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Pinky Green

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Everything posted by Pinky Green

  1. Some people don't like to see changes.. ask your doctor or consult a height/weight chart. I doubt if 176 is too small unless you have a lot of muscle or you have a really large bone structure. This one at http://www.healthchecksystems.com/heightweightchart.htm says you should be between 108 and 143 depending on your frame.
  2. Pinky Green

    Egg Yolk

    Here's an interesting comparison, personally I go with ckunes and eat the whole egg.
  3. Before surgery I think I had reached a tipping point. That is a point at which if I hadn't lost weight I would have gotten sicker and sicker and then eventually died from being overweight. I had a mild heart condition that would have gotten worse if my blood pressure would have continued to be high and a fatty liver and I couldn't walk very far without a lot of pain. And my blood sugar was a little high and I weighed 240 lbs. I think I have reached the tipping point again going back the other way. I have lost 34 lbs now (almost 15% of my body weight and about 30% of my excess weight - in about 2 months.) I have noticed that my knees don't start to hurt as fast as they did before. I can now walk about a mile (even though it still hurts a little toward the end). I can go up the stairs faster now and without having to hang onto the rail and pull myself up. I can stand and cook and clean in the kitchen now without getting tired right away and walk around the house and clean up. And the other day I started dancing again. I used to dance around all the time. I danced through 2 songs. About 7 or 8 minutes. I find this awesome and it can only get better the more weight I lose.
  4. Pinky Green

    Tipping Point.. Awesome!

    Well, I wanted to go get a Power Ball lottery ticket. Just one - and I walked the 1.16 mile round trip to the convenience store. I found out about an app for my Android phone that uses the GPS to map your walk. It's an app called mapmywalk.
  5. Pinky Green

    Cardiac Clearence

    Surgery went well. I am a fairly slow loser but that's ok with me. I've lost about 34 lbs so far. I figure if I lose a pound and a half a week I'll be down to goal in a year. Last week I seem to have reached a tipping point of a sort. My knees no longer hurt so much that I can't walk block and I all of a sudden seem to have a lot more energy. I was able to dance for 2 songs in a row the other day and like 3 days in a row I walked more than 3/4 of a mile. And I can stand and work in the kitchen as long as I need to.
  6. Pinky Green

    I Have A Question

    We have eggs and refried black beans two or three times a week. I usually take a can of black beans. Heat a skillet sprayed with a very light coat of grape seed oil, add some onions and bell peppers if I have them and little garlic powder. Saute for a minute and then add the liquid from the refried beans and then add the beans a little bit at a time while mashing with a spatula.
  7. Pinky Green

    Cardiac Clearence

    The doctor practically had to throw a fit to get the insurance company to approve it though. The doctor had to personally call them and then fill out a bunch of paperwork to allow it. He pretty much had to tell the insurance that I couldn't do the treadmill test in order for them to approve it.
  8. Pinky Green

    Cardiac Clearence

    They give you a shot of something that makes your heart think it should work harder as if you were exercising and then have you drink something that makes your heart visible.
  9. Pinky Green

    Cardiac Clearence

    I had to take the nuclear one because I had knee problems and I would not be able to run on the treadmill.
  10. My doctor is not too strict after one month except he said no nuts, seeds or popcorn for 6 month. But I suppose of you chew it enough, like almond butter it will be ok. Just be really careful. My nutritionist said that a seed, like a poppy seed or a sesame seed can lodge in the seam and can work it's way through and you could get a leak.
  11. Pinky Green

    Feel Like Giving Up

    I am also losing the weight somewhat slowly after the initial 20 pounds. I have lost 32 pounds since starting the 2 week liquid pre-diet - that was September 12th. That's 10 and a half weeks. My doctor thought I should have lost more. But that is still an overall average of about 3 pounds a week. If I even lose 1.5 pounds a week after a year I will have lost 78 pounds. That would put me down from 240 to 168. Another 26 weeks would make that 39 pounds more putting me at 129 pounds and under my doctor's goal of 130. Today is a really great milestone. I was able to get up and dance for 2 songs. I danced to the video on my laptop to Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar (3:33min) and then my boyfriend put on Cyndie Lauper's Girls Just Want to Have Fun (3:54) and I danced to that too. . I have not done that in at least 4 years. We are going to the park in a minute. I'm going to walk around the park. It's a big loop around several soccer fields that informal groups go to play "futbol". If anyone in Houston reads this and would like to form a walking group I would be interested. Or if someone wants to meet up to dance or ride bicylces - or swim. If you are interested message me and I will send you my phone number.
  12. Pinky Green

    Feel Like Giving Up

    If you are working out a lot, you may be gaining muscle and losing fat and that would cause you not to lose weight on the scale. But you will look better and be healthier.
  13. Pinky Green


    Snails are almost all protein - they should be ok.
  14. Pinky Green

    NSV shout outs

    I had not been exercising as much as I should have been because my knees were still hurting, at my one month appointment my doctor said I could take my arthritis medicine again. However, I may not need it that much longer - or at least not as often. Yesterday, I decided to take a walk, I forgot to take my arthritis medicine and I walked from my upstairs apartment, down the stairs, across the courtyard, across the road to the front part of the apartments, across the front parking lot, and then down the street to little strip center on my street. It wasn't very far .35 one way, and I only stopped at the end and sat down for about 5 minutes or so. I used to have to sit down 3 or 4 times to make it that far and my knees would hurt a lot. This time my knees didn't start hurting enough to make me stop until I get to the end and then when I rested a bit it didn't hurt as much as it had before. And then I walked around 2 stores before I headed back. I am guessing that another 20 lbs and my knees won't hurt at all. And I can scratch almost my whole back. I bought 2 pair of jeans at costco the other day - they were size 18 and one fit and the other didn't, one was 1% Spandex and the one that fit was 2% Spandex. Then I went to Walmart and they had a pair of jeans that was 18P and was 2% Spandex but this one didn't fit either, but they will in probably 5 or 10 lbs. I was not able to overeat at Thanksgiving this year. I did eat more than I thought I would be able to eat but way less than I would have eaten in the past. First, For Breakfast I had a Protein shake. Then I went to my friend Linda's house for lunch. I had 5 Ritz crackers with a bit of cream cheese and Raspberry Chipotle Sauce and my friend cut up slices of different kinds of cheese into quarters and I ate 4 quarters of cheese (1 whole slice) and 4 or 5 black olives. Then I went to my friend Sam's for dinner and had a couple of pieces of carrot, celery and broccoli dipped in guacamole and 2 deviled egg halves for appetizer and then dinner came and I had about 2 oz of turkey, a small piece of cornbread, about 2 tablespoons of cranberry sauce and about 2 tablespoons of sweet potatoes. Later we had sugar free vanilla ice cream with apples cooked with cinnamon, nutmeg and diet Dr. Pepper. I felt like I ate a lot but I know in the past I would have eaten about 3 times that much.
  15. Pinky Green


    What my doctor said is to try a little of something and if it doesn't sit well or comes back up wait a few weeks and try it again. I was cleared to have regular food after 4 weeks except no seeds, nuts or popcorn for 6 months.
  16. Pinky Green

    Missing My Hot Sauce

    I had a hernia repair but it was a very small one. In fact, I didn't even know I had one and they hadn't found it on the endoscopy.
  17. Pinky Green

    Missing My Hot Sauce

    I was never told not to eat spicy food. I've been putting Tapatia hot sauce on things since I came out of surgery on 9/26.
  18. Soft scrambled egss and refried black beans (cooked with just a little bit of cooking spray)
  19. Not all the prosecutors, I hear in Spokane they are still going to prosecute those that have possession charges pending - but King County Prosecutor decided that it just wasn't worth it.
  20. Pinky Green

    Someone Posted A Recipe For Pumkin..

  21. Pinky Green

    Too Early?

    My doctor said that at the stage where you are eating purees it is fine to eat some mashed potatoes because you wouldn't be able to eat enough to have to many calories at 15 days out I could only eat about 1/2 a cup at a time.
  22. Pinky Green


    I was also told not to bend over too much for the first 2 weeks.
  23. I think this is the first time I have ever lost 30 lbs in less than 2 months.
  24. Due to the passing of the law in Washington and Colorado, most marijuana smoker's will not have to worry about being arrested. The Feds might come and shut down a grower or a retail store, but there are way to many marijuana smokers for the feds to come in and start arresting everyone who's smoking. In those states already the local and state police have stopped arresting individual smoker's and in fact the King County Prosecutor has already dismissed over 100 pending marijuana possession cases. In fact, in most states, most people don't worry much about being arrested. Most of the people I know that got arrested were doing something else (like drinking) when they got arrested for marijuana. Drunk and disorderly is not a good time to be carrying weed around.

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