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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AllForMy4

  1. oh, that is HUGE!! Congrats on such a great NSV! Can't wait to do this also! You have done amazing with your sleeve! Hope I can be this much of a success once I am sleeved - I started liquid diet today and will be sleeved a week from today!

    Thank you and good luck with your surgery! The pre-op diet is the worst part,just stick with it and you'll be sleeved before you know it. We're all keepin a seat warm for you on the losers bench! =)

  2. I absolutely love the NSV's! They make me want to just hug everyone!

    I know what you mean. We are going funiture scouting for our guest bedroom but spent the whole first time with him pullin me onto smaller chairs and going "Ill take her"! Embarassing but awesome!

    You baby girl will NEVER know a time she couldnt run and play and fit on the chair with Mommy! <3

    Thanks girl,and that furniture scouting must have made you feel awesome!!!!!! LOVE it!

  3. aww, that almost made me cry! Congratulations. Your sleeve is not only wonderful for you, but for your little girl as well.

    (and I'm SO annoyed Courtney won, btw.)

    Thank you!!!

    I am SO annoyed at Ben choosing her!!! UGHHHHH

    Congrats on ONEderland! =)

  4. Sooo,after a long day yesterday,I decided to take a rest on the couch. So I curl up and turn on The Bachelor finale. =) My 2 yr old daughter jumps up on the couch with me and curls up right next to me,and fits!! I have NEVER been able to cuddle on the couch with my babies right beside me,I was too big to fit with them before..It took me until commercial break to realize lol,but when I did I almost cried-I just hugged my babygirl so tight!!!! I love love love my sleeve,so much! I have lost 43 pounds combined since starting my pre-op diet to now(6 1/2 weeks post-op) and have gone down 2 pants sizes! Lovin it! =)

  5. I haven't had my surgery yet but my fast eating has been a concern. I was told to get a timer to help me but it has seemed impossible to eat an egg and 1 piece of toast in more than 10 minutes or so. I'm also a Water guzzeller. How does it effect those of you who have had surgery?

    Hey there, =) First of all,once you have your sleeve and begin to eat solids like eggs and toast,you probably won't be able to fit in a whole egg and peice of toast in one sitting at first. More like a half egg and couple bites of toast or just one whole egg by itself at the most. If you eat it too quickly,it may make you sick,or just make you feel uncomfortable for awhile. I am 6 weeks out and am still working on slowing down with my eating,but I will get there soon enough. Things I find that help me try to slow down are taking a bite and then walking away for 5 minutes. Come back and do the same thing. Or if you are sitting and resting and don't want to walk away,make sure you put your spoon/fork down after each and every bite. I was such a Water guzzler b4 my sleeve! I could seriously drink like a whole bottle at once lol. I though it was gonna be a big problem after surgery but it isn't. I find that if I sip constantly (except when eating) I am confortable.I haven't had the urge to guzzle at all. You won't automatically wanna guzzle after surgery bc it will constantly be on your mind that your stomach is wayyy smaller now. Good luck,you'll do great!

  6. I have found it EXTREMELY difficult to eat slow as well as drinking slowly. Plus also taking small bites. I try but seems like it only works part of the time. I still haven't "learned" to do this even with the discomfort. I'm feeling a bit un-normal when I can eat and drink much faster than I'm supposed to. Im trying to un-learn my old habits and learn new ones but when one has been eating and drinking like this for over 30 years it is a big challenge for me. I'm able to drink an ounce of liquid in a minute..I totally feel like I'm the only one that is doing this and I'm not even 3 weeks out. I feel like I'm already failing..

    Is anyone else having this issue?

    I have the same issue with eating fast and I still lose steady. I am 6 weeks out. The Water isn't a big deal. I could drink an ounce in a minute at 3 weeks out. I can drink alot more now. I just can't eat alot of solids at once but what I do eat,I eat fairly fast. Your sleeve will only let you eat so much. I've never eaten so fast I've gotten sick,just uncomfortable. If we just keep trying,we will get there. =)

  7. I am echoing the ppl above. =) I ate/eat greek yogurt(you can kick it up by adding suger free flavoring syrups and/or sugar free preserves),cottage cheese is soooo yummy and I love to put peaches in it. I steam cauliflower,then smash it up and add a lil "I can't believe it's not butter" and it becomes a healthy version of mashed potatoes! It sounded so nasty to me the first time someone told me to do it,but now,it's one of my favorite meals and I even sometimes add unflavored Protein Powder to up the Protein. =) You can try getting rotisserie(sp?) chicken from somewhere. I have found that meats cooked by restaurants have been easier for me to get in my sleeve. And deli meats too. I guess I just can't cook it tender enough myself but I am learning. :P Chew chew chew and chew some more when you introduce meats. Scrambled eggs is also a good idea,great source of protein and easy to get down for most ppl.

  8. I had horrible mood swings omg I though for a sec I was goin crazy! lol. I am 6 weeks out now and they kinda calmed down. I heard from numerous ppl that the the fat cells we are getting rid of hold alot of hormones so as they are released,we are like overloaded with hormones. Hope I explained that right but my point is,I think it's normal lol. Hope you feel better soon! ((HUGS))

  9. Hi and congrats in your decision to change your life with the sleeve! =) I've come to realize that almost every dr has a different plan for their patient after the sleeve. Mine was like this: Week 1-Clear liquids ONLY.

    Week 2 on-they told me I could start soft foods. I had to listen to my own body and what I thought was best bc I didn't think it was a good idea to go on solids yet. So,on week 2 I went instead from Clear Liquids to full liquids,then in week 3 went to mushies,then in week 4 went to softs. Now at week 6 I am allowed to eat any consistency. I can barely fit any solids into my sleeve so I def stick with lean Protein first,then veggies and fruits,no room for starches. =)

  10. I am 6 weeks out and the ONLY time I ever get hungry is if I have went a long time without sipping on my Water. :/ Then when I start drinking again,it immediately goes away. I have went through the head hunger and nipped it real quick,I have no problems now with that,it is hard at first. I get up every day and have to make myself eat a good breakfast(an egg and a few bites of peaches,or a string cheese).

  11. Thank you all for responding. My hair is beginning to fall out as of about 3 days ago. I have been meeting all liquids and Protein requirements now,as well as taking my Vitamins daily,so I am surprised it came on so quick.. =( I'm 6 weeks out...I bought some Biotin today and Omega 3, although I think I heard that you have to take it BEFORE Hair loss for it to help prevent it,but I started it anyway. I will likely go ahead and dye my hair back to it's normal color this weekend,I'll let yall know if anything horrid happens..lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
