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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jfran

  1. My bill has doubled because I eat 5-6 small healthy meals a day. I am also trying to minimize the processed foods especially those with HFCS. I eat fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins. It sucks that it SOOOOO EXPENSIVE to eat/be healthy.
  2. I eat 2,000 calories a day and burn 500-750 calories through exercise everyday. My body doesn't seem to lose on low cal diets.
  3. jfran

    Okay Men...need some advice

    Thanks everyone, both male and female, for your advice, compliments, and comments. I am really not in any major hurry, I am just now really finding myself and I would just like to meet someone I can have fun with and sometimes I just wonder if I am giving off a "hands off" vibe. Maybe, maybe not. I am probably just to shy with the opposite sex. I am definitely not "bitchy and whiny"...I am going to choose to ignore those comments. I know that when its right it will happen for me. Thanks again everyone.
  4. Is there any point to doing crunches and ab work pre tummy tuck?
  5. jfran

    The untold of lapband

    Check your Calcium intake. If you are taking a supplement and eating a healthy diet then you could be getting too much calcium which can back you up. I had this problem. I stopped taking the supplement and added one-two prunes a day and haven't had anymore problems.
  6. my grocery bill has doubled. I have completely changed my diet to whole grains, fruits, veggies, and lean protein....Expensive to eat healthy.
  7. I couldn't even make it 2 weeks on liquids so YOU GO GIRL!!! After first fill, the majority of people don't notice a difference, so pace yourself on the Mexican because it may be a while before you get restriction. My doc says nothing to eat or drink at least 4 hours prior to fill...it maybe more if under fluro.
  8. I have developed a minor/major addiction to ice cream, so I have been trying to figure out a way to have it and it be healthy for me. Even those light/diet icecreams out there have ingredients I can't pronounce and just can't be good for me. So here goes the recipe for Peach Ice cream 3/4 c frozen peached, partially defrosted 3/4c skim milk 1 tbsp. instant, sugar free fat free vanilla pudding mix 1 tbsp. fat free evaporated skim milk 1 tbsp egg beaters 4 packets Splenda (or to taste) 1 cap full of vanilla extract Put all ingredients in a blender and puree then pour into a sandwich ziploc bag. Double bag it with another ziploc bag. In a gallon size bag add rock salt and ice. Place the ice cream mix inside the gallon size bag and close. shake, squeeze etc. for about 10 min. then place ice cream bag in freezer for another 10 minutes or so... serve immediately. This makes one large serving and is approximately 150 calories and you get a milk and a fruit serving plus it is low in sugar and fat free. I love it and it is much healthier than any product in the freezer aisle.
  9. jfran

    plateau problem

    I second thedailyplate.com....I love this site and it is starting to help me get off my plateau. Since you are only exercising 3 days a week, try adding another day or extending your workouts 30 minutes or so.
  10. jfran

    The most insulting compliment.

    I get comments like "The boys must be knocking down your door." THEY ARE NOT!!!! Nor were they before so I am perplexed????
  11. It seems I am still just as "invisible" (at least to the opposite sex) as I was before.
  12. jfran

    stretch marks

    Has anyone tried BioOil for stretchmarks and scars. It is a year later and my scars from LB surgery are still a brownish red color and I would really like them to fade out and become less noticeable.
  13. jfran

    Preband High Cholesterol

    THE BAND ITSELF will NOT reduce the cholestrol (as I am sure you realize). If you are banded and still eat the same high cholestrol foods but in smaller portions it may come down a bit, but not too much. For the band to really work, you need to be ready to make a total lifestyle change which includes eating healthy (not dieting) and exercising. The combo of these will help tremendously. Pre band (pre exercise, pre healthy lifestyle) I had a mildly high cholestrol level. Now that I have adopted a healthy life style and lost nearly 100lbs I have normal cholesterol, BP, Glucose, Triglycerides, etc....its all normal. I would encourage your hubby to go for the band if he is ready for a lifestyle change for the long haul and as others have said if its genetic all of this may not help at all but it will make him healthier and it will help to keep him around much, much longer.
  14. I got mine at www.laurenshope.com. It is sterling silver and beaded. I never take it off. It is way too big now and almost fits my ankle. Eventually I will have to have it sized down or get a new one. People have actually noticed it before when I was sick and questioned me to make sure I was okay. It puts my mind at ease...in case of emergency. Plus it is a nice fashion accessory and goes with everything!
  15. jfran

    I'm a newbie

    I don't have too much to add. I had also researched a bunch before my surgery. You may want to ask what type/brand of band your surgeon uses and their opinions/experience. There are several different types and from what I understand, some are better for different body types than others. Libra is absolutely right about the exercise. It is a MUST. I workout minimum 45 minutes everyday (6-7 days a week). I know that I wouldn't have lost this much or look as good as I do without it. My mom is a good example of not exercising. She has lost approximately 40lbs since Oct 07 which is great, but she hasn't changed her diet and she hasn't exercised (she has a bum knee so it is hard and she works 20+hours a day---not kidding). She is happy with the weightloss, but knows it could have been more and she could be in smaller sizes if she had exercised. While I can tell she has lost, I can't tell THAT MUCH. I still love her to death and wish her well, but I wish she would work less and exercise a little. She doesn't regret her band at all though because she says that she has LOST 40lbs that she wouldn't have and might have actually gained some over the past 9 months.
  16. When I had restriction (after my 4th fill) I didn't lose anything. Fills don't seem to work for me very well. I ended up having a spasm and my band closed up on me. I had to have a complete unfill. Since then I have had some put back in, but I don't have any restriction now at all. I find that eating 5-6 small (well balanced) meals everyday and working out is the best way for me to lose.
  17. jfran

    Size 10...Plus Size???

    Well, I have made it to size 10s and I definitely consider myself NORMAL, but I would still like to be a 6/8!)~ Size 2 is not in the cards for me, nor do I want to be, I like my curves! GO WHITNEY!!!
  18. jfran


    I stopped taking my calcium supplement because I was getting WAY (almost 3 times Daily recommendation) too much from the combo of my diet and supplement. That can really back you up. I also eat 1-2 prunes a day (love them).
  19. jfran

    My Daily Plate

    Has anyone used the calorie calculations from My Daily Plate and had success with weight loss? I have started tracking my food and exercise on this site and I really like it. I haven't weighed yet because I am trying to give it a week to see if it will really work. Anyone else use My Daily Plate?
  20. jfran

    My Daily Plate

    So I LOVE THIS SITE!!!! I have been tracking my food and exercise for the past two weeks and I love being able to see what I am putting in my body. I still haven't lost any, but I am beginning to realize I messed with my metabolism by overexercising and undereating. I am giving my body a little rest and eating a little more and exercising a little less. I am hoping after a while my metabolism will fire up again and I will lose this last bit of weight. I want to be as close to goal as possible before I get my PS (possibly as early as Dec or next may after graduation).
  21. jfran

    Who has kept it a secret?

    I haven't told any of my family (mom's side). My mom and dad know of course, but other than them and a couple of close friends, I don't tell anyone; however I have told some complete strangers and that felt great! My family sees me losing this weight and has never once questioned me. I tell them good nutrition and exercise...which is true and they are fine with that explanation. I am so close to goal now that I am starting to plan my plastic surgery and I have told my fam about that. They are being really supportive..maybe they would have been supportive about the surgery but at this point I just don't see any reason to tell them. Its a personal decision and in my view it just wasn't any of their business. Good luck with your surgery and your decision to tell or not to tell.
  22. jfran

    Viactiv Flavor Glides

    I take the viactiv berry flavor glides everyday and I love them. They are not too big to swallow (a little large, but not bad) and they slide right down with a pleasing berry taste. I totally recommend them.
  23. jfran

    Flappy skin?

    Lizziet: I started at 262; size 24/26. Currently, I look fine in clothing with the exception of my arms, but naked I am not happy. I hope you don't have problems.
  24. jfran

    Flappy skin?

    Lizziet88: I am not offended at all. Ask away! I am 5'4" ish and currently weigh 165 ish. You may be one of the lucky ones that doesn't need PS, but I have always been overweight ( in fact, now, I am smaller than I have ever been...entering unchartered territory). If you have only been overweight for a little while you may be just fine. I wouldn't have had the money for PS either, but I have recently come into some money from an inheritance so I am paying off loans and having the surgery soon. Good Luck!
  25. jfran

    Flappy skin?

    I am 24 and I have lost 97 lbs and I have saggy skin. I am planning to have PS (TT, Arms, and Breasts) done sometime next year. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it is almost certain that you will have some saggy skin. It may not be too bad and you may be able to deal with it. i won't be happy till I get mine taken care of. Good Luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
