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Status Updates posted by mommy794

  1. "Always follow your intuition. If you are convinced to go against what you believe is right, then you aren't just being played by a fool...you are becoming one!"

  2. "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past are certain to miss the future." John F. Kennedy

  3. "The Campaign" is hilarious!

  4. "The Doctors" TV show just had a clip about "fragrances" and how the title fragrance can basically HIDE dangerous and toxic chemicals used in making SO many products. Atleast the word is FINALLY getting out more!

  5. "You only have one life so live it right now and do what your heart tells you and go for that one thing in the world that will make you truly happy"

  6. /\______/\________/\____________________ ____________ Ya it really can happen!!!! I died of boredom

  7. #?*!!>>>!! ///// WTH Why ooooo WHY does everyone come here 15 min before we close????

  8. :( mehhhh o myyyyy

  9. 1st time with a personal trainer this morning. Pretty hard work! But it wasn't horrible ... We will see if I still feel that way tomorrow.

  10. 2 more days til drag racing NHRA style ;)

  11. 40 minutes til I'm off work! Can u tell I'm READY??? Lol thank goodness it's been pretty q-u-I-e-t hope it holds out!

  12. A man who waits for Valentines day to treat his girl like a queen, is failing 364 days a year! A real man would make his girl feel special everyday

  13. A new motto for all you girls out there: Drop a ZERO, Get a HERO! I thought that was a great motto - per Linda Thomas LOL

  14. Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.

  15. Ability is what you’re capable of doing, motivation determines what you do, and attitude determines how well you do it. Without all 3 you can't accomplish anything!

  16. About to clean my laundry room, wish me luck!!! If I'm not back in 2 hours call in the national guard to come rescue me :)

  17. Actions speak louder than words... Alot of people will say what ever it takes to make someone do what they want. Few will actually DO what ever it takes and back up all those words!

  18. ahhhh feeling accomplished and it feels good! Cleaned the laundry room, did a bunch of laundry, organized all the cabinets in there, and washed my bed stuff...now time for bed, or lay down atleast...work tomorrow :(

  19. Ahhhh NO lights! I think the lights go out more at my house bc of wind than anything else! Of course all my clothes are in the washer and me n Jenna are supposed to be going to town. Guess I can scrounge up something to wear!

  20. Am I a Good witch or a Bad witch? Maybe I'm just good at being a bad witch. Or maybe it's that I'm bad at being a good witch. Hummmm??? The world may never know! .

  21. Anyone know a place that will change my iPhones front glass? I have the glass but its about a bazillion steps! Not sure I want to tackle that!

  22. As I expected ! I laughed until my face hurt ... Rodney=HILARIOUS!

  23. As long as I have my job I will never need to record the Jerry Springer Show. It's sooooo much better to see it live and in action!

  24. At the endodontist ... Hoping I don't need a root canal!

  25. Attention parents! Don't let your kid under the age of 10 microwave their own food and try to get it out of microwave themselves! Or if they do use the microwave teach HOW and WHAT to set the timer on! I see too many kids with bad burns... Soup and noodles need 2 min or less it doesn't need to be boiling hot!

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