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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Deigh

  1. I really want to make it but I'm also struggling on day 2. I hate the shakes and my place doesn't give you an option. I guess it's good - I'd rather just be hungry than eat that vile stuff and I'm nauseated for about an hour after I force it down. By the time surgery comes, maybe I won't want to eat at all. Maybe this is their master plan? :confused5:

    I keep hoping it'll get better. I am trying to skip things that are triggers for me like meetings where they serve food at work. I asked my sister if I can babysit either or both of her kids this weekend because that will keep me too busy to eat.

  2. Started the liquid diet today and I have absolutely NO energy. On top of that, I'm a diabetic and totally overshot the insulin and dropped to 68 for a blood sugar. I had my one allowed Protein bar to bring it up and now I don't get to chew anything else today.

    I just want to bite something. I'm sending my mom to the store for me to get some gum. The Jello is good but NOT crunchy enough.

  3. So glad to see this topic. I started this process telling NO ONE. I had a huge fight with my mom when she told a family friend who asked her about my health. I felt very ashamed and as if it were a sign I failed. Like everyone around me could lose weight without surgery and something must be wrong with me if I can't. Clearly, I just don't have enough willpower, determination, drive, or desire to be thin. Or maybe I'm lazy. I spent a long time beating myself up about it and crying. I told the therapist how much I hated being at this point.

    The therapist at the clinic was really helpful. She pointed out that we don't judge people for other things they do to get healthy. No one says to you, "Boy, you'd better stop wearing those glasses! If you'd just squint more, you could totally see the paper!" If we accept the premise that obesity is a disease, then a medical cure isn't something you judge. It just is what it is. Glasses help you see. Surgery can help you lose weight.

    It took a while but I think it finally sank in. I have had people try to give me horror stories but I try to head them off by saying, "Oh please don't tell me anything bad. It took me so long to make this decision and I've met with my doctor, therapist, and surgeon. I want to head into this process with only positive vibes so I get the best outcome."

    Now I'm about a month from surgery. I'm still not talking about it with many people. I'm not hiding it but honestly, it's none of their business. I don't feel like it's a failure - I feel like it's private. I am telling people if it's something that impacts them...for example, I have a standing Wed night dinner and knitting group with some friends. Some I know well and some I barely know. I'm not going to dinner for the next few weeks due to my liquid diet and then I'll miss knitting due to the surgery and recovery time. I told them a few weeks ago and last night (which was my last pre Optifast meal), they went to my favorite restaurant and we had a last meal together. Not one of them has been anything but supportive.

    In fact, one lady who I barely know came up and told me how she called her daughter in law to apologize. A year ago the DIL had a lapband put in and this woman commented to her that if she would just work harder, she would lose the weight without surgery. Seeing what I've been doing to get ready has really affected my coknitter and she called her DIL and said how wrong she was.

    I'm selective about it but anyone who knows me knows that I've tried everything under the sun. I didn't wake up this morning a hundred pounds overweight. I even did kickboxing at one point - I was a size 24 and it hurt like crazy but I thought it would work so I did it. Everyone who has found out or I've told has said some variation of "You've tried so much. I hope this is the thing that works for you." Then they have a ton of questions because most of them haven't heard about the sleeve before.

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