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Posts posted by tuturunner

  1. If you do any searching on this topic you will find there are people dealing with this. Both immediately after surgery and weeks later after over doing it. All I'm saying is just because someone hasn't experienced it or heard of it doesn't mean it's not normal. I was told when I left the hospital about this possibility about the muscle pain. ( if she is experiencing what many of us are going through)

  2. If your issue is muscular where they took out the stomach then you should start seeing incremental improvements soon. Maybe you don't hurt as much when getting up or down. Maybe you can walk a little faster. Maybe you can bend just a tad lower than the day before. Really pay attention to see if there are tiny improvements. Just two days ago I was gingerly getting into a car. Today I got in and out without much thought. Granted I forget that I'm not 100% and twist the wrong way. But the intensity of the pain is far less now. Do keep in touch with your surgeon though in case it could be something else. Sending healing thoughts your way!

  3. Just wanting to tell you the first week was awful. I panicked all the time afraid it wouldn't get better. 15 days out and I'm physically getting around so much better. I believe that what little walking I did helped. At first maybe only 5 minutes but now I can walk 40 plus and my pace is picking up. I thought I was alone in this but you would be surprised how many people I have talked to this week going through the same thing! I couldn't find drugs to help me but rest and the walking seemed to help. Hope you see some improvement soon!

  4. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I cried every day and had my own pity parties about the pain. I'm two weeks out from when my pain started and I was able to sleep in my own bed for the first time tonight. No more recliner! I found ice packs to help but no single pain med helped. I guess you could say the vicodin helped only because it knocked me out! I started walking on the treadmill daily as long as my belly would let me. At first it was only for 5 minutes at 0.7 mph! Other than that I took it fairly easy. I can now do 30 min without belly pain at a slow speed. Cry if you need to! Rest, and ice. I'm proof it does get better!

  5. I know this pain doesn't seem normal to most but my doctor warned me about it before I left the hospital. Most never experience it but a small few will. Some feel it right away and others may experience it a few weeks out after over doing it. I still freaked out all weekend at home about it and spoke to the doctor daily. After doing research online I realized I wasn't alone.

    Remember you are not alone...and it will get better. Each day I see small improvements. Hope you will to!

  6. Yep, I have the same thing. Just realized this week the weird sensation while running my fingers across my belly in that region. Feels like a sunburn. ..highly sensitive. Here's hoping that each day you will see improvement! Mine was so painful in the beginning I would shake in fear before sitting down. Now I might have a slight burning sensation. It does get better!

  7. I remember when I was pre-op and going to different surgical seminars, there was one in particular that stood out for me in a bad way. For the first time I felt like I was in a crowd that had little knowledge about the surgeries let alone what would be required. Granted I'm a research nut so that could be just me. I didn't learn a thing from that seminar I didn't already know BUT the big issue that bothered me the most was the questions from the audience about when they were going to be able to eat their favorite foods (and you can guess it's wasn't about salads). That was the majority of the questions! The doctor I chose was a bit harsher when it came to guidelines and that works for me. When he talked about the two week pre-op diet (which is quiet liberal than most other doctors) someone asked "what if I can't do that?" His response was "well then you aren't ready for this surgery, come back to me when you are!" The two week pre-op is a breeze compared to following the rules afterwards. I had to be mentally ready to say I was willing to stick to the plan no matter what. Because after the surgery, it is even more critical to be able to follow the rules. I know not everyone can make that mental switch 100% but for me, it's what works. I know if I started slipping, it would be a slippery slope and I would need to seek professional help.

    The other comment my surgeon made that also stuck with me is that he doesn't care about my first year post op weight loss...because that's easy. He cares about the following years because that's when it shows that I'm determined to keep it off. So this first year I HAVE to make the necessary changes to sustain this for life. At least for me, this is the path that I am choosing.

  8. I had surgery on a Tuesday and planned to go back half-time the following week. I unfortunately had internal stitch pain that prevented me from moving very much without severe pain. So the following Monday I did not go back in. But starting the next day I went back part-time and then full-time on Friday. If you are a lucky one without stitch pain, I don't see why it would be an issue to go back on Monday. Remember since you sit alot you are prone to blood clots so you have to keep moving...even it if hurts. :)

    I'm new at my job so I couldn't afford to take much time off...but in hindsight...I wish I had taken a full two weeks just to focus on my recovery.

  9. I know the pain you are feeling. I describe it as being stabbed with a hot knife. Sometimes I will walk holding my belly in (on the left side). Some get this pain a few weeks after surgery, I was unfortunate enough to get it immediately. I was told it could take three weeks for mine to go away. I see improvements every day. I would contact your surgeon to see what they say. I was told to not over do it and to keep moving. I was told it was my internal stitches. I think they were tied pretty darn tight!!!

    So I FEEL your pain!

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