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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mommy794

  1. FB remembers birthdays, my cell phone remembers numbers and dates, my DVR remembers my TV shows. no wonder i cant remember a DAMN THING!!!

  2. OKKK I'm getting alittle annoyed here... been sick 4 times in 4 months... NOW I have fever and headache... feeling like re-fried azzzzz :(

  3. It really sucks that I could afford the car I want IF our damn Verizon bill wasn't SOOO HIGH!!! highway robbery! And we signed up for this??? :(

  4. mommy794

    Omg My Boobs Have Disappeared!

    I was JUST wondering about this very thing yesterday!!! I'm so glad to hear some examples! Before kids when I weighed 125 I was a 34-36 C now at 200 I'm a 38-40 or D depending on brand. I'm really hoping I get my old 34 C back, although they don't point the right direction now I'm sure that will only get worse DANGGGG!!!
  5. It's a shame when you WANT to put a sign up in the restroom of your job so ppl don't TRASH it up and THROW things all over the floor! I mean really your in this bldg. for an hour or 2 n you have to make a total mess ???? REALLLYYY?? reallyyyyy?

  6. Wow penpen you answered MY question that I didn't even know I had! LOL or rather I couldn't exactly express what I felt/thought and the questions I had... that was about the BEST by far answer I have read on here! I'm not a real BIG emotional eater...I just love food! and when it's something I like...I want ALOT! So your description of how you eat what you want and you DO get that full feeling just WAY sooner really made sense to me and makes me feel better about how I will feel down the road after I have the surgery and I'm all healed up. THANKS!!!!
  7. That's one thing I will REALLY have to work on and not get mad about... if my husband acts different towards me. I have had issues with him over the past few years not acting as affectionate as I'd like esp. in public. Like hand holding and such ...not making out LOL ...so if all the sudden he does a 360 on these things few things I've pointed out numerous times over the past few years I think it will REALLY piss me off! So we will see how it goes... to me I say why do it now when I have been asking or pointing it out for years! So I will I'm sure have to work on that and let him know how I feel about it IF that happens in a few months when I've lost a bit !
  8. They say a woman isn't supposed to fart burp or sweat....so therefor If we didn't b***h we'd explode!

  9. At the endodontist ... Hoping I don't need a root canal!

  10. I agree she sounds like a total IDIOT!!! I work in the medical field and I can say that she definitely has no bedside manner or empathy about her!!! YOU ARE DOING GREAAAT!
  11. No I don't have a specific date yet but I'm hoping the last week of Jan. 1st week of Feb. as long as things stay on track like they are now. I have to do a 10 week online program for my insurance to cover, (I'm in week 5 now!) plus the 4 months of weighing in and seeing nut before that. After my 10 week program is up then I have to go to 1 class and they said I could sch. after that. I've bee in the process since June 28th. I can't wait!!!
  12. I also live in Texas and I can't wait to get one of those Blingy belts! haha I doubt that I will ever wear something of my girls who are 20 and almost 17 because they wear a 2 and a 00, but one day soon I will get that BLING belt... Hoping to be sleeved late Jan early Feb. CAN'T WAIT!!!! thanks for the inspiration
  13. I'm hoping for about Jan 23rd, or somewhere in that area!!! I have been approved and now doing a 10 week online course. The online course will be complete the week of Jan.16 so my nut said after that week I will have to go to 1 in person class about how I will be eating and the pre-op diet as well as post op then I'm good to sch. If everything stays on course I should def be done the last week of Jan I can't wait!!!! I know it will be a big change but I know it will be for the better!!! My BMI is 40 and I have elevated BP, borderline blood sugar, arthritis and scoliosis...so this will help ALOT esp. as I get older. BTW this pic was about 30 # ago! I've gained n lost same 30# about 30x NOW! ughhh LOL O welll NOT anymore come JANUARY BABY!!!!
  14. THAT's how I wanna be a few months from now! LOL I hope to be sleeved end of Jan. 1st wk of Feb. Although I'm not single, been married for 19 yrs now, but still would be NICE to have ppl notice me for a confidence booster! I just wanna feel good and more comfotable! Congrats!!!
  15. I had to do 4 months of weighing in and seeing a nurtritionist...now I'm doing a 10 week online weight management course for a total of 6 months. After this I will be ready to sch. surgery which I'm hoping will be late Jan. early Feb. I'm so excited and I REALLY think this will be the perfect tool for me. I know it will be hard but well worth it! I have been over weight for 16 years now and have gained and lost the same 35# about 35 times now but I have never been able to get even close to a normal weight for my 5' nothing self. I have arthritis and some back problems, scoliosis, high colesterol, borderline blood sugar, and now recently high blood pressure so this will come just in time ! hell I'm falling apart!!! LOL I just wanted to say HI and make my own post for a change I don't know how to do a ticker yet but vital info is age 41 2 kids 5'0" starting 205 current 200 surgery ...HOPING jan-feb 2012
  16. O yaaaa GOAL weight is 130 +/- 5 pounds... I got down to 145 about 10 years ago and I think I looked pretty good then so that would be the top end... 125 is low end... My girls weigh 110 and 105 so I DONT want to be that small...would just be WEIRD! haha but kinda close is GOOD
  17. mommy794

    Surgery in January 2012

    Thick doesn't bother me, I like it! and I have been eating the heck out of chiobani champions honey-nana greek yougurt and the Okinos honey or vanilla...DEF not the plain it wasn't good...maybe used in food instead of sour cream but not alone! I've only tried the Jillian Michael whey chocolate powder but whatever you do DONT put it in hot coco...it just clumps! LOL Now that I know I'm approved I am gonna invest in some of the better whey powders like isopure or bariatric atvantage and try those out. The world according to eggface blog has tons of recipes for "bites" meals and this site is awesome for info!
  18. mommy794

    Surgery in January 2012

    ME TOO! I'm hoping to have mine done about that same week of jan. or maybe the week after. I just got approved last week also. I'm only 5' so I need to lose abut 75. I'm so exicted and thankful that my health insurace started covering this now! I have started eating more protein, drinking the whey shakes a few times per week and eating MUCH slower and cutting my food into real small pieces... and my big thing was not drinking when I eat bc I usually drink ALOT but it hasn't been that hard not to do it suprisingly. I just started my 10 week online program that is required and I go tomorrow to weigh in for the last time I think. It's a process and alearning process I'm sure ...but I'm really happy to have the chance to do it!
  19. mommy794

    6 months post op!!

    Thank YOU! I'm hoping I'm just counting down the weeks now
  20. mommy794

    6 months post op!!

    Hey good to see some other shorties on here I'm 5' nothing, possibly 4'11" I feel like I'm shrinking! I currently weigh 205 and hope to be getting sleeved late jan. or early feb. I have been approved by my insurance and now have to do an online program for 10 weeks. Then will hopfully sch. surgery date. My goal is about 130-140 as well, I don't want or need to be a stick I just want to feel and look good and the last time I got to 145 10 years ago I was looking pretty DANG hot if I do say so myself lol ...so hitting that or alittle under wll be great for me AND my back! You mite wanna try mederma, I have used it and used it before on a scar on my daughters upper lip...seemed to work well.
  21. mommy794

    Looking for 40's Sleevers :)

    I'm 41 now but will just turn 42 when I have it done, late Jan. early Feb. Have been approved by my insurance and now have to do a 10 week online program. Once that is done I'm hoping all will be a GOOOO!

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