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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by short1

  1. I got the email today I have a date!!!:whoo:August 15 at 8 am. I felt my stomach flop and I could hardly breath. So much to do so uch to think about. Oh my gosh my boss is going to be so mad I am taking time off. I suppose she will have to get over it. I can hardly wait to be healthy again.
  2. short1

    I have a date!!!

    I avoid social situations as much as possible. I have one tomorrow night, but already feel better knowing what is in my future. Thanks, JP
  3. short1

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia

    Lorsbander I know exactly how you feel. I have BC&BS of IL. it took them just short of 4 weeks. They were real nice and even called me on my cell before the letter came. My other insurance (primary) UHC still has not replied and like yours has no idea when they might. Stay strong! Good luck to you keep us posted. JP
  4. I asked two different Dr's and they both wrote letters for me. Just ask. If your Dr. turns you down because of belonging to the insurance co. get a new Dr. Best of luck. JP
  5. short1

    I am sorry

    Faithmd, It was not you I was reading and realized how selfish I was being. I love this site and rely on it to help me. I never want to offend someone. OK only if they really need it lol. JP
  6. short1

    I am sorry

    I just wanted to say how sorry I am for carrying on about my primary and secondary insurance problems. I have been very insensative to those of you who have no insurance or who have been turned down. Please accept my sincerest apologies.:faint: JP
  7. short1


    I talked to my Dr. office today and they finally resent the paper work to my primary insurance co. Now it is time to wait again. I hope the time goes fast due to already being approved by my secondary ins. I want this so bad days seem like weeks. I realize I did not get this way over night and need to chill out. I will keep everyone posted.
  8. I want to go back to Mexico and this time not be ashamed of my size. I want to wear one of those colorful full skirts that swirls when you dance. I want everyone to think who is that beautiful woman! I want to feel good about myself.
  9. short1

    Excuses, excuses, excuses

    She finally did it.
  10. short1

    Excuses, excuses, excuses

    I sure seems hard to find good help now a days.
  11. short1

    I need to vent!

    Last night I went to a seminar put on by a Dr. from Bloomington IN. I wish I would have never gone. My Dr. is in Indianapolis, but I thought maybe I could learn something new from this guy. He said Indiana law requires everyone to go through six months of Dr. supervised weight loss. He also said if you gain weight you may get turned down. I challanged his statement and he stuck to his story. Needless to say I was upset. Evidently I had nightmares and kicked the crap out of my husband to the point he had to get up. I know six months is not a long time, but I have already been waiting three months and want to do this so bad. I callled my Dr. this morning and they calmed me down. They said it is Indiana law, but the insurance decides who does what, and that I more than meet the guidelines. I just don't trust anyone now. I have scheduled an appt. with my dietician to be on the safe side. I just want someone to tell me the truth. The waiting is killing me!
  12. short1

    I need to vent!

    I domn't mean to sound like a spoiled brat sorry.
  13. short1

    Hurry up and wait

    I have primary and secondary insurance. The secondary took 4 weeks to give me approval, and my primary still says they have not received the paperwork. So who knows. Some people on here said it took as little as a week some 15 months. Good luck. JP
  14. I am so excited I can hardly breath. My secondary insurance just called and said I have been approved!:clap2: Only one problem, my primary insurance UHC keeps loosing the paper work. My Dr. office is working on it as we speak. BC&BS is sending the letter out today maybe that will help UHC make their determination. I want to thank everyone for being so supportive. I will keep everyone posted, JP
  15. short1

    I am so excited!!!!!!

    Edie, I want this real bad, and yes to all of the above!
  16. short1

    I need to vent!

    Well I have good news. My secondary insurance BC&BS has approved me as of today. Now all I have to do is to get the primary UHC to say yes or no. I don't even care at this point, I just would like for them to admit they have the paperwork. I will keep everyone posted. JP
  17. short1

    I need to vent!

    Thank you to everyone. It is so nice to have people who care. I have already weighed in two times and have the third one this Friday. No one has told me to do that for sure, but I thought in the beginning I should be safe. Now if UHC would admit to having my paperwork I will calm down. Thanks again and good luck to all. JP
  18. Here we go again. I called my primary insurance company today and once again they have no records for me. What on earth are these people doing with the paper work? I have a couple of theories: using it for toilet paper or maybe the fax machine is directly hooked to the shreeder! This is the third week in a row they have no knowledge of anything. My Dr. office is on the line with them again. My secondary insurance is great they have everything and assured I will have a reply no later than this Friday 6/22/07. Does anyone out there have any suggestions on how to get the insurance company to stop loosing my paper work? Oh by the way it is United Health Care. Thanks, JP:help:
  19. short1

    I hate the insurance people!

    I can't find the post can you help? I called UHC and asked for the number they gave me the same one as last week. Is this a game for these people? JP
  20. short1

    I hate the insurance people!

    Thanks everyone I am checking on the phone # and links. Thanks again. JP
  21. short1

    I need to vent!

    I don't have a problem with the supervised diet, I have a problem with them changing the rules daily. I simply want the truth. JP
  22. short1

    I need to vent!

    Thanks Faith I am on hold with them now. I will start practicing withthe chewing as well. I tend to be a gulper. JP
  23. short1

    blue cross blue shield

    I have BC&BS of IL. I have been told they will cover 80% if you have a BMI over 40 a good thyroid test a psych. consult. I am still waiting my paper work was received on 5/23/07. It is in the reviewing process. God only knows how long this may take. Good luck to you. JP
  24. short1

    blue cross blue shield

    I have BC&BS of IL. they cover 80% if you have a BMI of 40 or above and a Dr. letter. They also want 5 years worth of weight records from your family physician and a good thyroid test. Hope this helps. JP
  25. I just spoke with my insurance co. who 6 weeks ago said they do not pay for lapband surgery. Well guess what? They do pay and so does my secondary. :omg: Gee the next thing you know they will be fighting over who will pay for me. Thank goodness the Dr. I choose is a PPO for both plans. I can hardly believe it. I keep thinking I will wake up and nobody will pay. The insurance Co. said I should know in 30 days. I hope I dont' go crazy between now and then. JP

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