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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by minniemouse67

  1. this is absolutely my biggest fear and I was sent home not taking my thinners because I had such bad post op bleeding, requiring a transfusion. hearing it is something I could still face 3 weeks out is terrifying to me. Especially if I m doing what I am supposed it.

    Please try not to worry. It isn't something that happens often. I'm sorry to hear you had to have a transfusion. Just make sure you follow up with your doctors and report any bad pain to them immediately. Hope you have a speedy recovery. I know the first week is hard.

  2. Wow I'm glad you're feeling better..but may I ask, how did you know you had a clot?

    Sent from my ADR6400L using VST

    I had really bad abdominal pain and I was having trouble getting enough Water or Protein in. I saw a different doctor at my surgeons office that said it was from Constipation and told me to take Miralax. The pain just got worse and I knew there was something really wrong so I went to the emergency room. They did a sonogram and saw the clots. They immediatly gave me lovenox and admitted me.

  3. I know this was posted a while ago but figured I would add my two sense. I was sleeved on 8/22. I developed a pulmonary embolism in my abdomen 3 weeks after my surgery. I was treated with Lovenox and Coumadin and spent 5 days in the hospital. Thank goodness this was caught because I could have died had it moved to my lungs, etc. Also since it was in my abdomen my spleen and liver weren't getting enough blood. I'm lucky there was no damage. I started with a relatively low bmi and was active before surgery. I also received a heparin injection before surgery to help prevent blood clots, wore the boots after surgery and did laps around the hospital like a champ as soon as I was able same day of surgery. I walked a lot when I got home also because I wanted to avoid blood clots. I'm not trying to scare you, the risk is small but if it happened to me it could happen to anyone. I have 3 kids and my youngest just turned 4. Thank goodness my husband works from home and was able to care for the kids. I felt so guilty about not being able to care for my 4 year old. I feel a lot better today than I did a week ago but I have to follow up with a lot of doctors and also have my blood monitored. I will have to take Coumadin for at least 6 months and maybe for the rest of my life.

  4. Can you have your surgeon ir his office call your pcp and explain the benefits of this surgery for you. Another option would be to send a letter to your pcp certified, return receipt so it looks official stating just what you told us. Why you went to him, how he agreed when you first saw him to write the letter, how he said the letter was being written and then backed out. I would probably give him an out in the letter and say something like I just wanted to remind you of our first conversation. I figured after speaking with the nurse that maybe you forgot our conversation (if you remember the date include that). Maybe say something like because I'm sure you wouldn't intentionally go back on your word, waste my time, money, etc. I would try before trying with another doctor. He may just need some persuading. Good luck.

  5. Hello All. I'm so envious of those of you going in for surgery the next week or two! I have to wait until the end of the month!!! It's probably for the best though. My Dr. required that I lose 20 pounds by August 14th. I've been doing well until the last four days! I keep making horrible choices and my weight is up!....by five pounds! I only had two pounds to go and now I have to take off seven! I'm soooo frustrated with myself. I ask myself, "are you self-sabotaging?" I TRULY am excited about this decision I have made....I'm doing it for HEALTH....not vanity. I spent alot of time researching, talking with many friends and acquaintances who have had it done etc. I can't wait for my surgery date to get here....but if I keep on making bad choices I won't have a surgery date! What the heck is wrong with me????

    Don't beat yourself up. Hey that's why we're having the surgery...bad food choices right? I made bad choices the last few days too. It is so frustrating!!! I gained back a couple of pounds. I'm supposed to start my preop diet on the 8th but I'm starting it today because I can't trust myself!!! lol Good luck, you can do it!!!! :)

  6. Total side conversation, but I want to vent and still be a good hostess so I'm venting to you all lol

    We have twelve houseguests who have been here since Wednesday. Six I know well and six are new (business retreat). I always get stuck taking the spouses on a tour, shopping, whatever so on thurs I arranged a beach walk to a glass beach. Everyone understood we would leave at a certain time. So come that time one does not show up (the trip was not mandatory, and only those who wanted to go said yes). We waited half an hour then went looking for her and finally an hour later just left her a note with phone numbers and a "sorry we didn't see you" thing.

    Great trip (6 mile beach walk lol...great exercise) and everyone went to get ready for the scheduled dinner reservation. We kind of wondered what she would say but we get to the restaurant and she didn't show...well at least not on time, she was two and a half hours late! But she said nothing! No apology for that late thing, nothing about holding us up on the beach walk, nothing! How freaking rude! And we are supposed to have dinner with her tonight.....grrrrr. I told dh I was going to be two hours late lol.

    Ok I won't, but sheesh....she is so freaking rude! Who does that crap and feels ok with themselves. Eyes rolling....ok I feel better now :). I think I'll go poison her lunch......

    I hate rude people too! That was nice of you to wait an hour for her for the beach walk. I have no patience...she would have gotten 15 minutes tops. lol

  7. Hi all, Just a quick update. I had a PET scan and the lung mass is suspicious for cancer.I will see and sugeon and oncologist on the 2nd... so no surgery... sleeve surgery that is... for me for a while. My best to you all. I'll be thinking about you all and wish you the best on your skinny adventure. :wub:

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad they found this before you had any symptoms which means it;'s probably in a very early stage and is treatable. My cousin was trying to get pregnant and in going through all the testing they found out she had ovarian cancer which I'm sure you know is very aggressive. They would never have found it had she not been going for testing for something else. To make a long story short this saved her life. She is cancer free today! I think that all the testing that's required for vsg and other procedures is a blessing in disguise. I wish you the best.

  8. Jenn, I sent you a friend request on Facebook. Please add me to the secret group. I couldn't find Kyln to add her.


    Name- Janine

    Age- (if you wish) 44

    Location- NY (An hour North of NYC)

    highest 215/199/ 130

    Anything else you'd like to share? I'm married and have 3 kids, 3 dogs and 2 cats (they're my children too!) My youngest is 31/2 and keeps me young! My oldest is 18 and gives me grey hair! I used to teach in NYC but gave that up to start a pet sitting and dog walking company. I love visiting Disney with my family so that's why I'm Minnie Mouse. I've always had a problem with my weight and have gone up and down my whole life, gaining a little more each time. I know how good it feels to be thinner and want to feel that way again. I also want to be healthy and live a long life so that I'm here for a long time for my now 3/12 year old.

  9. Hello bound4bway.... I don't live in MA, but right on the border around Albany NY.. I dont' see a lot of northeast sleevers.. anyone???

    I am one of the sleevers also going to Mexico.. I work for a large well known company, so you would think I wouldn't have had to go, but Aetna has their own rules. I could wait for 2 yrs and hope for approval, or pay for it myself..

    Now that you have your date, the nervous stomach is normal... don't stress!

    I'm from the Northeast too. I'm about 2 hours from Albany. I live in Putnam County, NY on the boarder of Westchester. :)

  10. I had the CT scan and because I work in a hospital the Chief of Radiology called me right away. I have a 1-1/4" mass in my upper left lung. Lymph nodes are not affected. I have a PET Scan on Friday. My last surgeon visit on Friday was cancelled. This all feels unreal. I can speculate so many things but that is not healthy. I am still hoping surgery is next week, but I feel like it is slipping away. I know if it is, it will only be a temporary delay. I'll let you all know the results from Friday and soon as I can.

    Sending good thoughts your way that everything is okay. (((Hugs)))

  11. I am breaking out in song randomly today I have my passport in hand my pre op doc appt next tues to make sure I have nothing pop up for my surgery (which I just had my physical about a month ago so I am just double checking lol) I found a supplier for that Peanut Butter stuff and Torino sf syrups on the way . I am going to freaking Rock this sleeve and shake what my momma gave me all the way to Mexico !!! I hope you guys are having a fantabulous day as well :D

    I'll be dancing with you in New York! :)

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