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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by tinydancer

  1. I am so frustrated!!! It has been a year since my sleeve. I have lost 65 lbs. and still have 36 to go. I haven't lost anything in about 2 months... Now I find myself looking into diet programs. WTF!!! why did I spend all this money to lose 65 lbs.??? can anyone tell me what to frickin eat now to start losing weight? and yes I exercise..I am at a loss. I should NOT have to go to a damn DIET PROGRAM!!! thanks for the chance to RANT!!!

  2. I know just how you feel. I was gaining as well as snacking. I recentley started using my fitness pal.com and that has helped. Also i gave myself permission to eat Atkins Protein Bars when i want something sweet. I eat those in place of "real candy". At least i'm getting some Protein in when i have one, and some of them taste really good and that satisfies my sweet tooth. I'm losing again and confidence is up. Hang in there and never give up!!

  3. shuckybucky, that is so true. The mindset is the hardest thing to change. Since i first posted, I have already had a few really good days. eating my Protein and taking time for me :) that means cooking and thinking about what i put in my mouth. I had salmon and made a dill sauce W/ yogurt, garlic dill and lemon. so good!! walking too, and feeling better. thanks again for the help guys. hope is rising!!

  4. I had my sleeve surgery in july 2012 and i have lost 50 lbs. Notice I didn't say "only" because 50 lbs. has make a huge difference in my life and i am much happier. I still need to lose 48 more to be at my goal. I am struggling every day with sweet and carb cravings and eating right in general, and every day i fail once again when it comes to food choices. I think once I realized that I could still eat anything, thats kinda just what i did. I am wanting to know if i can lose weight anymore, really, and has anyone else faced this in their weight loss journey and eventually been successful even after they fell in the middle? I exercise too, and i've tried to restart eating right, but i usually cant stick with it very long .I still feel like i am always going to be "on a diet". Have I passed the 6 month window and missed it?? I know that I could have lost 50 lbs. by now on another diet, so what the heck is wrong with me ? I don't want to say I feel like a failure but I guess I do, H E L P!

  5. I know what you mean. I've hidden in mine all of my life, trying to keep strangers out and keep me in for other reasons. I ran from an old love for 38 years after i married my husband. after all these years he contacted me and i learned he still loved me even with the 100 lbs. extra pounds. i realized that my weight was not what defined ME, or protected me and i then decided it was time for me to live my life and be healthy and stop living in fear!! I am learning to love myself and my life everyday. I can't change the past but I can change my future, and I choose to take off my fat suit. I know I have a lot to learn. I will be praying for you, i know how you feel.

  6. I FINALLY made it to onederland! I weighed myself four times this morning because I couldn't believe my eyes! I giggled like a school girl everytime I saw it. I have been in a slump all of october but today I finally did it :) I am so excited and I've decided to quit weighing for a while because I don't want to see 200 or higher again :) I still have to get to 140, but for now my next goal is minus 20 more lbs. Yeah me!!

  7. hello renegade, just want you to know that you can totally do it! how awesome that you lost 115 lbs. before on your own. i m feeling better after losing only 37 lbs. it is not always easy, and i still get hungrier than most other people say they do. My confidence to keep trying is that i KNOW i wont regain my weight again and again like i have done ALL of my life. You still have so much life to live and it is going to pass by whether you are losing or not, so man just go for it.

  8. 1.your tummy feels hungry, then you burp and say, oh, okay, nevermind. :) 2. You try on something in your closet that was too small and now it's too big to wear anywhere. 3. Even your underwaer feels baggy. 4. you exercise like mad for 3 days and you gain 2 lbs. then, you decide to eat a carb and you lose 4 lbs.5. an old boyfriend you haven't seen in 30 years tells you you're beautiful.(wow)

  9. i was sleeved on july 2. i'm 3 weeks and3 days out. i started at 236, was at 219, for a loss of 17 lbs. Today i weighed 221!!i've GAINED 2 lbs. Thats crazy! i'm following all the rules, getting in my Protein, eating right, walking on the treadmill, walking around shopping. Drinking my Water, even taking Miralax. I've heard of the 3 week stall but not the 3 week gain. WHAT THE HECK? Am I just doomed to be fat forever? Even after all this? I do not understand. Very frustrated today.

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