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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mimismom

  1. Mimismom

    Soooo Annoying!

    Thanks for all the responses everybody! I appreciate it
  2. Can you get trapped gas in your lower right back area too? Sometimes after I eat (especially now since I'm on soft foods) I hiccup a lot then my lower right side hurts and I think it could be gas. I just need reassurance it's not a kidney infection.
  3. Mimismom

    Post Op Soft Protein Diet

    I'm 3 weeks out yesterday
  4. Mimismom

    Post Op Soft Protein Diet

    Today was my first day of soft foods. I had tuna salad for lunch and half a scrambled egg for dinner. I put some cheese on it and some ketchup it was sooo good! At the grocery store they have little 3oz containers of tuna sold in packs of threes! I love them!! I do a lot of string cheese too. When you chew it to death it purées in your mouth. Good Luck!!
  5. Hi All, So I had my surgery on July 11th and my incision (the one that they pulled the stomach out of) still hurts! Not as much as it used to but it still hurts and it hasn't scabbed over or closed. It hurts when I sit mostly and the problem is I told my boss I would be back on Monday August 6th but I'm worried about sitting for 8 hours now! The doctor gave me 4-6 weeks and if I go back on Monday it would be 4 weeks. It's covered under FMLA so I'm fine if I take the extra two weeks but I'm just nervous about how I'm going to break the news to my boss that I need another 2 weeks. I was supposed to be back to work after 2 weeks! What would you do or say?
  6. Mimismom

    What Would You Do?

    Thanks everyone!!!
  7. Mimismom

    What Would You Do?

    Guys I think it was stitched inside then glued shut. It is not wide open but it's raw and still hurting
  8. Mimismom

    What Would You Do?

    @livinglifeout YES!!!! Sitting down kills me. I feel so uncomfortable and in pain. I think I will take the extra two weeks
  9. Mimismom

    What Would You Do?

    Yes I'm not sure if the neosporin is making it wetter. My doctor uses regular stitching. The kind that dissolve. I'm going to email him a picture of it tomorrow. He is in a different state. I just don't think I'm ready to go back to work to be honest. When I walk or lay down it doesn't bother me but then sitting down really hurts. Maybe because my belly is folding over the incision?
  10. Mimismom

    What Would You Do?

    Thanks for responding. I'm not sure why it hasn't closed I just took off the gauze last week and I've been showering then putting neosporin on it. I'm wondering if the fact that it's getting wet has anything to do with it. But I always dry it completely then put neosporin on it
  11. Hi All, My question is how many grams of Protein do you currently take in? I'm about 3 weeks out and taking in around 40g of protein and my weight loss is slow. Do you think if I increase my protein intake my weight loss will speed up? If so, why? Thanks so much!
  12. Mimismom

    Increase Protein?

    Thanks everyone. I think I need to start focusing on upping my protein. I also heard that increasing protein helps with faster weight loss but not sure why so I just wanted to confirm. Thanks again!
  13. Mimismom

    Me Not So Horny......

    You know I was really scared coz I thought I lost my mojo after surgery (July 11th) coz my sex drive took a serious nosedive. But today I got my nails and hair done and I feel kinda naughty!! Yay! I think my mojo is back. Thank God for B.O.B
  14. About 2 weeks post op and feel a sharp pain on the right side of my lower back. It's not intolerable but usually right after I get out of bed. Anyone else experienced this and addressed it with their surgeon? Thanks
  15. Hmmm possibly. Although I do stay pretty hydrated. I was reading on obesityhelp someone else said they experienced it and the doctor told them it was due to weight loss because the body is adjusting to the shedding weight. Maybe that's it? I'm not sure
  16. Congratulations! When does it get better? When do you start to actually appreciate the surgery? I'm about 2 weeks out and hating everything right now. :-(
  17. Mimismom

    Chopped! *pic*

    Wow your a hottie so I'm sure any style will look great on you. I'm so nervous about my hair. My hair is very fine and thin to begin with so I would imagine in a couple of months I'll have two strands of hair so I have been researching different companies who sell hair to use for a full weave. I'm addicted to YouTube and watching teazedblackpearls and fabulasityisme because they always review hair and I'm taking note for when I'll need their opinion.
  18. @stillooking; sure I'll email her tomorrow and ask her. I think it has to do with the protein digestability score. Meaning it says it's 42g of protein but not all of it is digestible if you take it in one sitting so really your not getting the 42g but I'm not sure I will check with her. If anyone else has any info regarding this please feel free to share.
  19. Mimismom

    I Like To Watch!

    I don't think it's creepy at all and I'm a girl. Lol I know exactly what you mean though coz most of my conversations with my friends are some variation of this; Me; hows it going...did you cook today? What did you eat? Friend; ummm I made stir fry today....guess who got fired from their job??? Me; wait so was it chicken or beef? Friend; it was chicken.....can I finish telling you this news Me; hold on!....so you just served it over white rice then? Was it good? Friend; you're so weird. For some reason I live vicariously through the people around me when it comes to their eating so I totally get you. Im almost 2 weeks post op and food is all I think of. Perhaps this is part of the detoxing period.
  20. I heard oh yeah strawberry protein shakes are good. The 14oz has 32g of protein. My NUT said the protein shots were a poor source of protein. I don't know why....I had to pee..then forgot to ask her when I got back.
  21. Personally I hate everyone who can eat a normal meal right now so I feel you.
  22. Omg I remember that for the first few days until I went and got some strawberry fiber gummies from cvs and that started helping a bit.
  23. Hi All, So I had my surgery on July 11th and I started at 282lbs. Well today I weighed in at 275 so basically a 7lb loss which is great but....I dunno....I guess I was expecting more. I know everyone loses at their own pace but....*sigh* I've been sticking to my post op diet and I was at least looking for a reward God!!! Haha Is this just fluids I'm holding onto from the surgery? Does this mean I'm gonna be a slow loser for the next several months? Thanks for listening to me vent
  24. Mimismom

    So Discouraged

    Thanks again everyone. Mensch thanks for that because I forgot about the fact that I went through this surgery with no complications. I am sooooooo thankful for that. God is good!! Thanks for making me see things from a different perspective.
  25. Mimismom

    So Discouraged

    Thanks ladies that info really helps me out a lot. I think today specifically the head hunger is beating my A$$ so I felt that discouraged that I can't eat what I want AND I'm not losing anything!! But your words of encouragement are really helping

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