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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Heidilacy

  1. Thanks so much for your post op diet info i am scheduled 11/30 and this makes me happy to read and see how you got your protien in and lost so much in 45 days gives me even more hope ! Great Job :)

    Bless your HEART. I had my Sleeve down with Dr. Aceves in may, I am 57, and I am down 55 lbs. I just went back for my 4 month check up and they told me I am doing FANTASTIC. I think Dr. Aceves is one of the BEST out there doing this surgery. My scars are smaller than my little finger nail--trust me--there are alot of women reading this that have huge scars--that would depress me.

    YES--you have your HEAD to deal with because it has told you to eat eat eat. Talk with your head and tell it NO-no-NO and start living the life you want to live. YES you have to make some adjustments. I lost 45 lbs and 45 inches in 45 days. Here is what I did every day for that 45 days.

    1 small Isopure shake in the morning [50 grams of protein]

    1 zero carb Isopure drink in the day [40 grams of protein]

    THAT IS 90 GRAMS OF Protein and you are NOT hungry and it helped me with my depression.

    I also added some ZINC in capsule form and LYSINE in capsule form to my shakes. This helped with my immune system and depression. I also take D-3.

    Then if you call Bountiful Nutrition [(801) 298-7076] and ask them about their super Vitamin produced in UT [they will ship it to you] this has so much B-Vit's in it, it will wipe out your depression. I can tell when I dont take it after 2-3 days. IT is the best on the market--but not widely distributed. LOVE IT for ridding me of ALL depression during this process and before when I would get blue.

    Now this is a horse pill and Dr. Campos says no big pills for 90 days minimum, so I ground it up in a coffee grinder, just swallowed the powder raw with juice as a chaser. [add it to a drink if you like]

    I also squeezed one LEMON and one LIME daily and put that in a 30 oz container of Water with just a little stevia to sweeten [get rid of the blue-pink-yellow packages since they all 3 are BAD for you and your insulin levels].

    Give yourself permission to grieve over what you did to yourself and the time you wasted EATING to comfort you.

    Get your tennis shoes on [i got the shape-ups by sketcher] and walk 15 minutes to 30 minutes twice a day.

    You will be amazed as the weight comes off how much faster you are walking. I have 2-dogs and we are not running in the mornings. I never thought I would be doing that!!

    The super Vitamin, my walks, the way I look has me feeling soooooo good about myself. AND for you, by Christmas, you will be able to eat little bits of things, even sweets, then get back onto your routine.

    Also, I did not tell anyone about my surgery. NOT their business--this is all about ME--for me--it is my journey.

    For me--that was a GREAT choice because I am not answering to anyone. Consider how you can gift yourself with a closed mouth and not answer to anyone.

    Blessed Be.

  2. I was the same way. Ate a chili dog and fries the day before surgery. I was scared. I am now 6 weeks postop and I have to say I am enamored with what the surgery does. The hunger is just not there which is the first helpful thing. Secondly, for me I want to work on changing my habits and the surgery is a HUGE motivator that is a gift. I have taken the surgery as an obligation to my health ad follow the guidelines they give you. Eating only 3 times per day has so eliminated a lot of desire. I know it will probably return but I am working mentally now. I hope you have te same experience because it has been easier than I thought! Good luck!

    Love your point of view and its so helpful I to am trying to go about it this way and I am glad to see someone else who has already been sleeved post the same theroy i have in my head and it gives me hope and more inspiration to get more excited about my 11/30 surgery date :)

  3. Very HELPFUL Ladies I am getting sleeved 11/30 and i know this will come in handy currently exploding out of my 36 ddd but i refuse to buy new ones knowing surgery is around the corner so i will get some extenders today to make it through the next 52 days then i sure hope i dont lose to much cupsize or should i say the husband hopes but i can lose as much band width possible! I ope i at least level out a a d i mean what would i do with out "the Girls" I have had them sense i was a pre teen lol!

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