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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by pbk911

  1. What brought me to this forum is a google search on ghrelin and body temperature. I have not had VSG but did have RNY gastric bypass Dec 2003. Relevant background long story short, my BMI was only 37 at time of surgery but I was approved by insurance due to all the co-morbidities like diabetes, hypertension, GERD, sleep apnea, several back surgeries, etc. Prior to surgery I could kill house plants with frostbite in the summertime. I was ALWAYS HOT, with my heat exiting my head leaving my hair dripping perspiration ALL THE TIME. Like some have mentioned here, I had fans blowing on my all the time, home, work, always.

    My body temp regulation changed the day of surgery; NOT after losing 5 lbs, 10 lbs or 50 lbs.... but the day of surgery. My sister,as usual, wore her jacket in my room turning thermostat down for me out of habit, but it was not necessary. Upon discharge we spent another night in hotel (I was 200 mi from home and hated to leave in case of complications) where she kept turning down thermostat for me... again not necessary. On trip home out of habit she cranked the a/c in the car and aimed all vents at me, again not necessary.

    I have been truly baffled by the change in body temp which was not a result of weight loss, but a result of surgery. I believe (many years ago) my surgeon answered this question explaining the lack of a hormone (which name escapes me hence the research) produced by the stomach that not only regulates hunger messages sent to the brain but body temp as well. I also find it odd that my normal body temp is less than the norm 98.6 but usually 97.4 anytime during the day.

    Finally, finding such a discussion on a VSG forum baffles me more since your stomach is still a part of your digestive system, whereas mine was severed with gastric bypass and is not. Has anyone found a study on this or can point me towards more relevant research?

    Maintained BMI 25.0 for 7 years post RNY

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