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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by WillPower

  1. WillPower

    I got Approved...........FINALLY!

    I am going in on March 18th. I think that was a little soon but I am not going to bitch. I am hoping that once it is over I can break up with food. I am a stress eater and use it to replace other emotions too. Now if I have a bad day there will be no "all you can eat" in my diet. Cause, you know that my fav food is buffet!!! LOL Well I am looking forward to being the person I always thought I was when I looked in the mirror. Not the cute, funny, HUSKY guy the I get all the time. I hate that word "HUSKY" corn is husky, they could just call me fluffy it is the same thing!!
  2. WillPower

    Questions about United Health Care

    UHC is a very Band friendly ins co. I am sure that you will cruise right through. I switched to them last month so that I could get approved. I was with PHCS...uck.... hehe!
  3. WillPower

    I had to cancel

    I am pretty sure those breast implants could have waited until after you were banded.....
  4. WillPower

    CAN you swallow?

    this might be helpful for all who have tummy issues. I for one have had GERD all my 33 years of life. My mom said that she had to follow me around with a towel when I was a baby...... :sick Original Article: http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?id=HQ00312 Barrett's esophagus Overview Tums. Maalox. Mylanta. Rolaids. These and other over-the-counter remedies spell "r-e-l-i-e-f" for many of the millions of Americans who regularly have heartburn. However, common heartburn isn't always just an annoying condition that's quickly remedied by an over-the-counter antacid. It can also be symptomatic of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is the chronic regurgitation of acid from your stomach into your lower esophagus. And, long-term GERD can sometimes lead to Barrett's esophagus, a condition in which the color and composition of the cells lining your lower esophagus change because of repeated exposure to stomach acid. Having Barrett's esophagus increases your risk of developing esophageal cancer. Barrett's esophagus is uncommon. Only a small percentage of people with GERD develop Barrett's. But once it's diagnosed, there's a much greater risk of developing esophageal cancer, which often spreads from the esophagus to lymph nodes and to other organs. Although increased, the absolute risk of esophageal cancer for someone with Barrett's esophagus is small — less than one percent a year. Signs and symptoms Barrett's esophagus itself isn't associated with specific symptoms. But, heartburn and acid reflux — the bad-tasting liquid that may enter your mouth from your throat — are common indicators of GERD. And having GERD can lead to Barrett's esophagus. A telltale sign of Barrett's esophagus occurs when the color of the tissue lining the lower esophagus changes from its normal pink to a salmon color. This process, called metaplasia, is caused by repeated and long-term exposure to stomach acid. Other signs and symptoms of GERD that also may be associated with Barrett's esophagus or even rarely esophageal cancer include: Trouble swallowing. Often, a narrowing of the esophagus (esophageal stricture) leads to difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). Bleeding. You may vomit red blood or blood that looks like coffee grounds. Unusual stools. Your stools may be black, tarry or bloody. Weight loss. You may experience an unexpected drop in weight. Causes Barrett's esophagus usually develops from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Heartburn and acid reflux are the most common symptoms of GERD and result from stomach contents washing into the esophagus. The ring of muscle at the junction of the esophagus and stomach (sphincter) normally traps acid in your stomach by clamping shut. GERD usually results from a weakened sphincter, and it can be aggravated by a protrusion of the upper stomach, where the esophagus passes through the diaphragm (hiatal hernia). Left untreated, GERD can lead to more serious complications such as severe heartburn (with esophagitis) — the chest pain can be intense enough to resemble a heart attack — stricture, bleeding, Barrett's esophagus and even esophageal cancer. Risk factors Chronic heartburn and acid reflux put you at risk of GERD and Barrett's esophagus because the esophagus is designed to carry food and liquid only one way: from your mouth to your stomach. The esophageal lining is sensitive to and unable to handle acid. Your stomach, however, has a lining designed to withstand acid-containing stomach (gastric) contents. Stomach acid is damaging to esophageal tissue. Repeated and long-term exposure to stomach acid can lead to the transformation of esophageal tissue into the salmon-colored tissue characteristic of Barrett's esophagus, which is actually an acid-resistant lining similar to the lining of your stomach. Men are more likely to develop Barrett's esophagus than women are. The disease is also more common in people over the age of 60 than it is in younger adults. When to seek medical advice See your doctor if you've had long-term trouble with heartburn and acid reflux. Talk to your doctor as soon as possible if you: Have difficulty swallowing Are vomiting red blood or blood that looks like coffee grounds Are passing black, tarry or bloody stools Experience an unexpected weight loss. Screening and diagnosis Diagnosing Barrett's esophagus is difficult because it often doesn't exhibit specific symptoms. Experiencing the acid reflux of GERD may be the best indication that you either have Barrett's esophagus or may be at risk to acquire the disease. If you have severe acid reflux, your doctor may discover Barrett's esophagus by examining your esophagus through endoscopy. Endoscopy involves inserting a lighted, flexible tube (endoscope) with a camera on its tip through your mouth and into your esophagus and stomach. Usually, you'll receive a local anesthetic, and you may be sedated for this procedure. The procedure allows your doctor to search for abnormalities such as precancerous cell changes (dysplasia) or an abnormal junction between your stomach and esophagus. In a healthy esophagus, the stomach-esophagus mucosal junction is at the lower end of the esophagus. In Barrett's esophagus, this junction is displaced upward. If Barrett's esophagus is suspected, your doctor also looks for evidence of cancer. During endoscopy, your doctor may remove tissue samples (biopsies) of potentially abnormal areas to be examined under a microscope. If specimens reveal intestinal goblet-shaped cells, your doctor may make a diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus. Complications Having Barrett's esophagus increases your risk of developing esophageal cancer. The earlier that metaplasia — the telltale changing of the color of the tissue that lines the lower esophagus from its normal pink to a salmon color — is detected, the better. Barrett's esophagus may develop precancerous changes (dysplasia) in grades ranging from none to mild but still significant changes (low-grade), to serious changes (high-grade), and finally to invasive cancer. When high-grade dysplasia is detected, cancer often is already present. Cancer can spread from the esophagus to nearby lymph nodes and to other parts of your body. Treatment It's not too late to treat Barrett's esophagus if you don't have advanced cancer. However, many people with esophageal cancer show up so late in the progress of the disease that doctors first discover Barrett's esophagus at the same time they find the cancer. Treatment for Barrett's esophagus may start with controlling GERD by making a number of lifestyle changes and taking self-care steps. These actions include getting more exercise, avoiding foods that aggravate heartburn, stopping smoking if you smoke, taking antacids or stronger acid blocking medications, and elevating the head of your bed to prevent reflux during sleep. People with severe GERD and Barrett's esophagus usually need aggressive treatment, which may include medications, other nonsurgical medical procedures or even surgery. Medications Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) such as omeprazole (Prilosec), lansoprazole (Prevacid), rabeprazole (Aciphex), pantoprazole (Protonix) and esomeprazole (Nexium) are drugs that block production of acid and relieve irritated tissue. Doctors sometimes prescribe another class of drugs called H-2-receptor blockers to treat GERD and Barrett's esophagus. They're weaker than PPIs, although less expensive. Prescription H-2-receptor blockers such as famotidine (Pepcid, Mylanta AR), cimetidine (Tagamet), nizatidine (Axid) and ranitidine (Zantac) are available over the counter in doses less than prescription strength. Although these medications often are quite effective for GERD, once Barrett's metaplasia is present these drugs won't reliably reverse the condition, and the risk of cancer remains. Surgery Anti-reflux surgery (laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication) offers an alternative to dependence on medication for GERD and Barrett's esophagus. The procedure tightens the sphincter by wrapping part of the stomach around the lower esophagus to prevent acid reflux. Laparoscopic surgery involves inserting special instruments through small incisions — less than an inch. The procedure leaves only tiny scars. You can expect to stay in the hospital for one or two days following this surgery. Although surgery can be effective for GERD, once Barrett's metaplasia is present surgery won't reliably reverse the condition, and the risk of cancer remains. If you have esophageal cancer, or if you have Barrett's esophagus and high-grade dysplasia, your doctor may recommend you undergo a procedure in which the esophagus is removed completely and the stomach is pulled into the chest (esophagectomy). After this surgery, you may lose up to 20 pounds, spend 10 to 12 days in the hospital and require up to six weeks to recover. The surgical treatment of people with high-grade dysplasia is controversial. Some experts believe that esophagectomy should be used as a measure to protect against cancer. Other experts believe that surveillance through endoscopies at three- to six-month intervals and esophagectomy — if cancer develops — are sufficient. Doctors generally don't recommend surgery for people with declining health or for those who are too weak to withstand a major procedure. Alternatives to medications and surgery Removal (ablation) of dysplasia makes possible the reversal of Barrett's esophagus, and it may prevent esophageal cancer. Combined with PPIs, ablation may be appropriate especially if you're not a good candidate for an esophagectomy. Ablation procedures include: Photodynamic therapy. First, you'll take a drug to make the Barrett's cells sensitive to light. Then, your doctor inserts a light into your esophagus. Tissues that the light touches are burned off. The Food and Drug Administration has approved the photosensitizing agent Photofrin to treat Barrett's esophagus. Electrocautery. Your doctor inserts an electric wire into your esophagus to burn away dysplasia. Laser therapy. Your doctor uses a hot beam of light (laser) inserted into your esophagus to burn away Barrett's cells. This procedure is effective but difficult to apply evenly. Argon plasma coagulation. Your doctor releases a jet of argon gas into your esophagus along with an electric current to burn away dysplasia. The long-term effectiveness of ablation procedures in preventing cancer is not known. Self-care You may eliminate or reduce the frequency of stomach acids flowing up into the lower end of your esophagus by making the following lifestyle changes: Eat smaller, more frequent meals. Three meals a day, with small Snacks in between, will help you stop overeating. Continual overeating leads to excess weight, which aggravates heartburn. Loosen your belt. Clothes that fit tightly around your waist put pressure on your abdomen, aggravating reflux. Avoid stooping or bending. Tying your shoes is OK. Bending over for hours to weed your garden isn't, especially soon after eating. Don't lie down after eating. Wait at least two to three hours after eating to lie down or go to bed. Raise the head of your bed. An elevation of 6 to 9 inches puts gravity to work for you. Or you can insert a wedge between your mattress and box spring to elevate your body from the waist up. Wedges are available at drugstores and medical supply stores. Raising your head alone by using pillows isn't a good alternative. Don't smoke. Smoking may increase stomach acid. The swallowing of air during smoking also may aggravate belching and acid reflux. In addition, smoking and alcohol increase your risk of esophageal cancer. By Mayo Clinic staff HQ00312 May 19, 2004 © 1998-2005 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). All rights reserved. A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.com," "Mayo Clinic Health Information," "Reliable information for a healthier life" and the triple-shield Mayo logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
  5. She was banded yesterday and had a BAD time with pain and had to stay the night. We are home now and she is resting and in better spirits. If you have any recovery secrets I would like to know. Watching her go through it at least I know what to expect, “GULP”………..
  6. WillPower


    there has been an AS-SALT!!!! :cool:
  7. WillPower

    LapBand Food Stages Lists Suggestions

    So there are no more salads? I love salad!!!!!!!!!
  8. WillPower

    Here We Go Again!!

    Well, I have cut bait with PHCS..UCK!!!! And now I am with United Health Care. IF ANYONE IS WITH PHCS OR PACIFICARE.........DUMP THEM! All they do is treat you like a circus animal........JUMP, SIT, STAY, ROLL OVER, YOUR DENIED PORKY!!! BACK TO THE END OF THE LINE! I am startin all over, SQUARE ONE! and hope that I will get approved this time. I was thinking about not getting it done all together. If it had not been for the love of my GiRl I would not be able to get back up and try again. She was approved for this month. So, I can't let the monster get me because I am angry, or stressed out........ Wish me luck!
  9. WillPower

    Here We Go Again!!

    I have checked with them and there are not any exclusions, or hoops to jump through on WLS. Only that the thin may not apply! Finally something that they can't have done to look better!!! :laugh
  10. G@# Da%# Mother #@$%^&( stupid Med-Valuless people screwed my chances to have it done this year. Now I have to appeal and pay $5,000.00 for my 2005 ded!!!AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It would have been paid 100% this year too!!! I was stupid to think that everything was going to go smoothly, they said that everything looked good...... I did everything that they told me to do and they still denied me. Some "doctor" said that I was not fat enough even though I can't tie my DAMN shoes!!!!!!! and that all my medical problems were not life threatening???? Then why am I spending $8,000.00 per year on medication if it is not life threatening!!!!!!!!!!
  11. WillPower


    does anyone know the website to send DOG CRAP through the mail!!!!!! They thought that COAL in their stocking was bad!!!!!
  12. WillPower

    Nice things to do for ourselves-add ideas

    If I am bored and not doing anything I will graze. But if I am creating things for sale I never eat the profits. I have a real guilt complex about food too so that helps. I like to make food more than I like to eat it, weird huh?
  13. WillPower

    Nice things to do for ourselves-add ideas

    I have been out of town and busy finishing up jobs before the end of the year. Still waiting on approval. I keep having to give them information. It is becoming a real pain in the ass. But, I am doing my part and that is what counts. My kitchen looks like a bomb went off. But I am going to make some really good money off all of what I am making. I just filled an order for 12 cases of pepper jelly, raspberry Serrano, pineapple habanero, strawberry habanero, roasted Serrano pear, cranberry jalapeno, & cherry apple cinnamon savina pepper.
  14. WillPower

    Nice things to do for ourselves-add ideas

    I like making goodies, candles, salsa, bbq sauce, smoking meats, jerky, hot pepper jellies, spicy holiday treats..... Cookies, candy, breads..............with a little heat to keep you warm.
  15. WillPower

    Went to the shrink!!!

    And guess what!!! She is banded! :banana :banana I think that it went very well, you never know with those things. I went in there expecting to BS her but the questions are not that complex. I think that I am going to be approved in no time!!! She also showed me her pictures and WOW! I would have never known if she had not told me..........
  16. WillPower

    Went to the shrink!!!

    Well my years of GP supervised diet and meds have proved that I am trying. I have blood tests, weigh ins, levels for the last five years. All I have to do is wait............ I am hoping to get approved quickly so that I do not get into a new deductable year.....
  17. WillPower

    newly banded

    What do you think that the day was like when god created man?? "Let man gain weight EVERYWHERE but right there. Let that thing fill with blood, robbing his brain of vital blood and oxygen making him unable to make a decision in that state!!!!!!! Not bad for only a rib to work with, huh? Is that what they mean by, I have a bone to pick with you???
  18. WillPower

    Pics of me!!!

    Huba, Huba!!!!! :kiss
  19. WillPower

    Battle for the band!!!

    I have been working both sides of the court on getting approval. I think that all of my years of blood problems are going to let my skip the whole diet thing. YAY ME!!! Now, all I have to do is go to the shrink and not have it turn into a Greek Tragedy. I feel like I am band-obsessed lately. I want to be one of you. The Few, The Proud, The Banded........... :rambo
  20. WillPower

    Lap-Band Meal Diary

    On the subject of food there are a lot of posts. I would like to read about what the long time Bandsters eat during the day, when you go out for dinner, parties, BBQ's, Thanksgiving....
  21. WillPower

    Battle for the band!!!

    I am not happy about having to do the psyche thing. But it is for the cause, right? I will be nice.... I just hope that I can do it once I get to the point of no return. I have not been thin in so long that I can remember what it is like. I just remember what my "friend' said the other day. ("You have a nice workout room for a fat guy..............") It is comments like that that make me want it more and more.......
  22. WillPower

    Back at Work!

    How are you? Things getting back to normal?
  23. WillPower

    Lap-Band Meal Diary

    for the input. As I wait for my approval my mind keeps thinking good idea, bad idea, good idea, bad idea................. I just don't want to do something that is going to leave me with doubts, and asking the questions "could I have done it without the band? I am sure that is something that you all have asked yourselves. I love food and love to cook it even more. I don't want to give up the things that I love.
  24. WillPower

    Get Well Blossom!!!!

    I wanted to post a Get Well Thread for her, she is getting banded today......... Get well Blossom!! I am going to be buggin you about your process soon... :cheeky Bzzzzzzzzzz!!!
  25. WillPower

    Newbie needs advice.

    what does it cost in Mexico???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
