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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Xoxojanexoxo

  1. My lung was removed because my stomach formed a leak to my lung and was so hidden many doctors could not find it and my stomach was leaking into my lung for like a year until the point I got pneumonia on my 25th birthday that was so bad my lung collapsed and they had up resection it. The way it was explained was this has never happened before. I still believe the sleeve was the best thing I ever did

  2. It's been two years after my Sleeve and besides being obese I did not have any medical issues. Since my sleeve I've had my gall bladder taken out part of my lung removed a hole in my stomach closed and now I have a hernia coming from my stomach threw my diaphragm resting on my lung with part of my colon. I've just turned 26 and never had an issue with my health not even high blood pressure. This time last year I received my second chance at life being so close to death now this year I'm not being so positive anymore. Has anyone else had issues after the sleeve?

  3. Thank you all the yes my doctors were very aware of it and did as maby tests on my stomach and nothing showed my pcp also had a sleeve so knew everything about it and still went with out being seen. My shoulder pain was all the time i went to physical therapy 3 times a week for it now i never have pain. The pain was so bad i went to the er once 2 different specialists wore a sling and everything lol

  4. I am 25 years old and had my gastric sleeve and was doing great with it even my doctor had thought I was doing wonderful with it. I was loosing weight perfectly no complications and was healthy as can be and was looking great.

    The summer came and I was very excited my first summer not feeling embarrassed about my weight and I was excited to go to the beach.

    Little did I know I caught a summer cold and it was a week before I was turning 25 so I go to the drs and figure everything will be ok.So my birthday comes and I go out with everyone to Celebrate and i still have this pretty bad cough that just wont go away I dont think anything of it at the time and enjoy my night. At the end of the night I walk back to our shore house with all my friends and were just relaxing outside and i get a sudden pain in my back like Water just moved around in my back and the pain go so bad that i started crying for hours until I fell asleep. The next morning came im still coughing and figure maybe i pulled a muscle thats why my back hurts which is common for me because at this time my shoulder had been bothering me for moths and it was just something that would happen because of the way I sleep.< /span>

    My friends and boyfriend talk me into leaving the shore to go to the dr, after some thought i figure they are probably rite and i should do it. So i drive home with my friend and my boyfriend and my boyfriend came with me to the doctor and little do i know I had pneumonia!! I was so upset all I could do was cry. So i get put on medication and was told id be good to go in a week or so because im young and healthy! well little did the doctor know i would take a turn and become so unhealthy. Everything they were putting me on would keep me awake all night I couldnt breath everything I ate would make me sick and i went back to the doctor 2 times and on the 3rd time i told my mom I feel so sick i feel like i am dying so I get to the doctors and cant even sit up in the chair with out even taking me in he sent me to the hospital. I get there and they do tests and x-rays and find out im very malnourished from being so sick and i have very bad pneumonia. They admit me and tell me they need me on IV's to get better so i figure out this should take care of it now.BOY WAS I WRONG!! i just got sicker and sicker until they just had to go in and take the infection out in surgery. 3 hours later a huge scar down the side of my body half a lung now missing they finally took the pneumonia out which was 2 solid masses the size of softballs!So now i figure Im good a few days i can go home.NOPE WRONG AGAIN!! they had put chest tubes into me to drain the rest of the infection but the infection is draining to much more then what was left me so they figure something no is going wrong they do all tests and scans and they find nothing and now im getting very very sick again.

    They did one last upper GI scan and from the chest tubes in my back i was uncomfortable so i moved on the table and there is was...A hole in my stomach, now they didnt know what to do because I had my gastric done in the city and this hospital doesnt even do gastric. They got in touch with my surgeon who requested I be sent to his hospital ASAP and that to tell me to get ready for surgery. So the doctors all come in and around to tell me the bad news and all I could do was cry and cry, how could this happen i had surgery over a year ago ive been fine.

    I get to my surgeon whos waiting with me with my parents doctor who is the best of the best and rite then they start tests and scans then the next day they get me ready for surgery.My surgeon had not known what to do and he is one of the best doctors and one of the top gastric surgeons and all he did was to ask me to trust him and he will figure it out, so i did.

    I wake up and hes standing there with a big smile on his face and says hey kid your going to be fine i fixed it!! the next few days im starting to feel better and im so happy and i have hope, because before they knew what was really going on they expected i would die and when i said to my mom im sick i feel like im dying well i was rite i was dying and the doctors had told me later on i only had about a week left to live(imagine being 25 and being told that) Now time goes by and im feeling great and im starting to get my health back little by little and they finally took the chest tubes out and guess what its time to finally go home after almost 2 months. I slowly started to get better and now 7 months later and im fully back to normal life!!!

    Now you might ask what happened to my sleeve? My surgeon does not know, and said we may never know but be happy it was found. Now you might ask how did this girl not know she had this? Well i had zero signs and symptoms of this my body was able to hide what was going on very very well. I had this leak in my stomach for almost a year and no one knew or saw it. I even had my gall bladder taken out with this going on. The only sign i did have remember i said my shoulder had been hurting me? the infection was sitting on a nerve that went to my shoulder. So what exactly was going on with my stomach? The surgeon calls it a " blow out" for no reason to be found somehow my stomach blew it self out and formed a direct connection to my left lung, if they tried to re create what my body did they couldnt thats how complex this was. Can this be blamed on my gastric sleeve? I feel not it was just a freak accident that happened to me and im still very happy everyday that i had my sleeve done!!! The picture attached to this was taken the night i got sick. Could you tell by this picture that i was dying? I cant!!!


  5. Wow you truly look amazing. Congratulations on your success. Any tips on what Protein to drink aswell as what exercise to do

    Thanks. For Protein I don't drink as much as I should but when I do I drink Atkins or there's a health food by me that make amazing Protein shakes the best is a Peanut Butter mud but I make sure every meal I eat has a form of protein and Make sure I eat all of that first exercise I walk and run. I'll go to the gym and walk for 2 hours and I do sit ups and side twists

  6. I know exactly how you feel!! I've lost 135 pounds and feel I need to lose more. It's hard to get use to seeing yourself in this new body but you need to keep in mind you do look different. Something's I have done is I've taken old pictures and put them side by side with new pictures to see the difference or I still have a few old clothes and I'll try them on to see how much smaller I am. I will admit even though I went from a large plus size into juniors sizes and clothes that I wore in the 8th grade are to big on me I still have my moments I feel I'm fat or feel like other people are looking at me as being fat I even catch myself before I go out asking my mom "does this make me look fat " or " do I look heavy in this and is my stomach look big" and everytime she says " your not heavy anymore you look beautiful" It's sad how what we use to look at and what we have thought about ourselves for so long can still affect us now that we're aren't those people anymore.

  7. 6 months after having my sleeve I had a bad gall bladder attack where I was unable to eat or drink for a few days. My surgeon who did my sleeve and my gall bladder said this is becoming common in sleeve patients. My gall bladder has been gone for 6 months and have zero issues except for some acid reflux but other than that everything is fine

  8. I was sleeved almost a year ago trust be it will get better!! The first few weeks are bad I remember the gas pain And at one point thought I was having a heart attack!! Your body will get use to everything just give it some time and hang in there. Looking back to almost a year ago and it's like the pain was nothing still to this day I don't drink alot of fluids but I have zero problems and can even take big sips!! Just hang in there!!

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