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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by momofthree

  1. i was sleeved by dr. Fernando Garcia in t.j. exactly 11 months ago. he is great the staff

    is kind. you will be safe i promise. my advice is LISTEN to what they tell you. if you are

    not hungary after great. dont worrie. just dont over eat or eat the wrong food. no diet

    cokes no alcohol. and you will look great and feel better. honestly i love being sleeved.

    but its still hard. im hungary, and fight eating right. is it easier than before yes.

  2. i am in the same boat as you, it is embarassing all the questions people ask and they dont really see a big difference

    yet... my family watches me eat. i too feel hungary. i go to eat and im disappointed and in pain. or if i do eat and it goes

    down ok. i feel guilty maybe i ate to much, just remember how much we ate before our surgery all the fast food and sn

    acking and over over over eating all day long. were getting healthy. we are trying. please lets all stick together and

    be proud of our lil progress we have made. because before it was bad really bad. today is better because im not

    gorging. this is work but i feel god will bless our efforts. dont give up you are not alone. i weighed in on my day

    of surgery. at 304 today im 288.6 its not enough but its the truth. and its better than before.

  3. Well i was sleeved february 13th. Have lost 14 lbs since the 13th. Which is great. I have had a few questions since ive gotten home from mexico.

    i email dr. Garcia. He responds with in the same hour usually. I couldn't be happier with his care.I doubt he needs any refferences but I feel like

    its only right to share my hapiness with others. i have a 8month old, a 2 year old, and a 3year old and im only 2 weeks plus a day post op and i


  4. its mom of three here. had my gastric sleeve done this last monday feb the 13th by a doctor f. garica in Tijuana mexico first day or two i was scaired. this is all so new. now it is day four. thursday. i am following the instructions to the t. i dont hurt. they say sip and walk. walk every hour your awake it helps the heart burn and acid. dont gulp drinks. dont eat and drink. at the same time. i like waterd down apple

    juice instead of gatorade. this isnt easy. neither is gorging and trying to keep a house hold together. lets surrender and

    do this. and remember. good job we are beautiful. its not easy walking the hallways of the mariott after this surgery. but im doing it.

    and so can you. feel free to email me on recipe or measuring ideahs. thank you all you positive patients!!!!!!

  5. thank you for the kind words. dr garcias Hospital MI hosptital is so so so nice. it is so

    clean. i feel so much better now that im here. were moving from the hotel pueblo amigo to a brand new mariott. which is included in the pkg. im at this point very pleased, they

    got my iv on the first try. my nurse karen is so nice, they all are here. i have my surgery

    scheduled to start at 2 its noon now. advice so far, bring someone with you to mexico have patience with the language difference, and you will be okay. take care all,

  6. ok well so far i have arrived on time sunday at 240 in the afternoon in San Diego. the plane was crowded

    but it was a positive flight. the driver samuel came to the airport was there waiting for us. he was so polite.

    very respectful and spoke great english. i was a lil shocked by the car he drove it was a older volvo. however it ran fine. and it was clean inside. i guess i thought hed have a van. the hotel is nice and the

    broth Soup was really good. im not just saying this. im at the pueblo amigo. the hotel is big and has a pretty bathroom. the rooms are more than sufficent. its just a little different here in tj than in the states. were a little spoiled. over all i felt nervous at first now i feel like everything will be okay. i havent been to the hospital yet. i leave tomorrow at 8am. thank u all.

  7. :Angel_anim: hey i like all you have said. you sound like you have taken your tool

    to heart. that you are willing to work hard for your health. my sleeve surgery is this coming monday feb the 13th my bmi is 44. this pre op clears

    has been very hard for me... i pray this tool does help control my cravings. im nervous because my parents our going with me. i am worried will they be

    taken care of. will they criticize everything. im looking for kindness and

    positivity. leaving my 8month old, two year old and three year old home with

    my husband for the first time ever... my dream is to be greatful, brave, and

    to FIGHT :xena_banana:FOR MY WEIGHT LOSS. babys crying later

  8. really sweet of you to reach out when your heart is broken. i am so sorry. what a test. it is physical pain to

    loose our loved ones. it hurts. its like a bad dream at first. sometimes it hurts to even breathe. what i can say is that it takes a good person to share the pain. its one hour at a time. and then in a year or so one day at a time.

    november 21 2006 i lost the love of my life. our mothers are our best friends. i am so sorry. today i can smile and i havent had my surgery yet. that is on feb the thirteenth.

    remember she would want you to keep loving you. someday you will smile again and then feel guilty. dont your not moving on you are just loving you. reach out to your higher power god. you are not alone.

  9. good for you vance. we are from oklahoma. and we are christians as well. dr. kim is supposed

    to be really good. enjoyed your story. my gastric sleeve is in mexico on feb thirteenth. i am self pay.

    lots of prayers and careful consideration go into this huge decision. what humility you have to

    share. it is not just for us but our patient spouses and children as well. i will not lie im pretty nervous.

    this is my first major surgery. i am five ten and 308 lbs. somethings gotta give. i just want to be able

    to return to my family. my kids and take care of them. i pray for Gods holy spirit. you take care vance.

  10. so ive got the date scheduled and the plain ticket bought, why am i a lil

    down tonight, we have so much to be greatful for. i dont know, i think i am

    a lil scaired. i have family members asking why dont you start your diet plan

    now, dont just wait till two weeks before, part of me is like butt out. the other

    part of me is thinking maybe there right. i feel pretty pittiful. my surgery is

    set for feb the thirteenth

  11. andersonlj, thank you for your story. i appreciate it so much. before i forget here are a

    few questions, how is your skin holding up? my husband says i cannot return for plastics

    i am five foot ten and weigh three hundred and six lbs, i have three todlers. so i worrie about

    finaly recieving freedom from being so heavy for so long, only to have to cover up, not to

    sound debbie downer, its really nice that we have something in common, i am haveing dr

    Fernando Garcia also, and going to the same hotel. i leave in february!!!!! what a well written

    and encouraging story, ive been a little worrried about the after care and lack of support

    group after the surgery,. do you just reach out to the forums? what do you eat that is satisfying

    did you find any cool good priced items when you went shopping in mexico? my dad is kinda

    well to do and he and my mom are coming with me for my surgery, do you think he will be comfortable

    in the hotel? is it nice? im so glad you are happy with dr. garcia he looks to be young? did you

    like the lap band? do you think the sleeve will last long? you have a wonderful evening. thank you

    for your time and story. sincerely, alina momofthree

  12. Hi snoah. I am planning on having him do my gastric sleeve in february. he must be newer than we

    think. because you do not hear much. but it sounds positive. i am scaired and have decided to do

    this to have energy and good health for my kids and myself. i hope it works. hope all goes well

    for you, take care. oh linda and julie work for him and have been helpful.

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