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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by short1

  1. short1

    Ocular Migraine?

    The flashing lights you saw are called ora's. I get them before a migraine. For me they are a warning sign pain will be coming soon. I have been having them for about 5 years now. Usually around my cycle. I take Relpax 40 mg. It works in about a hour. A dark room usually helps. Many things can cause a migraine like hormones, stress, lack of or too much sleep, foods, and for me the worst thing is perfume or sented things. Hope this has helped. JP
  2. short1

    ***i Am Approved Yay***

    i am so happy for you! My insurance said they got all of my paper work 5-23-07 and they will let me know in 2-4 weeks. Let us know how it goes. JP
  3. short1

    My brain is scrambled!

    I asked for a letter stating it was not a covered cost so my secondary ins. would pay. I waited and waited (6 weeks)calling every other day. Finally I received a letter stating I have coverage. I called and they said they did not know who told me it was not a covered charge, but it is. I am now in the waitng process, I hope they do not change their minds again. To answere the question if I think secondary ins. is worth having I say yes. I am covered by my husband at no additional cost. Hope this helps. JP
  4. I just ordered the book from amazon.com, I can hardly wait to read it. I hope it better prepairs me for the operation. Thanks for the tip. JP
  5. short1

    UHC Choice plus-won't cover?

    By all means keep calling. I was told for 6 weeks by UHC that is was not a covered charge. Now they say it is a covered charge and they will pay 80%. Call and ask for a supervisor. Good luck. JP
  6. short1

    UHC Choice plus-won't cover?

    Just to let you know keep trying. I have been told for the last 6 weeks by UHC that they don't pay. I spoke with a rep. Tuesday who now says they pay 80%. Now both my primary and secondary insurance both say they will pay. I am in the waiting stage now. I hope to hear in the next couple weeks. I am very nervous they will change their minds again. Good luck to you and don't give up. JP
  7. short1

    anyone 200lbs before being banded

    Yes I weigh 217. I am only 5 foot 1 inch with a BMI of 41.6. I also have other cormorbid conditions. The doc. said I meet all of the requrements. What is your BMI? Do you have any other conditions? Good luck, and please keep posting. JP
  8. I am so happy for you. It is true good things happen to those who wait. JP
  9. I thought things like that only happend to me. Keep in mind your time is soon and this too shall pass. good luck. JP
  10. short1

    I am having a melt down!

    Thank everyone. I plan to call them back on Monday. I will try to be charming lol. I know 30 days is not long, but I am so nervous . I want what I want and I want it now. Wow that sounds selfish. I am going to have a frozen drink and ponder that. JP
  11. I just spoke with my primary insurance and they are now saying it may be 30 days before I get a denial letter to give to my secondary insurance. The senondary insurance is a slam dunk, but must have his letter first. I just had to vent what in the ?#@@ is so hard about writing a letter. They should be greatful they don't have to pay! Has anyone else out there had this problem? JP:omg:
  12. short1

    Time to wait

    I saw the Dr. yesterday. He said I meet all of the standards and all I have to do now is wait. What torture. The nurse said I am way ahead of the game by providing all of my files, getting letters, seeing psychologist, and dietician. She said Blue Cross usually takes two weeks. My primary ins. will not pay at all and I am waiting on a letter stating that so Blue Cross can do their thing. I feel so helpless not knowing. I wish the process could be faster. JP:phanvan
  13. short1

    Time to wait

    Thanks I will try to stay busy, but my mind keeps wandering off. JP
  14. :clap2: I had my psy evaluation today and all went well. I am so excited. I see the dietician on monday. So far so good with the insurance. Hope they don't pull any last minute tricks. I never realized there would be so much work involved in getting ready for surgery.
  15. short1

    One step closer

    I have Blue Cross & Blue Sheild of IL. They pay 90% if you meet the requirements. My Dr. assured I meet them. I saw him yesterday 5-17-07. Now all that there is to do is wait.
  16. Thanks, i need all the help I can get. Wow 92 Lbs. that is great!
  17. I saw the dietician yesterday and all went well. Thursday May 17 I see the surgeon. Then the waining begins. I can only hope I have all of my T's crossed and I's dotted. This site has been very helpful to me, I feel like we are all friends. I will let you all knowwhat the Dr. says.:youcandothis:
  18. Does anyony out there have Blue Cross & Blue Sheild of Illnois? I spoke with them and they said the criteria was height, weight, Dr. orders, BMI, Thyriod test, psy. consult, and diets I have tried in the last year. This sounds too easy what is the trick? I have already completed their list, but do not want to get my hopes up too high.
  19. short1

    Has this happened to u??

    That is great! I can hardly wait untill this Thursday I finally get to meet with the Dr. I dream of getting new pants.
  20. short1

    Can anyone relate?

    Good luck I hope all goes well for you. What is the deal with the lexapro? I take that too.
  21. short1

    UHC Choice plus-won't cover?

    I also have United Health Care and they said it is not a covered charge. I am lucky because my husband has Blue Cross & Blue Sheild of Illinois and it does cover. However, the psy. evaluation, blood work, dietician, EKG and so on should be covered by United. Please do not give up. I have read they give loans with low interest rates. Good luck!
  22. short1

    One step closer

    Blue Cross & Blue Sheild of Illinois the PPO type
  23. I was out with friends one evening and a man approached me. He said I don't mind your weight I like big girls. I was blown away. First of all I am married and was not looking to hook up secondly, after that who on earth would have gone with such a person? Also I was working in my flower garned one day when a car of teenagers drove by and one of them yelled hey big butt. I still hate working in the front yard.
  24. Good luck and thanks for the input.
  25. I am very new at this. Does anyone know Dr. Clark of Premier Bariatric in Indianapolis? Please reply!

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