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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rabid24

  1. I had written a while back and asked about waiting to be banded till I was done breastfeeding. However, I have never actually heard that you couldn't be banded and continue to breastfeed. Wouldn't it be possible to go ahead and get the band, then wait to get the first fill till I was done? If you can have the band on while pregnant, isn't it the same basic thing? I'd love to hear from anyone who's heard one way or another on this! Thanks:) Jodi
  2. Hi All! I haven't been on here in EONS, but I thought I would post my stats. I'm down 124 pounds since the start of my preop diet, down 107 since surgery. I made my goal of a 'normal' bmi and have been holding steady at that since August. I'd like to lose a few more, but I'm not real worrried about it. Good luck and congratulations to everyone!:biggrin:
  3. I want to share! I hope I can figure out how to get pictures on here right... <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=right width=300></TD><TD vAlign=bottom></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=right width=300></TD><TD vAlign=bottom></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  4. rabid24

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    I don't post often, but I just lost my 100th pound and had to share! You can now add me to the list:biggrin: YAY LAPBAND!
  5. rabid24

    I'm confused. Max fill volume 4cc

    My doctor also told me my band was a size 10, so I went around thinking 10cc. It wasn't until I was informed that it was a 4cc, 10 CM band that I understood the difference. Doctors sometimes talk about them differently than we do, that's all.
  6. rabid24

    Banded??? Check in here

    I, too, have the feeling of something always stuck in my throat. I thought it was food backing up, and it may be. However, some other bandsters say that feeling can also be caused by the tube they put down your throat. It exaggerates the feeling of something coming up. Anyway, they promise that feeling will be gone by six weeks post op. Congrats on the 8 pound weight loss so far!
  7. rabid24


    I was banded last Thursday (October 4th). My doctor only had me on clear liquids for 2 days, then I was suppose to be on full liquids for another 12 days. However, I went for another post op appointment today (I was having trouble early on) and he said I could go ahead and try some ground beef! I couldn't believe it. I want ground beef. I feel like I'm starving to death, but at the same time I don't want to hurt anything. I wonder why there is so much discrepency in these diets. According to the lapband book, I should still be on clear liquids. Oh it's so confusing!
  8. I was banded on October 4th (last Thursday). I have been following my doctors orders to a tee. He only had us on clear liquids for two days following surgery, then full liquids after that. Starting on Saturday I started feeling really burpy, like I had lots of little bubbles stuck in my belly, but for the most part couldn't get any of them up. Then yesterday I started feeling like I was choking alot. Particularly when I stood up or moved around. It would be a very similar feeling to when you eat so much you've made yourself sick. The thought of food is just disgusting to me (and all I've eaten yesterday was two protein shakes and some tomato soup). I was just asleep and when I got up I felt the same feeling like something was rushing up to my throat. I felt like I was choking, only this time I started vomiting. (Sorry if this is gross) But it was like I had a full on stomach flu, but was only vomiting up saliva. Is this strange or normal? My husband was banded two weeks before me and hasn't experienced any of these feelings. Any ideas as to what this is? :help:
  9. rabid24

    Newly banded and scared....

    I went and saw the doctor this afternoon. They are pretty sure it's swelling because of the surgery. They put me on some pretty serious anti-swelling (I'm sure there is a more technical term) medication. I have to go back and see them on Friday, and until then they want me on clear liquids. This is especially bad because the medication they put me on is only suppose to be taken with food. Yeah right, is there such a thing as food anymore? I think I'll sleep sitting upright tonight. Thanks for all your help!
  10. rabid24

    Newly banded and scared....

    I know, I don't actually drink it through a straw, but it was of the right consistency. I have an appointment with the nurse later on today. I hope she can help with what may be causing this. I truly have followed every one of their discharge instructions. And actually, they aren't against the use of straws either, I just know better because of what I've read online.
  11. rabid24

    Newly banded and scared....

    Yeah, my doctor said I could have "anything through a straw" after the second day. I drink the entire shake, but it takes me about an hour to do it. I was thinking about going back to clear liquids anyway. After yesterday I don't think I could eat soup again even if I wanted too. Yuck! Apparently my stomach was just a little more sensitive than my husbands. I don't want mess anything up, so back to clear liquids it is!
  12. rabid24

    food choices post-op

    Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing. In fact, I'm probably going to be joining WW once I get to the point where I can eat 'normal' foods. I think the core plan is the healthiest choice anyway. My surgeon hasn't really given us much of a post-op diet, so I guess it's up to me anyway!
  13. rabid24

    soooo hard....

    I think to be honest, most of us were (are) in a lot of pain. It's surgery after all. However, I know I'm a little leary about talking about it, since everyone here is getting ready to do this. I don't really want to scare anyone. It's better not to know how everyone's pain was, because everyone will experience something different. My husband was barely in any pain at all. I think if I had seen him hobbling around like I've had to, it would've really made me nervous about doing it myself.
  14. rabid24

    Before pics *ugh!*

    Fluffyinks- It went well. I was extremely sleepy afterward. I don't know why I didn't see that coming. I couldn't keep my eyes open for anything. He said that my liver was the 'best he'd seen', so apparently my tweaking of the diet worked out ok. I was a little worried. Glad it's done! Good luck with yours! I met another girl on another board who's being banded by Dr. Hamilton on the 15th. Must be a busy day for him.
  15. rabid24

    Banded??? Check in here

    I joined the band this morning. We're just getting home because I live an hours drive away from the hospital. We had to go get our tire fixed on the way home because it had become flat while we were in the hospital. Our nurse changed our tire for us. Isn't that sweet? The security guards just stood there and watched her and said "Oh, we can't do this for liability reasons". Jerks. Anyway, glad its over!
  16. rabid24

    Before pics *ugh!*

    On my pre-op diet sheet it says something like "2 or less servings of fruit juice blah blah blah....or FRUIT". So I took that to mean we could have two or less servings of fruit. I didn't want to waste any calories on juice (enough liquids already) so I went with the fruit. Ok, I'm off to get banded. Take care!
  17. rabid24

    Before pics *ugh!*

    Well, I hate to say, but I did eat ALOT of cottage cheese and yogurt. Atkins shakes were my main staple. Shhh....don't tell Dr. Hamilton, but I substituted one of my fruits for 10 pc. shrimp cocktail most days. I noticed that it had more Protein and less carbs and surgar than the fruit. I would also sometimes do the same thing with a small baked potato. It was seemed better than an apple (carbs and sugar wise). I ate a lot of sugar free ice pops and I kept tract of my calories. He said to keep it under 1000 a day, and most days I was between 750 and 800. When my husband was doing the diet and started skipping food I thought "When I'm on that diet, I'm going to eat every morsel they allow". However, you get tired of the food so quick, sometimes it seems just as good to go without all together. I know that's not a very positive thing to say, but you'll be surprised how much that won't really bother you. I'm kind of on auto-pilot with this diet. I hoped it worked! Thanks for the well wishes! Lets hope this diet worked:)
  18. rabid24

    Before pics *ugh!*

    Oh how cool! He did a great job on my husband. My surgery is the day after tomorrow and I'm hoping he does just as good on me:) Good luck with your surgery as well. It's getting close!
  19. I posted this on another board and didn't get many responses. I hope that's not a bad sign:cry. I hope someone here has some thoughts on this matter. I'm on day 8 of my 10 pre-op liquid diet. I've been eating between 750-1000 calories (quite a drastic cut from my usual amount). The first couple of days I lost weight, but for the last several, I got NOTHING! After starving all day, I think at least there should be some reward on the scale. My surgeon said I should lose about 14 pounds pre-op, and so far it's closer to 4 (DH lost 24 pounds pre-op on the same diet). I'm starting to think that if it's this hard losing on this few calories, it's not going to get any easier after I have the band. Any hope that this will get better? Also, I'm still breastfeeding, so I'm suppose to be burning between 500-1000 calories a day just doing that. :help:
  20. rabid24

    Before pics *ugh!*

    HEY FLUFFYINKS! We have the same doctor! I hadn't seen anyone else (other than my husband) who had him. Neat-o! Anyway, I just had my eight year old son take my pictures the other day in order to spare my husband. He didn't seem to mind taking them, but they are all at a weird angle since he's so short.
  21. rabid24

    Liquid diet and weight loss

    Yeah, I was concerned about the calorie cut while breastfeeding too. My surgeon wasn't concerned and said just to drink an extra shake. My baby is over 9 months old though, so I've been supplementing with other foods. I was wondering if it could be that I wasn't drinking enough water. I've been drinking lots more today. I hope that helps! It just gets discouraging to think I could cut my food down to nothing and my body would find a way to stay fat anyway;) Thanks for all the help!
  22. rabid24

    Any husband/wife bandsters out there?

    My husband and I were originally suppose to be banded a month apart. We have 4 young kids, so I felt one of us had to be back to normal at least. Well, the doctor went out of town and pushed my husbands surgery back two weeks. He got banded last Wednesday and I'm going in on Oct. 4th. I don't know how this is going to work since they say "no lifting more than 10 pounds for 6 weeks". I guess that 20 pound 9 month old will just have to lay there. Just kidding! The doctor says it's ok to pick up the baby. For some reason his weight doesn't count I guess. My husbands already picked him up several times and I'm kinda worried this could end up hurting him in the long run. However, I think it's good to go in as close as possible to each other. I know him doing the liquid diet while I still eat whatever has been hard. It's good to do it together.
  23. rabid24

    Pre-op diet....here I come!

    Wow! That sounds like a pretty awesome liquid diet. I, too, start mine on Monday, but here is what we get: 2 Fruits or 2 cups fruit juice 3 Servings (8 oz.) of cottage cheese or yogurt 2 Atkins shakes and unlimited Surgar free jello, popsicles, broth, coffee, and tea. It kinda sucks that my husband just got banded 3 days ago and did awesome on the diet. Now the surgeon expects me to do as good (he said so). Ugh...A tough act to follow. Truth is though, I'm kind of excited about getting it underway. It means I'm almost there! :whoo:
  24. rabid24

    Help!! feeling anxious....

    Thanks for the well wishes. We're glad we're doing this together. I think it will make it more do-able for both of us. He feels really good right now. He hadn't even taken any additional pain medication until this morning, and even then he said he didn't feel like he needed it. The only pain he feels is in the actual stiches area. He's not having the gas pains that you hear so much about. He says he was surprised by how quickly it went and how little pain he's had. It was kinda scary at first because he looked really bad after surgery. But then about an hour after he got up to his room we started walking around the halls. He went right back in his room, got dressed and was ready to go. He was even able to make the long walk out to our car from the hospital. I hope I recoup that quick!
  25. rabid24

    Help!! feeling anxious....

    My husband was banded today. I think this actually made me more nervous than if I went first. I got to see first hand every thing they are going to be doing to me in a few weeks. However, I guess it couldn't be that bad. He's been banded less than nine hours and he's outside right now taking the dog out. I hope he knows I'm going to need more pampering than that!:car:

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