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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by aubrie

  1. Hali,

    My son is a History/Anthropology major. He wants to be a museum curator. Like at the Smithsonian...... A little different I guess.......

    I loved going to school there. It's changed so much since my "era", but it's still a really nice place. When I visited my son I couldn't beleive that places like Cheatum Street, Palmers, Grins, Gils Broiler, etc. were still there!!! Ah a Manske roll and a grins burger. Now you know why I put on so much weight!!! LOL

  2. Jealousy can do very sad and strange things to people. Accept her negativity for what it is. It's about her, not you. Let her feel that way. Does it REALLY matter in the big scheme of things? YOU know that's not true. It's an effort to make herself feel better. If that works for her, fine, but don't turn your back on her for it. She may have a LOT of undealt with baggage regarding her weight that you're totally unaware of. Beleive me, she's dealing with her demons. When she's ready to face them, be there to set a good positive example.

  3. Hali, I see you are in San Marcos. I graduated from college there, and my son is going to school there now as well. (Also age 21) It's a great place!!! Lucky you....

    As for the band, I have heard that if the band hasn't slipped a lot, it can fix itself with the Fluid out and a liquid or mushy diet for a few weeks. Try that, but if it doesn't work, do all you can to make it right. You worked so hard for a couple years now to get your life the way you want it, don't give up. If the doctor is willing to give you a new one, if necessary, do it. They DO have better bands now. Mine is 10 cc but it has little pillows of padding on the inside of the band and is very comfortable. The older ones kind of cut into the stomach tissue. Ultimately it's your decision, but don't give up hope.

  4. For years I refused the seasonal flu shot. A bank I worked at years ago offered them for free so there wouldn't be massive amounts of people out with the flu. I was out of the office the day they gave them, and didn't get one. Everyone that recieved the shot got a violent bout of the flu. so everyone that tried to prevent it, got it in spades. That was enough to swear me off of it. But there have been improvements, and I've gotten it the last two years. No problem. As for the N1H1, no, I'm not going to get it. I don't fall into any of the risk categories. I was at my doctor's office for a routine check up, and overheard he and the doctor in the suite next door talking in the hall. The other doctor was saying that he refused to give his pregnant patients the vaccine, that he couldn't do so in good conscience. If they requested it, he was referring them out. He wasn't 100% sure of it's safety. That was enough for me to say no thanks.

  5. Yeah, it is a little strange, but it sure beats the vile taste of actual vomit!! I'm usually able to tell when it's coming, but I did it once on the table in a restaurant. My husband was shocked and appalled. I couldn't help it. I started crying. We just covered it with napkins, left a HEALTHY tip and paid the bill and left. How humiliating.........

  6. My surgeon told me only to use Milk of Magnesia in emergencies. As a regular course of action he recommended that I eat 3 or 4 PEELED sections of grapefruit a day, up my Water, and if needed a few stewed prunes (boiled in a little water) poured over my cottage cheese in the morning. It's actually quite good..... I had a hell of a time with this my first year, but after I had gall bladder surgery, it's not a problem anymore. I also quit focusing all my attention on Protein, protein, protein. Once I started eating more fruit and veggies, it was so much better.

  7. Lap Band surgery is emotional and depleating enough as it is.... Having this on top of so recent a surgery could be hard on you. Please consider talking to someone and having your support system in place. Some face depression just from the surgery. This sad event could make it worse. I feel so bad for you. I know your emotions are probably raw at the moment. Be gentle with yourself. Me and everyone else on this site will be praying for you and thinking of you. God bless.

  8. I have had Aetna insurance since 1996. It was basically good and easy until I decided I wanted bariatric surgery...... then the nightmare started. Initially they told me no. Then I found out that they did cover it. I had to do a six month diet before they would even consisder me. 4 months into my 6 month diet, they told me it wasn't being documented correctly and I had to start over. I started over. Had it documented, and at the end of the properly documented 6 months they denied me. I appealed. They denied me again. I was LIVID. I cried for weeks. Then I decided, NO. I was not going to take that crap and then I got MAD.... My BMI was 43 so that was not the issue. I had a sleep study done. While I did not have sleep apnea, I WAS a heavy snorer with sleep disturbances. I went to a nutritionist and got a letter of recommendation. I went to my OB/GYN and got a letter from him stating the surgery would help with bladder control issues and ovarian cysts. I went to my Rhuemetologist and had her write a letter stating it would help with the arthritis in my knees, back and hips. I went to my internist who wrote a letter stating it would help with lowering my blood pressure and alleviate my depression symptoms. So appealed again armed with all that support. How could they argue? 11 months after starting the second 6 month diet I had my surgery. 15 months in all. I just didn't give up. ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS. To date I no longer need my bladder control medication, I don't snore and sleep soundly, I've only had one brief flare up of my ovarian cysts, I no longer get shots in my knees or take Celebrex, I no longer have high blood pressure, I don't take Wellbutrin for depression anymore and I've reduced the dose of my thyroid medication. How do they not see the benefit in all that? It boggles the mind....

  9. want-so-bad,

    I went through one bout of Hair loss at 5 months out. It was disturbing, but it grew back for the most part.... A little thinner. But I had a halo of new growth. This time, it's not coming back AT ALL. Just continues to fall out. At two years out I thought I was WELL past this. My docs all seem really unconcerned. Of course..... It's not THEIR hair!! I know what you mean about the double chin. It's neat to not have one. I try and pinch my non existant one all the time. But I have noticed that where my double chin once was, I have very puckered skin. Just part of it I guess.

  10. Early on....In between mushies and solids, I ate a lot of poached fish. Like Tilapia..... I diced up some onion and zuccini and sauteed it for a second. Poured in some Swanson's seasoned chicken broth, brought to a boil and placed my fish in and covered. Cook for about 4 or 5 minutes. It's soft, tasty, high in Protein, includes your veggies and moist. It's also QUICK. I loved it and still eat it. Try not to over cook a steak. The more you cook it and dry it out, the harder it is to chew the tough meat. I now eat my steak medium rare and have no more problem with it. I can't eat chicken breast. To dry and tough. I have switched to dark meat (thighs mostly) and seem to do MUCH better. A little BBQ Sauce will help keep it moist as well. You may have to change how you cook things. For example...... Pork roast is difficult for me unless I smother it in applesauce.... But pulled pork cooked in a crock pot all day, is much easier. I just had to readjust my way of cooking and evaluating things. A slow cooked pot roast is better as well.

  11. I can't stand the consistancy of Greek yogurt as I have a strong gag reflex. The glop just sticks in the back of my throat. BUT if used in a recipe it's good. They DO have flavored, with some unusual flavors like pomegranite.... But I like to dice up a fresh cucumber and mix them with plain Greek yougurt, a few cloves of fresh garlic crushed in a press, white or cracked pepper, salt and lots of dill weed. Let it sit for a few hours and have as a salad. It's WONDERFUL!!!! I prefer this over the sweet stuff.

  12. I have a large band with approximately 6 cc's in it. I've lost about 72 pounds and have had tremendous success with it. I think I would be even more successful if I exercised a little more than I do.... that's not the band's fault. Has he checked your tubing and port for leaks????

  13. My regular ugly bra, that's comfortable doesn't do anything like that, but my push up bra from Victoria's Secret does. Bummer huh? It's just constructed and shaped differently. I love it, and have dreamed of wearing one for YEARS, so I'm NOT getting rid of it....

  14. I'm now the Queen of Belch and Princess of Poops. My husband marvels... Can't even imagine what happened to his proper, lady like little wife....I've gotten really good at saving them up all day at work, but when I get home.... WATCH OUT!!! I never had gas like this pre-band. On the rare occasion that I did, it was for good reason. Usually quite offensive. This new stuff is just gobs and gobs of air. Wierdest thing ever..... And the gurgling noises coming from my pouch??? Holy Cow!!!

  15. bread is usually difficult for many bandsters. I can eat it, but it has to be 100% whole wheat TOASTED or a chunky multi-grain. Soft breads turn to a wad of glue in my pouch and sit there for hours yelling at me. It hurts really bad........ but everyone is different, and you'll just have to try. But I would wait a few more weeks.

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