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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by BigToeVSG

  1. Popping in to say "hi" to the 40's group. It's taken me a while to get here, but I think I'm finally in the right place in my brain to be successful with this surgery! I don't have a surgery date yet, but my final paperwork has been submitted to insurance so, fingers crossed, it's only a matter of time! I'm aiming for May 10th because that day is also my birthday. What a better way to hit 47 than to begin a new chapter in my life?!

    Hope it all works out and you hit that May 10th date. Your life will be so much better.

  2. Been gone for a while but back. Since leaving, I have been really working hard on fitness. Started CouchTo5K and I am now in the middle of week 7. Doing a kettle ball bootcamp two times a week for some weight training and I am playing in a "Old Guy Lacrosse" league. Lots of fun and lots of work. Bad part is I have stalled for the past 3-4 weeks. Not eating enough protien and too many carbs. I have refocused and making sure I am getting my 60-70g of protien in a day.

    Take care to all!

  3. Be very careful with solid foods so close to surgery. You have to remember the inside of your stomach is still healing and the grinding function your stomach provides to solid foods can slow or hinder the healing process. Lots of doctors have different schedules and you should always follow what they recommend.

  4. I guess I have been lucky. My wife and kids eat whatever they want in front of me and don't seem to feel guilty about it. The first couple of weeks, which was around Christmas, they were all very concerned about eating christmas meals and treats in front me. It was hard not eating that stuff 5 days after surgery but that was more my adjustment than their behavior. Besides, I couldn't eat it even if I wanted to at that point.

    I am responsible for what I eat and food dropped out of being somthing I enjoy to being something I need. Probably not the best attitude but thats what it is. I don't look at eating out or eating a big meal as "special" anymore. My relationship with food is more nutritional than enjoyable/social and more in line with how a relationship should be with food. I still like food and enjoy food. But its more about taste and quantity.

    Communicate with him about eating out and how its not important to you. Maybe try communicating that he won't worry about how you eat and you won't worry about how he eats. My wife went through the entire process with me from research, to seminar, to doctor's appointments and obviously pre-op and post-op. Because she shops for our family and cooks, she was nervous about cooking for me and shopping for me. But with 2 1/2 months under our belt we have learned the routine of what works and what doesn't. Hang in there you guys will figure it out too. It has only been a month or so.

  5. Just got back from Florida on a mini-vacation. I was happy to still drop a few pounds even though my eating habits were way off the map. Not enough protien. I did not do my Vitamins correctly. Ate over every meal and didn't eat at regular intervals. And I didn't get enough fluids.

    All the big meals we had I ordered an appitizer and couldn't finish it. Its funny, when I order an appitizer I get the "Is that all you want?" question. Or "we have that shrimp as a dinner too." I'm sure they look at this big, hulking guy and think "what the heck?" But the best part is when they come back and ask me if I need a box.

    It was hard mentally, however. As a lot of people in my situation, I associate food with fun, vacation, being social, etc.. And one of the fun things about vacations in the past was food (and alcohol). So there was a struggle there. But even if I wanted to over indulge my sleeve wouldn't let me. Feeling that "starting to get full" feeling and knowing that I will be very uncomfortable or even sick if I don't stop is a wonderful physical queue.

    In all, its good to be back at work, in a routine and eating everything I am supposed.

  6. Dooter, your day is coming very soon! How exciting!!! You will have a rough couple of days at first, but trust us when we say, it is worth it. Best of luck to you, can't wait to hear from you in a couple weeks.

    Take Care!

    I have a prediction..... Dooter is going to rock her sleeve!!!!!

  7. Hey 40's friends..... I haven't checked in for awhile. My boys have been busy with lacrosse starting. However, I am still moving in the right direction. After going off my blood pressure medicine and gaining 4lbs, I immediately went back on the meds, guess what happened? Those 4lbs feel off and now I think I am down several more. Tomorrow is my officialy home weigh in day.

    I saw the NUT yesterday and everything is going good. My food choices are good. I'm getting 800cals on avg, getting enough liquids and taking my Vitamins. Now that I am 6+ weeks out she wants me to start getting more fresh fruits and vegatables. I have not been getting enough of those and when I do have veggies, a lot of times they are "empty" veggies like celery and green Beans.

    Well good luck everybody. Take care!

  8. First off... Wow! I am sorry you are going through that. It is a difficult decision for all of us to begin with. I know a lot of pain, effort and thought goes into the process and going through it with out the much needed support makes it even more difficult.

    Ultimately, it is your choice. I know its not much consolation but there is a group of people here who, no matter what, will support you as best they can. I wish you the best of luck and sincerely hope your dad will come around to be supportive.

    Best wishes and prayers!

  9. I took Zantac almost every night before bed. In addition, when I had my upper GI prior to surgery, the radiologist said my reflux went very high so it was clearly a problem. Post-op, I don't take any acid medication. I did take a PPI to keep stomach acid down and to help the inside of my stomach heal but I am off that now and have no problems. I think poor eating habits prior to surger contributed to my problems and now after the surgery, I obviously eat SOOO much better.

  10. The sleeve most certainly restricts how much you can eat. You feel it when you over-eat, even if its just one bite too many. My perspective is, that if I am only going to get in a single cup of food for a meal, it better be something that is going to help my body, provide nutrition and give me energy.

    Another positive aspect is the reduction of the hormone Ghrelin. Ghrelin is one of the major appetite stimulants in your body and it is produced by the stomach. Therefore, when 85% of your stomach is removed via the procedure, your appetite should lessen. Some people say they are no longer hungry. I don't find that to be the case but my hunger is usually real hunger and I don't have the cravings for carbs that I used to.

    On the sleeve, I have three meals and two Snacks. At least one of my Snacks or meals is a protien shake and I strive for 80g of protien a day. In total, I take in between 700 & 1000 calories a day. When I exercise, (burn 200+) calories, I then end up netting between 500 & 800 calories.

    I hope this helps. There is so much information and helpful people on this forum so keep reading and asking questions.

  11. We had two different groups of scouts at the door, both daughters of friends so we try to be helpful. What we do, however, is freeze them or I bring them to work. Then I can push them on my co-workers instead of eating them myself. Although I still get hungry, I have successfuly avoided all the sugar. My kids and wife will eat the Cookies but they don't have the "control" issues that I had prior to being sleeved....

    Good luck, stay firm. When you only get to eat a little, you better make sure your calories count.

  12. Ok, this will be my first challenge........ I was sleeved 12/21/11 and I'm still riding the post-op weight loss but I am expecting the slow down to come. However, with my first challenge, I am trying to motivate my self to really kick butt. Setting a goal is kind of hit-or-miss but here goes.

    Surgery weight: 35.6

    Current weight: 319.2

    Valentines goal weight: 312.2

    Final goal weight: 200

  13. I'm with you!!! Yesterday was five weeks post-op and I have been dragging the last two days despite getting my protien, fluids and Vitamins. Howevr, with the help of some others here I feel that I'm not getting enough B12. So I'm going to work on that. I think part of it is mental for me. I see at being bored but to tired to do the things I want/should be doing....

    I hope you get better soon.

  14. i have been taking Bariactric fusion chew-able Vitamins. taste is not bad at all and there is no chalkiness or after taste. i also had blood work done last week and everything came back normal so i would say that they definitely work .

    supplements.html?gclid=CMTM0u7A8K0CFYXd4Aodm3F8sA" rel="external nofollow">http://www.bariatric...CFYXd4Aodm3F8sA

    How many are you taking a day. The nice part about this one seems that it has both Calcium and B12 in the multi-Vitamin. Right now I take three different supplements (Multi, B12, Calcium)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
