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Posts posted by txcutie28

  1. LOL Thanks Kim and Lynda! I like to call it my Birthday Month... haha smile.png

    Elixabeth - I did in the early stages during weight loss. I would log all my food in https://www.livestrong.com/login/ It will keep track of all your calories, carbs, sodium, sugar - all that and it's free. There are many others you can use, but that just so happens to be one I chose. Not sure why, it was just easy to figure out I guess. wink.png I didn't really ever set a real limit to myself, I just figured if I'm eating right the calories can't go that high. They were always around 800-1,000 for the day and really I burned 1,500 for the day on workouts alone. So you can see it wasn't anything major for me to worry too much about that.

    I don't ever log my food anymore, since I'm not actively trying to lose. I do however plan to continue to use this as a way of life if I need to get off a few pounds here and there. Good luck!!! smile.png

    You look so great!! I saw you were burning 1500 a day on workouts.. what are you doing? I am bored from the treadmill,and I think its not doing as much good as it was a while ago.. thanks!!

  2. drink before you're thirsty. When you feel thirsty, you're already starting to dehydrate. Fluids are so very important.

    try to discipline yourself against sweets. If they're your downfall, don't buy them. Don't have them in the house to fall back on when you're bored.

    If you feel you can't, maybe talk to your surgeon about the optional second part operation of the duodenal switch.

    exercise. exercise. exercise.

    How much Protein are you eating? How quickly after are you drinking?

    I always wait at least 30 min after I am done eating before I drink Water .. I cant before then, too full. I do sometimes only wait 20-ish minutes after I drink before I eat.. but only occasionally.

    Protein is usually ..

    breakfast: 2 eggs boiled - 1 without the yolk, 1 with .. sometimes i dont finish

    lunch: baked chicken nuggets - usually 4 or 5, or small piece of tilapia, or about 1/4 cup of chicken breast ( i cant get any more of chicken breast than that at any one time), or half a sandwich - as in 1 slice of toasted whole wheat bread, with turkey or some other kind of lunch meat and a slice of cheese .. sometimes i will have a few bites of green Beans with the protein choice.. sometimes not

    Dinner: same choices as lunch usually .. minus the sandwhich. I dont do carbs at dinner most days.

    I think my issue is snacking in between - plus i work from home and I think I may be either having just head/bored hunger, or lacking Water .. and confusing that with hunger maybe?

    Snacking is usually 4-5 ritz crackers with Peanut Butter, maybe a sweet instead (hence my problem is probably snacking and sweets)

    What do you think??

    Thank you!!

  3. Well done on your success fo far...

    I am hearing you loud and clear...there are a couple of ways to get back on track:

    Track your food, as you eat currently for a couple of days... including the sweets... see how many cals, carbs and Protein etc you are getting... then adjust it accordingly - to what you feel comfortable with in terms of intake and quantity. This might take a week or two to tweek and work out what is best for you, but it is worth an try and if defo keeps you focused.

    As, you get full quick, then - if I am reading this right - you snack on sweets? - you draw up a 'meal plan' for the day...

    Say, brekkie - you usual

    cup of Water

    snack - Protein

    cup of Water

    lunch - ususal

    cup of water

    snack - protein

    cup of water

    dinner - usual

    snack - protein

    cup of water

    It might seem a little perscriptive, but it will keep you focused and hopefully too full to eat sweets?

    Diva has also put a boot camp, back to basics, thread on here, which a lot of people use to get rid of the carb/sweet monster... you could try that?

    Have you got much more to lose?

    Let us know how you are doing and what you decide... good luck =]

    Thanks for your feedback .. I still have A LOT to lose .. which is another reason why I am wondering why my dr didnt suggest the bypass instead of sleeve. Seems that heavier people are more prone to going with the bypass. I have about another 80 lbs to lose :(

  4. Hello everyone,

    I have been lurking around for a bit and finally decided to dive in.. thank you in advance for the feedback I am hoping to receive.

    I had my surgery in June 2011, lost about 50lbs between then and early October.. since then I have just been up and down and I am getting really discouraged. Part of it I know is because I am getting off track, part of it I am not sure why/what is going on..

    1. I get full quickly,after small meals, but even after my Protein.. I am hungry again maybe a 2 hrs later.. why?

    2. Sweets have always been my demise .. and I have realized that they go down VERY easily with the sleeve, I just cant have nearly as much as I used to. I feel like I should have gotten the Bypass rather than the sleeve, as I have heard you cannot do much sweets/sugar at all with that one. Is this true?

    The fact that I can eat sweets is becoming a disaster.. granted, I cannot eat like I used to (got carried away once with chicken and was miserable for a good 30 min after until it went down) .. but I had NO IDEA that they would be so easy to eat.

    3. Water - I am never thirsty as I was prior to surgery.. and its hard to drink more than 30 oz of Water a day

    Does anyone have any suggestions, help they can provide. Please address all 3 of my points if possible.. thanks so much :)

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