn't blow it over the holidays like I have so many years prior. I have hope and anticipate good things in the future. I am not perfect - that is for sure - but I am learning to live with small failures and big successess. I think most of all I'm learning to really, really take care of myself. I am so thankful for the sleeve!!!!

    Ok - your turn!

    God bless!!!!!

  8. I had 200 to lose when I started in June, 2012. I have 85 more to go. You can do it! Take it one chunk at a time - and set your final goal at a very realistic and doable weight. People who weigh as much as we do probably won't last long under 200. Not that it's not doable - but choosing a realistic goal is wise and much more hopeful. Obviously you and your doctor will decide on the final number. Can you imagine being 199? I can't - but I'm gonna get there! Yeah!!!!

  9. I worried about this a lot before I committed to having the surgery. Most of the people I have seen who had WLS and where very heavy (300+) looked like deflated balloons after they lost weight. Sorry - but that's what I have always thought. Unless they had skin surgery, and I mean major skin surgery everywhere, their bodies where, in my opinion, deflated balloons. Now that I have had the surgery and I'm down 113 pounds, and yes, parts of me are looking deflated, I am not at all worried about losing too much.I feel so much better. I have so much more energy. I am just so thankful for the surgery and for this second chance at health and life. I have no idea just how deflated I will end up - that's in God's hands. This adventure I/we are on is such an amazing blessing!

  10. I was at Alexian Brothers also. Dr Kane. Great experience.

    Those of you in the area - when and where do you attend support group? And even if you don't attend - can you tell me where some support groups meetings are at? The one for the Kane Center is only on Sat AM and that's not a good time for me. I'd like to meet with people who have had WLS. Thanks.

    Morten's mom - would you like a visitor? I don't live too far and I'm off work. I'd be happy to stop by on day two if you like. I'm rootin for ya!!!!

    Amy (Buffalo Grove)

  11. Mary - I want to applaud you for sharing with us and being honest. Don't panic! You are different than you were when you started this journey. You are changing. You will not be perfect. You will not always make the right choices - but you are BETTER!!!!!! I like the suggestion for you to seek counseling. This addiction runs so deep! Do you go to the support groups at your surgeon's office? I would start there. I would also make an appt with the nutritionist there. I am going to do the same thing. I need some variety and want to get a little booster-shot when it comes to portion sizes.

    Mary - where do you live in WI? I am about 40 min south of the boarder in IL. If you are near Racine, Milwaukee, etc. I'd be happy to meet you for icecream! (LOL - just kidding!!! coffee?)

    Please know that you are in my prayers tonight - and that I am asking God to help you be patient with yourself and not panick. We are in this for the long haul. That means the rest of our lives. This isn't a diet - it's a new way of life and there will be bumpy times. Get help now - keep talking about it - clean out your house so you don't have any junk there - recommit to yourself and health again - and keep walking day by day. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs from IL -


  12. Everyone's comments were so helpful.

    First - I went ahead and created a MyFitnessPal account. Would love to add you all to my list of "pals". According to the calculations I can eat 1300 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week. I am not going over that - so perhaps I am plateauing right now. That said - no excuse for eating at night. Again - my goal is true freedom from the bondage of cravings. I want to learn to say NO and be ok in that space!!!

    Second - I need to buy a treadmill. I never thought in my life I would say that - because I never wanted to be the kind of person who bought one and never used it. But I seriously think I would. I actually sorta crave movement now. If I had a goal to walk 1 mile a night - I believe I would do it. Any advise on treadmills, anyone?

    Finally - I am going to get rid of the stuff I struggle with - which at the moment is popcorn and Protein Bars. I have no problem at work - so the Protein bars can stay there. I need to go back to what I did after surgery - which included fruit popsickles and Protein Drinks. I CAN DO THIS! WE CAN DO THIS!

    Thank you for your support and sharing your stories. You are all such an inspiration to me!!!!!

  13. I have lost 108 pounds since my surgery in June. I am thrilled and thankful.

    For the last few weeks I find myself eating a lot when I get home from work - through the night. I eat a good dinner - but later I start to crave and munch on things like rice cakes and popcorn. I sometimes eat a Protein Bar because it's good and a bit crunchy (20 grams of protein).

    Bottom line - I want FREEDOM from my food addiction!!!!! Don't we all? Any suggestions would be great. I still have 90 pounds to go and certainly don't want to hurt myself with food. This is when we learn super healthy habits - so I need your help to re-establish control, discipline and a bit of sanity in the midst of this insane food addiction! Grrrrr!!!!!!

    Thank you, friends!

    Amy in Chicago

  14. I have lost 108 pounds since my surgery in June. I am thrilled and thankful.

    For the last few weeks I find myself eating a lot when I get home from work - through the night. I eat a good dinner - but later I start to crave and munch on things like rice cakes and popcorn. I sometimes eat a Protein Bar because it's good and a bit crunchy (20 grams of protein).

    Bottom line - I want FREEDOM from my food addiction!!!!! Don't we all? Any suggestions would be great. I still have 90 pounds to go and certainly don't want to hurt myself with food. This is when we learn super healthy habits - so I need your help to re-establish control, discipline and a bit of sanity in the midst of this insane food addiction! Grrrrr!!!!!!

    Thank you, friends!

    Amy in Chicago

  15. I confess…

    - that I drink 1/2 a diet A&W root beer almost every day

    - that I move the scale over a bit if I don't like what I see - and sometimes it lowers my weight - and that is the weight I claim that day

    - that it's a bit hard for me to be "normal" now - because being 397 meant people kinda took care of me and now I am taking care of myself and don't need help - which is newer for me and something I am proud of but still adjusting to

    - that I sometimes stare at myself in the mirror and smile from ear to ear because I think I am looking so darn cute

    - that I think about sex a lot more now and pray to God that I met a great man soon

    - that I try not to stare but sometimes can't help it when I watch the VOLUME of food people consume during meals - and I think to myself - that is disgusting (knowing darn well I could have eaten them under the table five months ago)

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