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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dover

  1. I have had this experience of having an obstruction (food stuck) it started out as the normal pain in the chest and proceeded to be vomiting for 5 days prior to me seeing the doctor. The doctor removed all the Fluid from my band,while he kept the needle in, had me sit up and drink a glass of Water very fast then put the fluid back into my band. The relief was immediate and I havenot had a problem since.

  2. Hi

    I have the same band. This band hold 10cc on saline. I am not sure what a VG band is either. Did your Dr. give you 3.5 cc's or was that amount in your band prior to filling. My band had 2.5 cc of air in it prior to my first fill. The doctor removed it and added 3.5 cc's of saline.

    Good luck with your journey, I was banded on the 11th of July.


  3. Well I am up tomorrow and have to say that I am not nervous at all. I think it is because I have read this site so much that I am not afraid or nervous about the unknown. The 2 week pre op diet of Protein Shakes and non starchy veggies was ok. Today I am on Clear Liquids and have to take antiobiotics 3 times today, they are really gross and make me sick to my stomach. I read the warning and it said may upset your stomach, if so take with crackers or a small meal ( like that is an option). I have to be at the hospital at 1:15pm tomorrow so maybe the jitters will kick in tomorrow. I will let eveyone know how it goes. My Dr keeps you at least over night so the soonest I will be back is Thursday.


  4. I saw this at another site and thought it was worth copying and creating a new thread for anyone considering this procedure.

    1) If you make a decision to get the LapBand or in fact ANY surgery whether in the US or outside the US you should do plenty of research.

    2) Research the doctor.

    What kind of follow up care is provided? (ie: fills, unfills, endoscopies, fluroscopies, port revisions, removal, etc).

    Ask to speak to about 5 or 6 of his patients before you make a decision. Ask those people if they have any complaints or issues with their care before, during and after the procedure.

    How many of the procedures has he done?

    What types of complications can occur from this procedure and how frequently do they happen? (ie: perforations, etc)

    What types of complications has he personally ran into doing this procedure?

    What is his policy when a complication occurs during a procedure? (ie: does he discuss options with family or immediately convert to bypass or other WLS).

    Is he Inamed approved for the procedure? If not then who qualified him to perform the procedure and can you have literature to verify this?

    3) Research the procedure.

    How is the procedure performed?

    What will change on the inside?

    How will my eating habits change?

    What will I need to have prepared when I get home in way of food items?

    What are the short term issues?

    What are the long term issues?

    How will I be able to take my pills?

    4) Follow up care.

    What is the schedule for fills?

    When can I get my first fill?

    How is the fill procedure performed? (ie: with or without fluroscopy)

    What is the cost for fills? (under fluro and not)

    How often will I need to be seen?

    Will I have access to a Nutritionist?

    How do you handle unfills?

    Is there a direct line in case of Emergencies?

    Does your doctor have email address?

    What Vitamins should I be taking?

    Will I need to crush my pills? If so then for how long? Are there any pills that cannot be crushed? If so then how will I be able to take them?

    5) In the end you are the ONE person that knows your OWN body. The doctor doesn't, the nurse doesn't, your best friend's neighbor's daughter's friend's dog doesn't. Get the picture? You know when your body is telling you that something isn't right. For instant, you are nauseous, light headed, and feeling tired. Could be flu, could be low blood sugar, could be dehydration. The fact is you are being made aware that your body is not happy. So maybe drink some Water, eat some Protein and rest. If that doesn't work then call your doctor. Not next week not tomorrow but right then. It might be nothing but better safe than sorry.

    6) If you are working the band (i.e. drinking before /after small bites forks/spoons down after bite/ protein first - all those things) as hard as you can, and you are still not losing weight, then you might need to be evaluated for metabolic issues. Do not accept the band as just another failed weight loss gimic. Push for answers.

    7) Do not leave the hospital before you know exactly what your post op diet should consist of.

    Including when and how to advance the diet. (ie: clear liquid, liquid, mushies, regular diet).

    Also, have a clear picture of what each phase looks like. (ie: clear liquid = broths; liquids = protein drinks; mushies = mashed potatoes; regular diet = protein then veggies then carbs).

    And unless YOUR doctor told you it's ok to change his or her instructions, then NO.. its NOT ok!

    8) ON the issue of Pregnancy and being banded here are some questions you might want to address.

    How soon after being banded can I get pregnant?

    Once pregnant, will I have to get a partial unfill or be completely unfilled?

    Should I expect any issues/complications with a pregnancy after being banded? If there are any what could they be and how will they be addressed?

    After being banded, are most babies delivered via c-section or can they be delivered naturally? If my baby needs to be delivered via c-section could that damage the port and tubing?

    Are there additional vitamins I should take while pregnant?

    If you can't keep water down and you have been suffering for days then CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!

    If you are having days of reflux and a burning sensation in your belly then CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!

    If you have a redness, swelling, tender, and hot area around your port then CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!

    If there is just something that doesn't 'FEEL' right then CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!

    If someone has more to offer then please add to this list as needed and then I will post it and close the thread and make it a sticky.

    Please know that I am not suggesting that any of us aren't smart enough to know when something is wrong but sometimes we know more what to do for others than we do for ourselves.

    We have to LOVE ourselves and take care of ourselves.

  5. Hi,

    I am having my band done on the 11th and am also a little scared/nervous/excited. This is a life changing decision that will have a very positive change on your life, don't lose sight of that. Think of July 18th as the first day of the rest of your life. You should go to the july bandster support group there are a bunch of fantastic people there who can offer all types of emotional/spiritual support.


  6. I am also being banded on the 11th of July. I also have moments of second guessing myself, I think its natural. As for telling people I think it is a very personal decision. I have not told anyone other then my husband and sister and a part of me does not want to tell anyone ever. Keep in touch and we can compare surgery stories.

    Good Luck


  7. I think that it really depends on the diet plan that goes with this. My Dr. has a really strict plan that goes with it. I think I will have a good sucesss If I stick with his plan!! He said that 70-90% in one year but, he has a really strict diet plan. If you want me to share it with you I can. Good Luck. You will loose more with by-pass becasue they by-pass a lot of your small intestine so the nutrition can not absorbe. With the band you can still absorb everything you put in you and digest it, that's why the diet is so important with the band. Good Luck

    I am being banded on July 11th and would love to see your Doctor's diet plan. Please e mail it to me at dovercomm1@aol.com.

    Thank You,


  8. Hi Everyone,

    I am so glad I found this site. I am also being banded in July on the 11th. Tomorrow I start my two week liquid/veggie pre op diet. On Monday I have to do my pre op testing at the hospital and a final meeting with the surgeon. I can hardly believe that it is finally around the corner and I don't know if I am nervous or excited or both.

  9. I am being banded on the same day. Good Luck. People will treat you differently as you loose the weight, you are no longer inviible.People will be curious as to how you are losing the weight. I say hold you head up proud , smile and tell them what ever you are comfortable telling them. I think it is inpoetant to note that you will also be changing as the weight comes off so maybe you need to be open to making new firends and giving people the change to know you.

  10. Good Luck, I am having my banding done on July 11th. I completed all the test and have seen more doctors in my Quest to have this done then I have seen in my lifetime. After completeting all of this I was told by my Doctor's office that I probably would not be appoved because I had been "skinny" in the previous five years.(Part of my insurance requirements is a five year weight chart). I asked my Doctor to submit the request and if I was denied, I was going to appeal the decision since I feel that being over weight will cost the insurance company more in the long run with health related problems then the cost of the operation. Well low and behold the insurance company approved the procedure.

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