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Not Amish

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Not Amish

  1. I'm 5 weeks out, and for the past several days have been having bad gout issues. Prior to surgery I had issues, but was fairly under control with some medicine from the doctors (colchicine and allopurinol). From what I read, it can happen after surgery with the high Protein diet and possible dehydration. I can battle the dehydration, but avoiding high protein is near impossible. Desperate I went out and got the Cherry Extract, which is supposed to be a "natural remedy". Still not working at the moment. Currently, I'm taking colchicine and the cherry extract in hopes it will start to get better. I've been staying away from advil, and just using ice for swelling. Any other suggestions?

  2. I think your fine. Just call the doctor tomorrow to confirm. Usually pus is a good sign as indicates that your body is responding to an injury/surgery. Basically it's a build up of white blood cells that help to fight infections. There are a few sites out there that may help, but I would say you can sleep without worry and get a professional opinion tomorrow. Now only if I can get to sleep :(

  3. So as the title says I started back to work today. I can't see how everyone goes back so early. The majority of the day I felt sick and couldn't really concentrate, and even eating things I consider easy was much more difficult than when I eat them at home. I know it will get better, but this was definitely my toughest day since surgery.

    At this point Water is a chore, and eating just as bad. I use several different types of flavor enhancers and also drink G2 but haven't really found liquid that goes down easy.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    On a positive note, im down about 27 lbs since 4/4.

  4. I can't speak to the pre-op diet, but I can tell you the entire process leading up to the surgery was an acceptance ridden process. I continually went back and forth, wondering why can't I just do this myself. Long story short is I've been trying to do it for such a long time, that I'm risking greater health issues by continuing to maintain my current weight. So my motto going into everything is that I am controlling when I'm having a surgery, and not letting "natural causes" dictate when I get to have my first major surgery.

    While I'm still recovering from surgery, I feel closer back to normal, and highly motivated for the future. The only difference is that I have a great tool to help me get to where I need to go. How I can understand your doubts, you really have to dig deep to know if this is the right move for you. My advice would be to make a list of Pros and Cons, and note the subjects that originally pointed you towards going through the surgery.

    Good luck to you.

  5. I have my first post-op on Thursday. I definitely wasn't expecting to hear those words from my doctor, but I guess we'll see what he says. If anything it sounds positive for you and that he wants you to work on getting back to normal. If you haven't started back on caffeine I think it would be a good idea to just stay off it. One less drug you are dependent on. Good luck and let us know how the regular food goes.

  6. 4/4/2012 here.

    My current progress in bullet format:

    .today was the first day I felt nausea, think the mashed potatoes I had were too thick.

    .i have lost 20 lbs

    .frozen sugar free pops are my favorite

    .favorite food is la Madeline potatoe Soup (tuna fish is moving up)

    .one more week off then back to work. I took some vacation time

    Other than that everything else is pretty good. I have high blood pressure but there were some oddities with the meds after surgery. So hoping it should eventually get better.

    How is everyone else doing?

  7. Quick Intro, I've been lurking for a while, and appreciate all that have shared. I had my surgery on 4/4/12, so I'm a week out.

    Made my first trip to the grocery store today and looking forward to puree stage of my diet. I must say I was shocked by the temptations of all the old bad habits. My stomach and mind are telling me how hungry I am right now. I've read the signs of full and hunger thread on the forum, but man these hunger pains are strong.

    Soup one more night and I'm having eggs in the morning. I think I have the next three days planned out for my puree food. Anyone else have suggestions on overcoming mental hunger.

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