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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by BarbieB

  1. Hi I was sleeved in Mexico in Feb. I was so sick when I got there I was afraid they wouldn't sleeve me either...the doctor said my lungs were clear and they woykx go ahead with the surgery. Then they pumped me full of antibiotics post op and I felt better real quick...just make sure you get out of bed ASAP so nothing settles in your lungs. Good luck.

  2. Hi I also live in Florida so I had the same distance to go as you..I would recommend flying first class on the way home you are much more comfortable..and I would not fly southwest the seats are first come first serve you dont need that stress on the way home I flew continental/united and loved it they have direct t.c. on board and it makes the trip go by faster..Good luck..

  3. I'd love any tidbits you have as well as I'm having my surgery on 3/30

    pack light, follow the pre op diet without cheats I think you do much better post op..I had no pain what so ever..check the weather before you go it is really cold at night and warms in the day but I hade 2 cold days which I was out and about and was glad I bundled up. go shopping it is so much fun...If you have anything to ask specifically ask..I emailed finallyme with the questions she asked..I dont mind answering anyones questions..I remember it was not too long ago that I was in your shoes the unknown is kinda scary as well as going to a foreign counrty especially one that has gotten alot of bad press...the media sensationalizes that crap it is a completely safe place and the people there are so nice way nicer than most here in the staes..good luck and ask whatever you want..

  4. Hi BarbieB. I am going to see Dr. Garcia for sleeve on April 9, 2012 - day after Easter, from Jacksonville Florida. I see you also came from Florida. I'll be traveling along.....do you think thats OK since its such a long trip? I am a pretty strong & smart gal so not too worried. And tidbits you can fill me in on that may help me with trip and experience besides packing lightly...lol.

    Also, you mentioned you had to call for meds...what meds? Did they not send you to hotel with enough and also why did you need money for them? I am hoping the costs cover everything.

    Sorry for so many question but one more....did you stay in hospital 2 nights or 1 and did you get a private room.

    Thanks for taking the time to answer all my questions. I hope your recovery and weight loss is going well.

    Your neighbor from Florida!


    ps. i f you want to email me privately or call that would be great, my email is gunningstudios@gmail.com and I'll send you my phone number from there.

    Ok I'm gonna email you..

  5. Barbie, have they gotten any fewer? I had them all the time the first 2 days and then they slowed and I thought they were gone but they randomly come back now!

    I had alot in the beginning and mine are sporadic now too usually if I gulp too much drink. From others I have spoken to they usully stop overnight and then you dont get them again. that has not happened yet for me I hope soon ..They are not fun.

  6. you should have your primary physcian follow you post op. most are not happy that you went to mexico. But they will get over it if they want you as a patient and if they dont then find a new doctor who will.. I had to do that with on of my doctors..I think many feel inferior to people going over to Mexico for procedures because it is cheaper and in my opinion much better medical care that if the cat got out of the bag to more and more people, then many would start going there on a regular basis..Our doctors here are well aware of the patients going to mexico I think that alot of them feel some sort of threat..and I know alot of doctors that believe in it because they know about all the beaurucratic BS that makes our health care system the way that it is.

  7. the first few days after my surgery i got tiny little chest pains every single time I took a sip of something. Over the days they got fewer and fewer. I am a week out now and I still get some of those tiny chest pains sometimes. They usually come when I take to much of a drink or stretch/yawn. Do these tiny chest pains ever actually go away or is this something that stays with you forever due to the size of your new sleeve?

    I was told that what you are feeling are esophageal spasms (spasms in your esophogus) they do eventually go away. I get them too I am 5 weeks post op. I hope they go away soon becauase they can be quite painful. Good luck to you

  8. I highly recommend Dr. Garcia my husband and myself have boyth had surgery with him in the past 4 weeks we were so impressed with the entire team of doctors and hospital staff the hospital is small but very clean...I had an allergic reaction to the anethesia and it was handle as I am still here..they are top notch in my opinion..I was extremly nervous and on the fence about which doctor to use..Do what I did call Dr.Garcia and have a phone interview with him (that is what I did)..Once I hung up the phone I had peace in knowing that he was the doctor for me...he charges 5000.00...If you have any other questions feel free to PM me. my friend who is on this forum had her surgery the same day as me and she is had a great experience as well..I know she would answer any questions for you as well her name is britt_bearpaw. Good luck in deciding who ever you chose..just remember that you will know it in your heart when you find the right one..also I wish I had done this years ao so dont wait too much longer..

    P.S. I too wanted to go to Dr. Aceves but was not too thrilled with the long drive back to San Diego. I then thourghly researched Dr. Garcia as well as interviewing him on the phone before choosing him..also he only does 4 surgeries a day which is very important in choosing a doctor..

  9. Hello again,

    I was very, very excited to decide on Dr Aceves for my surgery. But it appears my fortunes have changed and I will have to take cost into consideration, which...annoys me, at the minimum.

    Before I continue: YES - I understand that no price is too much to pay for my health. YES - I agree that I deserve the "best money can buy". NO - I DO NOT have a way to get more money...at all. $6k is my cap and will be as such for a while, for reasons I don't care to discuss on a public forum :angry: (why does life hate me this much?!?). YES - Now is the best time in the next 18 months to look at surgery. There will be no better time than the next 2 months to get this done and get on with my life.

    That being said, I'm looking for some help. I understand that there's been some patient drama regarding Dr Kelly, he no longer has a coordinator, etc etc. I'm not sure if he's on my "short list" or not yet. I can't find much reliable info on him, his facilities and his post-op rate. Dr Garcia is on my "short list" - he operates out of a hospital (not clinic), seems to have good ratings - though not as much experience as others? Dr Almanza is not under consideration at all for me - I had a patient of his pass through my facility this past November, in bad shape due to post-op complications; she ended up on TPN and then with a gtube for nutrition for another 2 months after, plus IV antibiotics - she told quite a story regarding his "recovery house", of people having to sleep on the floor because there wasn't enough beds, no medical staff available, oncall MD being too drunk to be of use, etc. So he's off my list.

    I am open to other suggestions. My main criteria is that I want surgery in a full-fledged hospital (not a clinic), and a surgeon that will provide decent follow up as needed. Someone I can get ahold of after surgery, who won't drop me like a hot tater!!

    Comments and suggestions are gladly accepted - thank you in advance!

    ~Asche, the Crazy Cat Lady

    I highly recommend Dr. Garcia my husband and myself have boyth had surgery with him in the past 4 weeks we were so impressed with the entire team of doctors and hospital staff the hospital is small but very clean...I had an allergic reaction to the anethesia and it was handle as I am still here..they are top notch in my opinion..I was extremly nervous and on the fence about which doctor to use..Do what I did call Dr.Garcia and have a phone interview with him (that is what I did)..Once I hung up the phone I had peace in knowing that he was the doctor for me...he charges 5000.00...If you have any other questions feel free to PM me. my friend who is on this forum had her surgery the same day as me and she is had a great experience as well..I know she would answer any questions for you as well her name is britt_bearpaw. Good luck in deciding who ever you chose..just remember that you will know it in your heart when you find the right one..also I wish I had done this years ao so dont wait too much longer..

  10. I'm having sleeve surgery with Dr. Garcia on April 11. I'm so delighted to find topics on him. There wasn't much information on Obesityhelp.com. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I feel at peace with my decision to have him perform my procedure.

    You will be so pleased choosing Dr. Garcia I had a great experience...My husband is there now and he is also having a great experience...Best of luck..keep us posted after surgery..

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