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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by klaaspice

  1. Keeping it to yourself is fine however, don't answer that it was "the old fashioned way" - that's completely disingenuous and gives people a false impression.

    Personally, I tell everyone who asks me. This is my journey, my decision and my life and I want to be honest with people and speak my own personal truth. I would NOT have been able to lose weight "the old fashioned way" and the sleeve is just a tool to help you get to your goals and I wouldn't want to be fake and tell people that I did it myself, when i didn't. I don't mind telling people and when anyone says anything negative, I just chalk it up to their ignorance. Most people are so supportive and so kind.

  2. I've been taking anti depressants since 2007, been overweight my whole life, finally had the VSG on July 17th, 2012. I'm currently on Cymbalta and have been taking it since before my surgery and it was working very well for me. I've lost 35 bs in the last 8 weeks. I'm looking good and feeling good (health wise) but my depression is taking its toll. I don't feel the burst of energy that others have described. I am taking all my Vitamins and supplements but can barely get out of bed. Anyone else struggling with depression?

  3. I was sleeved on 7/18 and have had 3 "meltdowns". The scale hasn't moved in a week. Today, I indulged in potato chips because I heard they go down easy. I sit here wondering if I should feel guilty. Part of me says "yes" the other part of me reminds myself that I am human and technically haven't indulged in three weeks. Siiigggghh... I think it's this black and white thinking that got me into this in the first place. I love what JD7176 said - you have to tame the beast somehow. I guess it's about doing is smartly and in moderation.

  4. I was sleeved on the 18th and I am still struggling with it. We are not physically hungry, we just THINK we are. The first few days were the worst for me although I will say that today has been easier. Night time is the worst because that is when I would usually snack, snack, snack. Hang in there and remind yourself there are ups and downs and you will feel relief soon. PLUS, the scale going down will be an added motivation to beat the "head hunger" once you start back on semi-real foods.

  5. Yes Shell12 - greif is the exact word! It's mourning. I miss my food and how it comforted/occupied me. Today is a little easier than yesterday and I'm sure there will be ups and downs but so far, the biggest lesson I can learn from this whole process is, NOTHING is black and white. It's not all or nothing, there is always an in between, a shade of gray.

    And yes, my skin is so much clearer, plus i've been using a new toner and skin care line :)

  6. I'm only 4 days post op and I still have moments of wondering. One thing the dr's prep you for is all the physical aspects (pre op, post op diets and limitations, etc) but I wish someone had told me that there is also an emotional/spiritual aspect of all this. We didn't get overweight because we were just extra hungry. food is our drug and by Day 2 out of the hospital, I was craving a huge plate of chicken and rice. I TOTALLY wasn't prepared for that. I thought I would be nauseated and just have no appetite. Since then, it's been a struggle. I wish someone had told me "IT'S GOING TO BE HARD!" I was naively thinking that it would be easy... well at least easier. BUT, here's the catch, in spite of all of that - the numbers on the scale are going down (even on day 4) my face actually looks slimmer and my pores are tightening! My clothes are looser. There are POSITIVES and there are NEGATIVES. The key is to ride the waves as they come and STAY POSITIVE. Remember, you WILL eat again. This is what I keep telling myself when that b***h Martha Stewart keeps posting food recipies on Pinterest.

    Think about your reasons for doing it in the first place. Whether, they are for health, to overcome your physical limitations, for fashion, for your kids, for whatever - I am struggling hardcore with missing food and even though it sucks (omg, it sucks it sucks it sucks!) I would do it all over again in an instant.

    Sorry, I got off on a tangent. I think I wrote that more for me than for you. ANyway, stay positive. It's all any of us can do!

  7. You WILL wake up. I had the same thoughts when I was first put under last year, since then, due to complications from a gallbladder removal, I have been put under 3 times and it's a piece of cake. There is an anesthestist there monitoring your every breath, move, heart rate. Don't worry. Don't even let your mind think about something like that - you need to stay positive!

  8. Thanks for this guys. I knew it would be restrictive but I didn't think I would feel SO hungry. It's not even that I'm hungry, it's that I WANT TO EAT. I am day three post op and apparently the only things I am allowed to have according to my Dr. are Water, Black Tea and Apple juice. There are other sources and even a friend of mine who recently did the surgery in Canada that have said they were allowed to have clear broths, Jello and even milk. What I wouldn't give for a glass of milk right about now! I am seeing my Dr. on Tuesday but it's hard being home, sipping on water all day long, recovering and not even being able to eat SOMETHING. I didn't think it would be like this. I thought I would be nauseated for days and have no desire to eat for the first few days... I am finding this much harder than I anticipated.

  9. I can't wait for that to happen. Went to the grocery store tonight to buy a scale and some lady offering samples of Cookies offered me one, I wanted to punch her face in. Siiiighhh. BREATHE.. I'm okay now. :)

    IDK about others, but for me I had a few cravings the first 7-10 days then it just went away. Now my biggest problem is remembering to eat. I often miss meals because eating is not something I look forward to anymore. It's become a burden, kinda like fueling the car, or washing it. It needs to be done, but I wish I could pay someone else to do it for me.

    I've actually gotten to the point where I'd really rather just have Meal Replacement shakes. Just because I can drink them faster and be done with it.

  10. thanks guys... I read somewhere that the acid in the stomach mimics hunger, that's why I thought it would go away... I just really didn't expect to be HUNGRY on the second day.. although I guess hunger is better than complications right? Pookeyism, I think you're right, it's habitual now, I need to change my routine and I shall do just that!!! Thanks!!

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