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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AmberDawn

  1. Hello December!

    Well to update I started doing serious weight training back in March and while I haven't been losing alot of weight I've been losing sizes. Now down to a 16 from a 26/28 originally. I need to lose another 39lbs before goal.

    My current exercise routine is

    5 days of cardio, an hour each day, two days off then 5 days of weight lifting, a different muscle group each day, also hour long workouts.

    When I started I could barely bench press the bar by itself which is 45 lbs. Now I'm benching 75lbs.

    On leg presses I started at 50lbs, now I can do 270lbs.. I'm leg pressing more than most of the guys in there, talk about a good feeling! lol

    July 2013

    July 2013

    June 2011

    June 2011

  2. I know how you feel. My husband and I tried for 8 years with no luck.

    I had the surgery just so I could improve my chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy. But I also knew that I would give myself the best chance by waiting a year before trying, really whats 1 more year?

    I know it seems like forever, but you owe it to yourself(and your future baby) to take full advantage of the surgery, focus on making yourself the best vessel to carry a baby first. Being a parent means being selfless and in this case it means getting yourself to a point where you can consume enough nutrients to make a happy and healthy baby.

    I don't know how much you need to lose but imagine how much easier it will be being another 50-60 pounds lighter?

  3. I was told by my Gyno before surgery that there was a very good chance I have PCOS( trouble losing weight, unwanted hair, really messed up long cycles and he did spot some cysts on my ovaries).

    After the surgery within a few months my cycles became completely normal, 28 days like clock work. I still have some lingering signs of PCOS but I think it's improved greatly since I've lost the weight. I also just found out I'm 7 weeks pregnant. So there is that :)

    I think it does take time for our bodies to realize the weight is gone and for the PCOS to start letting up, but it will happen, just hang in there.

  4. Well I didn't quite get to my goal, about 47lbs short and now I've discovered I have a bun in the oven.

    I have/had PCOS and my husband had motility issues so we thought it would never happen. Well we got the surprise of a lifetime. Now I'm wondering if Protein shakes(casein and isopure) are ok during pregnancy. They're a staple in my diet, i have a shake every morning for Breakfast.

    Has anyone heard from their Dr about Protein shakes being okay during pregnancy?

    I go see my Dr Wednesday but wanted to see what the concensus is.

  5. Hey all. I was sleeved the 12th also. I've lost 94 lbs so far. Been stuck around 230s for a while now, about late august. Dipped back down to 228 today, going to be starting rowing soon and been really watching my carbs which i know started to creep back up. Hopefully it will jump start the loss again. Hope to lose another 48lbs but at this rate its going to take forever.

  6. Hello All. Just an update from me. I'm down 87 pounds since 12/12/11.

    So I finally realized that I wasn't really stalling the last couple months, I was gaining tons of muscle. Wish I knew how many true pounds of fat I've lost since I've been replacing those with muscle pounds.

    I've been working out 5 days a week. 1 hour sessions or longer. Mainly elliptical or treadmill or a toning DVD I have.

    I'm really proud of how my legs are looking. I'm wearing shorts all the time now, which I had been too embarrassed to do before. I'll try to post some pics shortly.

  7. My trainer told me to drink half my body weight. I never get in that much, I strive for a gallon a day. The 8x8 is the lowest recommended amount. When I go to the gym I alternate, elliptical, bike, treadmill. Then the other 2 days I have cardio classes with an ab workout at the end. Then if I'm feeling really froggy I go to boot camp on Saturday which kicks my ass!

    Hmm well guess i'll try to get in at least 100oz a day, i dont think i could do anymore, doesnt seem there would be enough hours in the day with waiting 30 mins before eating and an hour after eating to drink.

  8. Hm how much more Water a day do you think i should do beyond the 64 i'm getting?

    I've been doing the cardio for 2 weeks now and mostly elliptical but i do try and get in a day of just treadmill and another day i do elliptical for ten minutes, treadmill jogging for 4 minutes until i'm out of breath and heart rate is up to 175-180 then another 36 mins on the elliptical hauling butt.

    Though i wouldnt have thought my body would already be used to the elliptical after just 2 weeks. I thought it would take longer than that. :wacko:

  9. I was getting about 58-70 carbs a day. Today i'm at 39 :( damn near impossible to do 20. I'm thinking(hoping) this might be Water weight. My scale reads total body Water and its gone 38-40% a couple weeks ago to 41-43% this week and i havent changed my water intake.

    Oh well i'm not giving up on exercising thats for sure. I'm off to do so right now actually. Figure the scale has got to start moving if i'm burning that many calories 5 days a week if i just stick with it. right?!? lol

  10. So i'm 6 months out from surgery and finally getting off my butt and exercising. My weight loss for the last 2 or 3 months has been super slow. This last month i've completely stalled, i've even gained 2lbs in the last 8 days.

    2 weeks ago i started cardio, mainly on the elliptical doing 45-55 minutes at a time 5 days a week. I'm super depressed that I actually start doing good and working out and then see the scale move in the opposite direction!

    Has anyone else had this happen right after they start exercising?

  11. 6 months after surgery and i'm just now getting really serious about exercise :unsure: . I've started using my elliptical at home 45-55 minutes, 5 days a week. I guess i'm lucky, it's so much easier to me than jogging on the treadmill. I dont set the resistance too high (between 4-10), i do the interval training setting on it. Make sure you're pushing and pulling with your arms as well(but dont grip too tight). Don't lean forward, keep your back straight and head up. Every few minutes let your arms swing freely.

    I think every person just has strenghts in different areas. I can't do 4 minutes of jogging on the treadmill without my legs starting to burn and having to slow down to a walk.

    I read an article about elliptical vs treadmill. They said the best one is the one you actually do.

  12. I would say if you only weigh 230 you shouldnt need an extender. At least not on most AA flights. I was 284(and have very large hips) when i last flew and was able to buckle on one flight and only just barely needed the extender on the other flight.

    I wouldnt sweat it :)

    That is a fantastic list. I can pretty much agree with about 95% of them. It sucks getting stuck in a damn chair. Then you have to play it off somehow like you accidentally tripped over yourself or something to get out of it. I am getting ready to go to NYC in three days and instead of being extremely excited I am terrified that I am going to have to ask for a seat belt extender. I flew last November and was almost to that limit but I think I have gained a few lbs since then. That is all I can think about right now. :( Also, I tried getting on a roller coaster at Knotts Berry Farm last November and it was so hard for them to buckle me in. I told them it was ok and that I woul get off because I felt like I was causing a scene but they somehow managed to squeeze my fat ass in there. I can't wait for all of those things too. Thank you so much for sharing.

  13. Trust me I know that feeling of "but what if there's complications" I had it bad.

    And my husband was NOT supportive at first when I told him I decided on the sleeve over the band. All he saw was the odds of complications being higher with the sleeve and he freaked out. Luckily I finally got him on board (I think he realized he had no choice other than to support me lol)

    Worst of all since my insurance doesn't cover it I had the guilt of "I'm spending 14k on myself just because I won't/can't lose weight on my own" That was hard to overcome. But then I realized I NEEDED this tool. I've been fat my entire life, I've tried and tried to do it on my own, I NEEDED the extra help, the extra boost. Once I let that guilt go and decided I needed this to LIVE, I went for it.

    It was very odd and surreal how it all happened for me. For years I had considered the bypass, only the year before last did I learn about VSG, I played the "wouldn't it be great if i could have that done" game in my mind for over a year. I did the "poor me my life sucks i'll be fat forever" pity party. Then one day in August of last year I said "enough is enough i'm going to a seminar for weight loss sugery" well I went and learned about the band and the sleeve even more and at that point decided I wanted the sleeve.

    As you can see it took me from August 20th to the middle of October to get my husband on board and for me to finally say "I'm doing it NOW". After that it was 2 very short months of appointments and then bam, it was done.

    Once I said i was going for it, i kinda went on autopilot and was just going through the motions, it never really registered that I was actually going through with it. Still to this day I cant believe it finally happened.

    I guess that was my way of coping with such a huge life change. I knew things would change after the surgery as far as eating/drinking etc for the rest of my life but I never allowed myself to fully acknowledge that. I put it in the back of my brain as to not talk myself out of it. After the surgery I just delt with it, i was like "ok this is how it is now".

    I still morn food and being able to eat large quantities sometimes but everytime i do that it makes me realize just how much i needed this surgery.

    Thanks for posting this Amber. I've been struggling with my decison for a few days now about wheather or not to have the surgery. After reading your post and understanding and feeling all of those same things that you wrote about has convinced me that I really have to get this surgery and stop thinking and wondering if I will have complications. "JUST DO IT!!" Right?? Thanks again Amber I needed to read this. Congratulations on your weight loss!! I hope to be where you are, on the losers bench very soon.

    God Bless!!

  14. I've been debating posting this for a while. Screw it, just do it right? Well I made a list of very personal reasons I needed/wanted to have VSG back when I was considering having surgery last year. I figure I'm not alone when it comes to some of these and figured I would share to perhaps help someone else who is struggling with their decision. Some of these are shallow, some are not.

    My top reasons:

    1. Overall Health

    2. PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome, have it due to weight)

    3. Difficulty conceiving (due to weight)

    4. Confidence (non existent)

    5. Discrimination (at work, etc etc.)

    Other reasons in no particular order:

    Clothes! ( I hate LB and other +size stores and how they force you to buy multiple pieces and the sky high prices)

    Limited clothing options

    Theme parks (I once had to get off of a ride because i didn’t fit)

    Air planes (asking for an seat belt extender, close to having to buy 2 seats)

    Chairs (you know the ones, where you sit in it and almost get stuck)

    sleep (could tell my sleep quality was declining, the only comfortable position was on my stomach, possible sleep apnea)

    Messed up cycles

    Skin (having bad acne in adulthood due to hormones being out of whack because of weight)

    hair (in unwanted places)

    Asthma (developed late in life probably due to weight)

    Job positions (not going for them because i didn’t want to be in the spotlight)

    Joints (started creaking and hurting more and more, stairs hurt)

    Public places (just being uncomfortable in my own skin in public)

    Booths at restaurants (sometimes i just couldn’t fit)

    Intimate times with hubby (positions were limited due to my weight)

    Cramped bathrooms (forget about trying to use an airplane bathroom)

    Boats (no romantic boat rides with hubby, my side would be in the Water, while his is in the air)

    Zip lining (not possible)

    Horseback riding ( i used to love riding but no longer could due to weight)

    Swimming ( i loved this too but too embarrassed to do so anymore)

    Beaches (this would require me to wear a swim suit..again too embarrassed)

    Dancing (hard to be graceful at that weight)

    Traveling (that would require more uncomfortable airplane rides, forget about long flights cause i wouldn’t be able to use the cramped bathrooms)

    Tanning (Too embarrassed to do it)

    Jewelry (those cute ankle bracelets? yea they don’t fit. cute rings don’t fit either)

    Laser tag/paint ball (made a huge slow moving target)

    Go karts (don’t fit, and over weight limit)

    Tubing (yea that would be a sight to see..)

    Excursions (those fun cruise excursions? yea can’t do those cause they have weight limits i exceed)

    Travel trailers ( want to go on a cross country trip in one? yea cramped bathroom again)

    Back seats ( cant climb into back seats when carpooling, feel the resentment of others who have to get back there)

    Job (its been proven overweight people make less, and I get this too)

    Uncomfortable jokes (you know the ones told without thinking that poke fun of weight? or the ones on TV and you're the only fat one in the room)

    Water parks ( what’s the point, i wouldn’t be caught dead in a swim suit around that many people)

    Bowling (yea i look like an idiot trying to do this without falling over)

    Crossing my legs ( ha I wish)

    Team outings (limiited to what we can do because of me)

    Being happy (lets face it, not being able to do so many things at my age when i'm supposed to be having the time of my life was depressing)

    Feeling hopeless/helpless (watching the biggest loser knowing that I would never be able to do that and was doomed to be overweight forever)

    So there it is. Of course this isn't all reasons, but the ones I could think of at the time.

    I can say without a doubt, though its been hard, I couldn't be happier now that I've had the surgery and am almost half way to my goal. Some of the reasons I posted above are no longer an issue (ie. no more airplane seat belt extender!)

    I know that without the surgery I would never have gotten to where I am now. This has given me a new lease on life and I plan to take full advantage of it. Good luck to all on their journey, no matter what stage you may be at!

  15. My hair loss started at 2 months out and is still going on at almost 4 months out. It comes out EVERYWHERE. Shower, brush, brushing my fingers through my hair. Its awful. I would say my hair volume has been cut in half since the loss started. I just hope it stops soon before i'm bald lol.

    I will be three months out next week and have not experienced the Hair loss. I have a lot of hair, but it is fine. When do people tend to experience the hair loss? Does it come out in the shower? When brushing?

  16. Hm, I dont know if i buy that, I dont see any studies that would suggest that. However I would say its better to have more than enough than too little.

    Also Casein is a slow digesting Protein where Isopure is more like a quick shot. So even though i'm getting 50g in one setting 25g of it is slow digesting and keeps me full for 2 to 3 hours.

    Basically I get 50g for breakfast, probably 10g for lunch, 20g Protein bar snack and 20g for dinner. So really i get 100g spread throughout the day.

    Even if my body only absorbs 30-40 or my morning 50g i'm still getting 80g per day.

    Though i can say without a doubt, you shouldnt drink a 50g Protein shake for breakfast, have a 20g protein bar for lunch, eat junk food for dinner and think "hey i got in my 70g of protein!" That much i know is true lol ;)

  17. Thanks. Yea I realized my slower loss during the last 2 months has had 1 thing in common. I was only getting 5-7hours of sleep every night.

    The last few days this month i've been getting at least 8 and the weight has started coming off again.

    I'm going to put every effort into getting at least 8 this whole month and see what kind of results i get. (keeping my fingers crossed!)

  18. I replied to another post with this but thought others might find this useful also.

    I'm almost 4 months post op.

    I hate drinking Water but i force myself to drink 1, 16.9oz bottle every day. Then i drink the rest in Protein Shake, decaff tea or crystal light.

    Protein is so important so you dont lose muscle.

    I drink for Breakfast every morning

    1 scoop of chocolate Supreme 100% casein,

    1 scoop of lIsopure

    mixed with 10oz of cold water using a Blender Bottle.

    That right there is 50grams of protein.

    On days that i exercise i also eat a Quest Protein Bar which is 20grams of protein, thats 70 out of the 80 my Dr recommends.

    So 10oz of water in my breakfast shake @ 8am

    16.9oz of plain water before 11:30am when i eat lunch

    16.9oz of decaff tea at 2:30-3pm finished by 4:30pm.

    Protein Bar snack on the way home from work at 5pm.

    Exercise about 6pm for 30mins drinking about 8oz of water mixed with dinner about 7pm

    Finish drinking last 12oz of water/decaff tea/crystal light between 8pm & 10:30pm

    Now on days that I dont exercise I make up for the lack of the protein bar by eating more meats for lunch and dinner.

    Hope this helps give you an idea of how to keep up with your protein and water.

    Oh yea and at least 8 hours of sleep. I think i've finally had a light bulb go off and figured out when i get less than that my weight loss slows and stalls.

  19. I hate drinking Water also but i force myself to drink 1, 16.9oz bottle every day. Then i drink the rest in Protein Shake, decaff tea or crystal light.

    Protein is so important so you dont lose muscle.

    I drink for Breakfast every morning

    1 scoop of Chocolate Supreme 100% casein,

    1 scoop of low carb dutch chocolate isopure

    mixed with 10oz of cold water using a blender bottle.

    That right there is 50grams of protein.

    On days that i exercise i also eat a quest protein bar which is 20grams of protein, thats 70 out of the 80 my Dr recommends.

    So 10oz of water in my breakfast shake @ 8am

    16.9oz of plain water before 11:30am when i eat lunch

    16.9oz of decaff tea at 2:30-3pm finished by 4:45pm.

    Protein Bar snack on the way home from work at 5pm.

    Exercise about 6pm for 30mins drinking about 8oz of water mixed with Xtend during exercise

    Eat dinner about 7pm

    Finish drinking last 12oz of water/tea/crystal light between 8pm & 10:30pm

    Hope this helps give you an idea of how to keep up with your protein and water. Oh yea and at least 8 hours of sleep. I think i've figured out when i get less than that my weight loss slows and stalls.

    Thanks guys...You made me feel much better...

    I will get some Biotin. Also, I have slacked off logging my food so I will start again because I probably don't get enough protein.

    As far as water; question- I have extreme water nausea...so does crystal light count?

    So many things nauseate me - what do you do for protein sources (besides meats)?

  20. Hey all, I was sleeved 12/12 and have lost 45 pounds since surgery. I feel like this is awful progress and have been really bummed lately about how slowly i'm losing considering how much I still weigh.

    You can see in my sig my weight lost per month is going down and down, I only lost 7 pounds last month and only 8 the month before that. I just dont get how I can not be losing more so soon out after surgery, I understand that after a year weight loss slows but after 3 months and its already slowing this much?

    I'm also not losing inches as i've been checking that. I get in more than enough Protein every day and really close to 64 if not 64 oz of Water ever day. I've tried switching from treadmill to elliptical to see if that would help but still nothing. Tried adding more veggies, nada.

    Sooo frustrated. Glad to hear everyone else is having better success at least.

  21. I was considering the band until I heard of how many people fail with it and the constant fills/unfills you have to do. Also my Dr said the band is more dangerous if you plan on getting pregnant, it can slip and move from the added pressure during pregnancy.

    As far as bypass or DS, hell to the no. Never even considered the two. I know 1 person who died from it and another who ended up with tons of complications.

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