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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Strangefruit

  1. I was one year out October of 2013... I had pretty much lost and then maintained, but have gained about 5-6lbs since the holidays as my workout routine has changed. (I used to do a lot of walking outside and we have had a severe winter)... I am trying hard not to gain any more, but am confident - ok, hopeful - that this spring I can resume my workout routine and get back to where I was in the fall. I don't think I am eating a whole lot more, but my stomach *has* stretched some in that I can consume more than last summer... I hope that is normal... I thought I was supposed to eat more than directly after surgery, but much less than before surgery.

  2. That's so strange that different things cause people different problems. I *can* eat Pasta in small amounts...but my sleeve does not like rice. Or chicken breast - it's too dense and I always have trouble digesting it. I use boneless, skinless thighs in the recipes that I used to eat with chicken breast. No problems there. I have never been a big beef eater (I suddenly pictured the Brits on the gin bottle) so I eat beef rarely, but do well with dark meat chicken and pretty much any seafood. Thanks for the reality check!

  3. ... I mean, I am 15lbs from goal... I have gone from 255 to 184... I feel better than I have felt in years. My blood pressure is down...my knees don't hurt. So why miss something as trivial as rice. I just do. I can't eat it at all anymore... it seems to swell in my stomach and always results in sickness and throwing up. I have finally accepted that I can no longer eat it.

    But I miss it.

  4. I am now one year out...it was a HARD year, but I eat fairly well, exercise regularly, and overall am happy with my weight loss... This morning for Breakfast, I had an omelette made with TWO eggs, ground sausage and cheese. No carbs... I am pleasantly sated and not over full... Should I be concerned as six months ago, I could only eat ONE egg? I don't want to get into that slippery slope of stretching my sleeve too much... What do you think?

  5. At almost one year out, I am experiencing joint pain... Directly after surgery, I was told NOT to take Aleve, Motrin or other NSAIDs... Only take Tylenol to prevent ulcers... Have any of you been told that is a "forever" rule or just while healing? Tylenol doesn't really help with joint pain for me.

    I emailed my bariatric surgeons office and was told to check with my primary doc... But she is not a Bariatric doc and immediately suggested Motrin and Aleve and was not aware I had been told not to take them previously ... Anyone using these pain relievers without problems?

  6. Good afternoon, friends! I wanted to share this with you - I just received a book that I ordered from Amazon dot com and although only half-way through it, I strongly recommend it to all who have had, are having, or thinking about having bariatric surgery.

    Honestly, it should be required reading, it is just that good... Here is the book...If you get HALF what I did out of it, it will be worth your money... Have a great weekend!

    "The Emotional First+Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery"

    by Cynthia L. Alexander, PsyD


    p.s. If you check out the link on Amazon, click on "look inside" and you can read the table of contents and some random pages... very useful.

  7. ok, I didn't know they were "skinny" jeans - I bought them on ebay, NYDJ, which are usually pretty pricey in a size 16, thinking I own a pair of the same brand and could wear them. The jeans arrived last night in what I thought was a pretty small mailing envelope...I opened them, shook them out and my heart sank. They looked like jeans for a small child! :o( For no good reason, I decided to try them on anyway. They fit. Snugger than I prefer, but THEY FIT. OMG. I want to lose another 8-10lbs before I wear them in public, but I can't believe I got these "tiny" jeans over my ass! I'm going to leave them out of my closet so whenever I get tempted to NOT exercise or eat something inappropriate, to remind me that I want to wear those jeans this summer.

  8. PdxMan - that is the best news I have heard in a LONG time. Thank you. That really gives me hope and something to look forward to! I will be at the 6 mos mark on April 22... I *can* eat SMALL amounts of salad... still don't eat beef... chicken breast is too tough, so I eat boneless skinless thighs and turkey... I am just hoping to not have eating be a CHORE. I don't have to ENJOY eating anymore, but I shouldn't dread it either.

  9. So then, help those of us who don't get it, because this is where I struggle with understanding. You knew you had a bad relationship with food and knew you wanted to change that. You knew you had obesity related health issues which were doing you harm and wanted to be healthier. You knew that your eating habits were going to change and you would most likely need to start an exercise regimen to be successful. You knew this was not going to be easy.

    You knew all of this prior to surgery and all of this has come true. It sounds like you set your expectations correctly. So, then, what is your regrets?

    Early on, I mourned the loss of food as a comfort item, which, after going through it, made me realize how sick my addiction to food was. But I find that a blessing, not a regret.

    PdxMan - I guess what is hard for me is that even when I eat the RIGHT types of food... and eat a lot less...it is still not ... easy? comfortable? Not sure... I guess I could take exercising every day, logging calories (professional dieter - used to that) but I expected that I would eat LESS and eat healthier... what I did NOT expect was difficulty eating PERIOD. Eating skinless chicken or turkey, eating Protein, I don't even miss carbs as much as I thought I would... but I still feel physical discomfort eating. So. Perhaps that is just me. I did not expect a lifetime of dreading food...just LESS food and healthier food.

  10. "What I'VE noticed, is the trend for more and more people with a smaller amount of weight, no health issues etc, getting sleeved. Maybe some of the problem with regrets. If you have not faced a lifetime of being overweight, severe health issues, etc, it might be tougher to not have some regret.

    As for me, I don't have a SINGLE regret. I am 2 months from being 3 years out. Lost 100 lbs in about 8 mos with little effort on my part. I did not have hunger, stalls of any kind during that time and only suffered some hypoglycemia/lightheadedness."

    See, I hear this a lot... I was 100lbs overweight, had high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and other co-morbidities... I was not one of the people who did this to lose 30-40lbs... NannieG's quote above about losing 100lbs in 8 mos with little effort is NOT me... I am 6 mos out, 70lbs down...and the ONLY way I can lose weight is by exercising EVERY DAY and by strict calorie counting... I eat primarily Protein based meals, very slowly, I *do* get hungry AND have had lots of stalls...I work HARD at losing weight... Eating is a slow, time consuming chore...eating just a little too fast or too much ALWAYS results in hurling and pain. So, it does get a little frustrating when I have to eat 900-1000 calories and exercise like a gym rat daily to see the scale move AND get sick eating...because if I ate like that and exercised like that without surgery, I would have lost weight too.

  11. I am one of the posters who have said in the past that I have regrets...Not all of the time, but yes - I have. I *did* do my research...I had psychological counseling... my entire preparation time was over a year. I KNEW what I was getting in to.

    I have had a love/hate relationship with food for over 40 years. So yes - it IS hard to adjust to a different style of eating. I WANTED to lose weight...I STILL want to lose weight. I am down almost 70lbs in six months. I am healthier... I exercise EVERY day. But. This is still the hardest thing I have ever done. And I can't say for sure that if I had to do it over again, I would. The last 6 months have been the hardest 6 mos of the last 30 years of my life... So, it hasn't all been rainbows and unicorns.

    People who think that weight loss surgery is an "easy way out" or a short cut? I want to punch them smack in the mouth. It was VERY hard. For me. Some folks seem to have the surgery and bounce right back and go to work the next day, run a 5k, etc, etc... ~shrug~ Flame away, but that is how *I* feel.

  12. I am so torn about which fitness tracker to get! There are so many conflicting reviews. I keep finding myself drawn to the Fitbit Flex but how much longer do we have to wait for this thing to be released. I want something now and their website just says it will be released "Spring 2013." Does anybody have any insight? I thought I knew what I wanted but now that I've been really researching it, I'm more confused that ever! =)

    Amazon dot com says the Fitbit flex (the Bracelet one, right?) will be released on May 1... I have already pre-ordered mine!

  13. I do. Constantly. I am 5 months out and 61.3 lbs down... When I Iron clothes, they look too small for me...I am still surprised when I put clothes on and they fit... I don't FEEL significantly smaller, yet when I stand next to people I used to consider "normal", I look the same. Weird.

    But my bigggest fear is re-fatting. I exercise EVERYDAY because I am afraid not to. Some friends work out 3x or 5x a week...I am afraid to give myself a day off, because I am terrified I will re-fat. How do I get past this feeling? Or, maybe is this a good feeling to have because I won't take weight loss for granted? I don't know... I know that I have a really hard time buying new clothes and getting rid of too big clothes because of my fear of re-fatting. Everyone says to get rid of old baggy clothes because you will not need them... but everytime I have done that in the past, I have needed them..and didn't have them...because I re-fatted. *sigh*

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