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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by momof4

  1. momof4

    4 Weeks Po & Not Losing

    Thanks for the thoughts. I'm sure at some point I'll see changes. I'm not saying I want them all right here right now like massive. Just any would be hopeful! Yes things take time but to just have no results in the beg is not the norm. Oh well, it is what it is now!
  2. According to my dr I'm able to eat chicken soup, (not noodles yet) lentil soup (any soup with beans really) and soft scrambled eggs and lean meats plus tuna (which made me puke). The eggs are very hard to get down no matter how soft i scramble them and even egg whites. Even sf Jello goes down rough even after I keep it in my mouth to a liquid. Can't do cold water yet but I'm able to drink @least 8 cups of room temp water a day:-) The chicken in the soup is so soft and I chew it softer but it still feels stuck and I have to walk around and burp for about 15-20 minutes. Protein shakes are good. I can't drink milk based anything yet as it makes me ill but I'll either mix them with water or silk milk. It's quite a process trying to eat and eat slow and wait for pain to pass... I know it'll get easier but now it sucks;)
  3. Hold on to something... Well sit down maybe better advice.... But it was $20k!!! Yep!!! Now that's all my preop and hospital an post op for 5 years. The only thing my ins is used for us prescriptions. Now I looked into the Mexico route, know some that have had success and some that had horro by going there. For me, it wasn't a safe option(for me and my needs & concerns). In large I needed to have peace of mind to, be close to my hospital and surgeon. Be able to have my husband sleep in the hospital with me. Be able to have care after convenient. I had to get to know my surgeon & anesthesiologist and all and know I could see him anytime ASAP. Now it was a personal choice for me and if that is something u can do then u should. No matter why u decide it's gotta be a personal choice your comfortable with because everything else is out of your control after that!!!! Good luck
  4. That's very encouraging! Thanks for the share! Good for you!!
  5. momof4

    Nausea With Vitamins

    No don't wait. I take them after I've started thy specific meal, per my dr's instructions. I take them with those specific meals so thy can go down earlier. It takes a while for the vitamins to absorb so if you take them all at one youre not getting full benefits.
  6. The people from my surgeons office i went to class with and I were all on clear liquids for 7days, then mushy food (yes they said we can puree soup) and have things like applesauce and yogurt and cottage cheese and scrambled eggs, for 7 and now chicken and other lean meats and then steamed and very soft veggies after week 3. No raw veggies & fruit for 6 weeks and even then lettuce must be diced and chopped and only a small amount. & no fruit with a peel. It's pretty simple after that.. Protein first, (always), then veggies and fruit. We also have our 6 daily vitamins too(some a few times a day). Otherwise then we are on our own to make high protein low web choices. Hope you can get another change to talk to a nut cause 22days seems veryyyy excessive and not at all healthy. Idk?
  7. momof4

    Appeal With Cigna?

    Yeah I was at the point that after I cried a minute I said... Too bad... I must do this! Least yours is 5k less then mine! but I live by the beach so it's a douchey hospital-lol... My surgeon was higher than two others I met with but I didn't feel the instant click with them I did with mine! So that was worth it when asking someone to cut into on onto me!!! Ya know??? serious good luck!!!
  8. Andy what a great tip!!! Thank you!!!
  9. momof4

    Anyone Feeling Moody?

    Please don't be sort to vent... That's why I posted:-) vent away... It all helps us all!
  10. momof4

    Anyone Feeling Moody?

    Nic, thank you! Really appreciate u sharing. It does help. I hope it passes for us both sooner than later:-)
  11. Thank you! It's not pretty or good but it's my journey and I still don't regret it! So going in open eyes of possibilities can't hurt! Everyone is dif and some may breeze thru (god love them), but for me I needed to know it all. So I'm gladly willing to give back. I know it's a long process and. Any wait to start enjoying my decision. It'll happen... Thanks for your kind words;-)
  12. Bubbles? Well welcome to the POP ROCKS phase so I've been told-lol
  13. Bubbles? Well welcome to the POP ROCKS phase so I've been told-lol
  14. My sleeve was Monday too and I had (have) all the same symptoms and issues! Why a rough road! Sf Popsicles have helped get my fluids in because I can't. Seem to drink more than a teaspoon of water! Now being told only drink distiller water and warm peppermint tea, and broth. So hope that works! Having my back rubbed to get out the burps is great too! Lots to learn and go through and the silver lining is this will pass and we will feel normal again soon! Even though I cried in pain all night last night, I don't regret it!!!
  15. Came home yesterday. Was in a ton of pain and could not get even a teaspoon of water down without feeling like someone was stabbing my stomach. I was ordered to not start anything but stay on water for one more day! I was hungry and thirsty and had horrible dry mouth. Chapstick helps and I finally sucked on a cough drop cause my throat was so dry I couldn't swallow. Getting up and out of bed was very hard. I have my husband helping me do that and rubbing my back while I walk so I can burp! Gotta burp it all but it really hurts so its hard not to tense up, but I know I gotta try and breath. I'm a side sleeper and that wasn't possible last night at all. I had couch pillows propping me up so I was semi sitting up an that was good but sitting up too straight was too painful on my gut! Taking the liquid pain killer was hard cause even though it was two teaspoons that little liquid hurt a whole lot. This morning I took a few small (talking half a teaspoon) of water and it still hurts pretty bad but it was better than yesterday so that is hopeful. I have kept ice bags on my stomach and that has helped a lot. When I walk I'm always holding onto my stomach with a pillow or rolled blanket or towel because some burps come out as hiccups and that hurts soooo bad! I've been doing my breathing apparatus they gave me to avoid getting liquid into my lungs and I seem to be able to burp more after that so that's good. You're supposed hold your tummy and cough after doing your breathing to expel any particles in your lungs but then I don't get that if I do that and swallow are they just back in? Haha I feel like crap no doubt about that but slightly less than yesterday and hope to tonorrow is better than today. It's a slow process and I'm able to drink my protein today but am struggling to get liquids down so little by little this will all happen.
  16. momof4

    Sleeved: Beni And Nae-Nae

    I feel ya!!! Had mine Monday early evening. Best thing that helped with that horrible painful gas was having my husband rub in circles on my back. The burps come in waves!
  17. Had surgery yesterday. My surgeon had pushed me back a bit cause his bypass patient had issues, so the wait gave me time to have a crying spell while talking I my kids an husband in the pre-op room.;( Once they took me back the worst thing prior was the belly shot! Hurt like hell and stung bad for a bit after too. In the OR the doctor said "ok you're gonna get your sleepy time drugs now", I remember laughing and saying "how long will it taaaaaaaa...." haha that was it! In recovery room it took me a while to open my eyes. I could hear but hard a hard time coming too. I couldn't focus cause I was very dizzy and a little nasueas. I asked for my husband and ice chips and the ice chips made me want to vomit, but I didn't. It was just any liquid for the first few hours had that effect. Ice was way easier tHan even the smallest sip of Water as The pain from water is almost unbearable. They aren't kidding when they say you'll have a hard time clearing out the gas inside you from surgery! Omg the pain was equal to contractions from childbirth! (ive had 4, so am aware). Of course the more u walk the more u burp. But i learned a few tricks. One is to be sure u have a pillow or towel folded into your tummy as u walk and burp because u will get hiccup burps and they hurt really bad. The pressure on the tummy holding it in place helpa a lot! The best trick tho was my husband would pull me up in bed to a sitting position an rub in circles my upper back and man I burped up a storm. Then when walking he would rub with both hand on both sides of my spine from middle to lower and those burps were the deep ones. They hurt but u must get them out. The more you burp the easier it is to drink a little water. The night was rough with everyone coming in and taking blood and vitals and having to disconnect I'vs and all to pee. Once they give you the iv full of Vitamins you'll pee a lot!! It's a lot of pressure so don't hold it! sleep reclined! But sitting up in the recliner was too much pressure for my tummy so I stayed in the bed and reclined to almost sitting up position. You must walk every two hours! You'll feel better each time you do. And the burping will be easier. Walk slow and rest often but do it! The next morning I was more able to drink a little bit of water evey so often. You must use the breathing apparatus they give you. Do ten breaths in evey hour then hold your stomach and cough! You have to do this to avoid getting liquid in your lungs. It feels good too and yes after u do it you can burp again!!! I had my upper GI this morning. The stuff u have to drink is gross but it really is tolerable and at least the sooner u get the GI to look for leaks the sooner you can leave. So a few hours after I did that I was released. Be sure you get a pain med at least 30min before you leave. They gave me a liquid hydrocodone so I will have an easier ride home. Once home don't forget to use your breather! It is very helpful. That's it for now... I guess time will tell the rest for me!
  18. Thanks allformy4!! I needed to hear that. Gonna try tea now since my room temp water refuses to go down nicely! I know this too shall pass from reading others journeys but until then... Boy oh boy!!!!! having someone rubbing my back when I walk so I can burp is a tremendous help! Thanks again all;-)
  19. Update: OUCH!!!! Omg being home could mean I get to sleep but the pain says otherwise! I'm hurting so bad and the liquid pain relived I get to take 4-6 hours isn't doing much but making me sleepy, but again..the pain won't allow me to sleep!!! I'm walking as much as possible but even a teaspoon of water feels like I'm being stabbed in the stomach!!! Can't have anything but water until tomorrow and haven't had anything but water since Saturday and I'm just hungry.. And so so so sore and shaky too! I called the nurse who said its all normal! And will prob be this painful for a week!!! Oh lord get me through this week.. pleaseeeee
  20. Home now from the sleeve yesterday! Holy hell am I in pain!!!! I'm walking as much as possible and doing my breathing aspiratus but can't get liquids down without feeling like my stomach is being stabbed!!! I'm on water only until tomorrow and it's awful! I'm hungry and hurting and thirsty and just can't wait for this phase to pass! Just getting in and outta bed is so hard!!!
  21. momof4

    Sleeve Surgery Tomorrow

    Thank you one and all!!!! <3
  22. Less than one week to go for my Sleeve! Feb 13th, c'mon!

  23. momof4

    Omg My Surgery Is In 8 Days.......wow

    I am Feb 13th too!!!!!!!!!! so excited............. I am so looking forward to reading posts on all that happens. (before and after). I am so happy with my doctor and hospital, so that has made it a little easier on the nerves. Sadly I am self pay so it is not easy on the finances, but I AM WORTH IT! (been years since saying that-lol). GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! stay in touch.
  24. momof4

    1 Hour To Go

    This is so exciting!! good luck!! PLEASE KEEP POSTING! I have one week to go and am reeading daily to get tips and support and so on, so good luck and hope your progress is wonderful!
  25. momof4

    Sleeve Surgery Steps

    Saw the nutritionist yesterday and had the pysch eval today. Saw the doctor afterwards and my last pre-op step was to set the endoscopy apt, which is for feb 7. I'm not nervous yet, I'm very excited! I know that may change but for now I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
