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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ChristinaRose

  1. On the pureed stage! I'm 2 weeks out (well, 2 weeks this coming Tuesday), I had a question as far as how much I am able to consume. I ate the famous "ricotta bake" yesterday and split it between 2 meals. (P.S. Insanely delicious). I had 3 oz. the first "meal" and then later in the evening had 4 oz. Does this sound normal? I almost feel like I can consume too much without any sort of pain. I guess I shouldn't be complaining that I don't have pain or nausea when I eat but it's almost like those are a forewarning to fullness. I'm having a hard time knowing when I'm full and don't want to accidentally overdo it. I am measuring everything but I know every stomach is different. Interested to see if others are able to consume 4 oz. 2 weeks out from surgery with no problems? :)

  2. Y'all, I'm about to eat my pillow. lol. I'm not literally hungry, just head hungry.The mind is such a powerful thing, it's insane! Let me just say that the worst thing is driving by one of your favorite restaurants and smelling the food. I wanted to lick the car window. :) BUT I will say that chewing ice helps the "chew factor". As well as SF popsicles and seeing the progress in weight loss ;). These head games aren't the most fun but in comparison to the new life ahead, I'll take 2 weeks of head hunger and crying over pizza commercials.

  3. To be honest, I would research into some more qualified physicians that will perform your surgery with 100% knowledge and excellence. If they are a bariatric physician or any surgeon for that matter, they should have NO problem executing a Gastric Sleeve procedure (of course, if this is a procedure they offer). I would find a physician that you KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt will perform the Sleeve surgery to his best ability. Your life and your health are worth waiting to find a capable physician.

  4. I am 7 days out. liquid diet for 2 weeks. (I go to pureed on my birthday next week!! Killer gift for sure!) Y'all are so right!! This is hard but worth it. It's easy to get caught up in the cravings for sure. I find myself salivating over commercials and the other day I definitely cried because I wanted pizza but knew I would NEVER risk it. Who cries over Pizza? Lol this girl!. I've found that diverting my attention onto something else helps for a while but it also helps to kinda face the craving and addiction head on so when it comes again you are stronger. It got easier the day after when I saw a pizza commercial. I kept saying "ewwww look at that nasty thing" hahaha my husband thinks I'm a weirdo.

  5. Hi all!

    Sooo I am 1 week out from being sleeved. No pain and feeling pretty darn good! I will lay the beginning of my docs post op diet to give you guys a better idea before I ask my question.

    Week 1 & 2: liquids

    (Protein shakes, ensure, broths, blended and strained Soups (no chunks/rice/noodles/potatoes), Jello, popsicles, blended and strained yogurt smoothies)

    Week 3 & 4: pureed

    (purred oatmeal, mashed sweet potatoes, chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad (all with low fat mayo), avacado, low fat cheeses, lean ground turkey or beef, egg whites/scrambled, low fat yogurt, cooked and blended veggies, etc.) Basically pulverize everything but restrictions include (no real sugar, Pasta, bread, rice, crackers, all of the heavy stuff)

    Week 4 & 5: Continued Pureed + Integrating more Soft Foods

    I have a couple of questions I hope someone may be able to answer! :)

    I'm on week 1 diet, and I am having a really hard time getting in 2 Protein Shakes a day. I'm lucky to get a whole one down. It's not that my sleeve is rejecting it, it's that I am sick of the constant sweet overload from the shakes and the Ensure. So basically I have been adding powders? utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury unflavored Protein to blended creamy soups and have only been able to eat around 4-6oz. per day of the Soup. I also have some milk in the morning, around 4 oz. I KNOW I am not getting enough of the protein he wants me to get in (80 grams minimum). But it's really hard when it's mainly liquids! How much protein intake is typical for a new sleever?(aside from doc recommendations)

    Also, I am almost paranoid that soups are too much on the sleeve (even though though I've had no problems or pain...and it's on my docs postop diet). I guess that sounds weird but I was wondering if anyone else has done the cream based soups in the first week? I didn't start them until around day 4 per my doctor's diet. I am just terrified of busting open my sleeve lol I have followed the diet to a T but I'm even afraid that soup will cause too much pressure on it haha. Just wanted some feedback on that :)

    Sorry for the mega long epic novel to ask those 2 measly questions. Thanks y'all!

  6. My doc leaves the drain in for 2 weeks. He wants to be absolute sure there are 0 leaks and likes to monitor his patients closely. He actually makes his patients drink 2 oz. of "Blue powerade" every hour (that way if there were a leak, the blue liquid would travel into the drain and we would go immediately to hospital. Basically blue is the only color our body doesn't "excrete" so it helps keep an eye on our insides while healing) At the 2 week point the drain will be removed and then he moves us into the pureed stage. Will be on liquids until then to make sure transitions go as smoothly as possible. Sticking to doctor's orders makes the process SO much better.

  7. Just got home form the hospital yesterday. I'm feeling great! Minimal pain and more energy than I could have imagined this early in. I'm sure I'll have difficult days but as of right now, if you follow the post op program closely, it makes life a TON easier. It may seem impossible to get in all of your liquids/protein post-op but all you can do is try your absolute best. Take it slow but be active and focused on your recovery. Remember to take small walks to keep the blood flowing and also to relieve any gas pain. Best of luck!

  8. Sleeved yesterday! Minimal pain, some nausea but easily treated with the good stuff :) I will be going home tomorrow. It felt good to know I'd lost 30 lbs on my own and no telling what I'll be when I get home. It has been an awesome experience. Sitting in my hospital bed right now and counting down until discharge tomorrow! Woop Woop!

  9. Im a little nervous I've cheated quite a few times but plan to stick to just liquid for the rest of the days till surgery. I just hope they won't postpone my surgery. I am very excited to start this journey and I hope to hear from you that way we can share our experience

    We should definitely keep in touch! I'll try and update the site asap. I pray everything goes as comfortably and smoothly as possible for ya! Here's to a new life! :)

  10. Hey Christina my surgery is May 1st aswell, hows your pre op diet going

    D1-- Sorry it took me so long to see that message! I'm doing pretty good on the pre-op, my doc does't do a liquid diet until the day before (but there is a special preop diet to reduce liver size that I've been following for a month). How are you doing!? So cool we are having it done on the same day!

  11. My surgery is may FIRST!!! FrEaKiNg OuT!!! It's just hours away and I think I'm in shock lol.

    kelly-- Yay!! My surgery is May 1st as well!! Can you believe that this is the last weekend of our "old life"? It's so surreal. The anxiety does get overwhelming at times but I keep my eyes fixed on the incredible things that are about to happen.

    Congrats to everyone on upcoming sleeves! We CAN do this :)

  12. Favorites:

    ProtiZyme whey Protein "Peanut Butter Cookie" Flavor (I let a few friends taste this and they LOVED)

    ProtiZyme Whey Protein "Strawberries and Creme" Flavor


    powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Unflavored (with broths/soups but be careful when mixing. Cannot go over temp of 130 degrees)

    Premier chocolate


    Premier vanilla

    I saw another sleever make a good point though, what tastes delicious to some, tastes like barf to others. :) :)

  13. You sound like you are ready for this journey. Like the other ladies said, this is a hard addiction to beat but with the surgery you can do it. Take things one day at a time and stick to your pre-op and post-diet you will be surprised and happy with your decision to finally beat it. Good luck to you.

    MeMe-- Thank you very much! I feel as prepared as humanly possible lol The mental hurdles are surprisingly getting easier. Well, maybe not "easier" but I feel more apt to make the right decisions. It's amazing how the surgery challenges you to change so many areas aside from the physical. I am thankful it isn't a quick bandaid so that I can further learn how to take full reign over the addiction. Take care!

  14. It sounds like you're on the right track. You are not in denial about your eating habits prior to these life changes or about your addiction. That's a huge leap ahead of where most of us are when we're sleeved!

    It's all headwork. Your surgery is going to give you the opportunity to kick the addiction but if you don't do the headwork, well, it'll still be there two years post op and give you grief in maintenance. It's not what anyone wants to hear but it's absolutely true.

    I just finished a pretty good read about disordered eating called Beyond the Refrigerator: Navigating Life After Weight-Loss Surgery. While I didn't really learn many new things, I enjoyed the perspectives in the book. You might check it out from your local library. I also enjoyed Hungry: Lessons on the Journey from Fat to Thin, which focuses more on overeating and the way one man tackled the emotional side of the problem.

    The surgery makes it very easy to avoid foods in the beginning, especially if you lose your hunger like most of us do. But once you're a year out or close to two, like I am, it really becomes apparent if you're in a good place or not. My sleeve will stop me from eating half a pizza but it's not going to stop me from eating a cookie per hour or a tub of ice cream. So my advice is to keep on your current track and to also add in some counseling if you find you need the additional support once you're sleeved. The frustration and emotional upheaval once your coping mechanism is taken from you can be very difficult to overcome, and I speak from experience!

    Best of luck to you. I wish everyone that opted for this surgery prepared as well as you seem to be doing. Being overweight isn't a stomach problem that the surgery will solve - it's a head problem, and we need to face that head on if we want to beat it for good.


    Cheri-- Wow thank you for the fantastic advice and the book suggestion. I will absolutely look into that. Thank you for your kind words as well! I have been trying pretty hard in both the mental and physical aspects and it helps to hear from experienced sleevers that I am on track.

  15. It's difficult at times (especially when a commercial with some amazing looking food comes on...I typically have to change the channel. Lame I know lol) I'm trying my best to learn to love whey Protein. Finding flavors that suit you is important. There are unflavored alternatives that are definitely helpful. My best friend used to be bread, I kinda miss him but not so much as to sabotage the journey. :) hang in there and remember that you can always stand up and try again. :)

  16. Thank you all for your words of advice and sharing your obstacles. And thank you for the words to help me continue pushing forward! :)

    Sassygirl-- I totally agree, food is a beast to conquer but then we have to live with that beast forever too haha. It does feel so good to say "no" to the wrong and to say "yes" to the right things. Congrats on that victory this past week!

    4ALongerLife-- You are TOO kind!! (I took it in the kindest most platonic way so no worries either haha) That made me smile! I am trying to build more confidence and believe in the compliments from people. So THANK YOU. :) Honesty in the struggle is so important! You are so right, it took more than 10 minutes to reach the point we are at so we can't be too hard on ourselves. Thanks for the encouragement!

  17. Totally understandable! I'm pre-op and definitely anticipating surgery in a week. It can be VERY overwhelming trying to get our bodies to accept transformation. They are often strong-willed and fight us tooth & nail. We can WIN though, you WILL overcome the struggle. Take it moment by moment. If ya ever need to chat/vent, feel free to shoot me a message!

  18. Hi all! I'm fairly new here. I'll be an official Sleever on May 1 (less than a week away...whoa, it just kinda hits you in the face sometimes haha). I'm from Charleston, SC and have a passion for life. I can't wait to be able to do things I've never done before. I've been addicted to all things food since high school/college. Freshman 15 became freshman 30 and so on. UGH :) All of that to say, I feel like I've been an active person stuck in an obese persons' body. Does that sound weird? Throughout the process, my nutritionist and MD has weaned me into a pre-op diet so it's not a huge slap in the face once surgery hits. I've been following a low carb plan for about 2 months (currently on the official pre-op diet now) and I'm noticing it gets easier to say no to the food I once held so dearly to. I know there will be plenty of temptations that will fly my way on a daily basis but, it feels really good to say that I see hope in overcoming this addiction. Any similar experiences or victories pre-op/post-op? I'd love to hear and meet some new people on here! :)

  19. I must say that "Metabolic Nutrition ProtiZyme whey Protein" is an awesome brand. My favorite of the flavors are Peanut Butter Cookie & strawberry Creme. The containers are a bit more expensive but definitely worth it. I can't stand anything overly sweet and I found these to be incredible. I mix 1 scoop with 8 oz. of milk and a few ice cubes. You can get a sample pack with all flavors from bariatricpantry.com Hope this helps!

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