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Posts posted by mango24

  1. Karla- I like the house you just posted. I like the vintage look of it, like solid wood doors.

    From the houses you posted before I like, 2, then 3, then 1.

    I will be cooking at home for my little family. I'll go get my Mom from the nursing home. I had to bring her a TV. She called crying Wed. She said the lady in the room goes in the front all day and tells her not to touch her tv. So now my Mom has her own flat screen, and she doesn't have to touch the lady's 20 yr old box tv.

    She just called me and said I had to bring the woman a sprite to replace because the nurse saw my Mom take one and threw a fit. So I told her I will bring her own fridge. Everytime I go, I bring a pack of drinks and put it in the woman's fridge. Well now she can buy her own damn drinks, and my Mama betta not touch her stuff.

    As for DS, he's a spoiled rotten brat that needs a foot up his &^@. I have been texting him for over 45mins. to come home. I'm still waiting.

  2. Hey Everybody,

    Haven't been here in awhile, but I've been around.

    What's wrong with Sheba?

    I'm off all week. Yeah! DH is finished putting in all the wood floor upstairs. I bought DS a new captain's bed. I painted it black today, and all the other furniture in his room black. We did his walls gray, furniture black, and maybe red curtains.

    I have more stuff to paint tomorrow. A china cabinet from my Mom, I wanna paint white. A cedar chest from DH's Mom, I wanna paint white. Then I have to go do the groceries. I'm tired just thinking about it.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    How is Michael? He is home now?

    DH just came downstairs and said, "You missed one light upstairs." I said, what do you mean? He said, "You forgot to put one on." I'm too tired for this constant bitching! fishwife!

  3. Hi Everyone, I have been reading for over an hour. Man, am I behind. My laptop has been broken for 2 wks. A teacher is fixing it. She told me I would get it last Friday, then she said this Friday. I'm still waiting.

    Candice- Your quilt is beautiful! Marshmellows- did you ever see the toasted coconut ones, DH like those.

    Karla- Congrats on the Master's program. And I have been known to Febreeze my little stink bomb quite often. I love him to death, but damn he's a stinky dog.

    Phly- I can remember when you were depressed to leave the campground just a few mts. back.

    Jackie- So happy Courtney is doing well.

    Steph- Prayers to you honey, you're going through tough times. I hope this works for him.

    Janet- OMG!!!!!! Someone went in your house while you were sleeping. OMG!!!! Fire those watch dogs! We just got our alarm fixed from the June 08 lightening strike. It's gonna be 16 a mt. for monitoring. I wanted to be able to lock DS in every night, but we would have to change the code continually and not tell him.

  4. Hello Everyone, I had a lot of reading to do. My lap top is broken, so it slows down my computer usage.

    Janet- So sorry to hear about your aunt. I know exactly how you are feeling about losing your past. I feel it everyday. It is very hard to have my Mom in a home. She is the youngest, and none of them will be here much longer. And since my Daddy left, I feel like I lost my family. Hugs!

  5. Hey Everybody- Life going on as usual

    My school open house was tonight too.

    DS still punished, will be for life. Alarm company coming next Wed. to fix alarm. We will lock him in without the code. A friend at work's husband offered to take DD to a diversion class. She said he had to take it cause he got a DUI and it scared the shit out of him.

    I put him in guitar lessons, and I'm making him join a sport, and a club. I need to get GPS on his phone, and I may even put a spying program on the computer, haven't decided yet.

    Phyl- You're doing great!

    Janet- your story is the reason I'm afraid to let someone live in my Mom's house. Once they're in, you need a lawyer to get them out. Plus they can trash it to get back at you for making them get out.

    Candice- The dress is beautiful. Your floor looks just like the floor DH is putting in upstairs right now. He is about 1/2 way done. It really spiffied up this joint.

    The grandpaw with the fish was OMG, was that real?

  6. Hi Everybody,

    Karla- I agree with everyone. You look fabulous! I was expecting more homely, trollish, wart on chin with hairs. WTH are you thinking! You're beautiful!

    Candice- Love the pics

    DS had to come camping with us because he can not be trusted home alone. We were promptly rewarded yesterday morning at 6:30am with a phone call from a guard at the hospital a few blocks away. DS was passed out on the side of road in the parking lot. DH went get him and the cop recognized DH. He said had he realized the DS was the kid from a few wks ago, he would have arrested him. He is 17, so he would go to real jail. I think I wish he would have went. I feel like I have been punched in the face. I can't believe he would do this to us. I can't stop crying, I don't have a clue what to do. I can't even sleep at night now, because I have to worry if he's leaving the house. Our alarm is broken, so I called to get if fixed, then I will be able to set it everynight. Tomorrow is parent night at his school, and I am forcing him to join something. He hates his school and is refusing. I am also putting him in music classes. He needs to meet people. He gravitates to trash. He thinks anyone that I would consider not trash is gay.

  7. Hey Everyone, got back from camping today. I was sick the whole time. still sick, been sick since Wed. The skin under my nose is gone. Now the coughing has started.

    Phyl- glad you're feeling better

    Janet- You look fabulous!

    Karla- Do ya'll get a step raise every yr? We get a small raise every Sept. It usually adds up to about 40 dollars more a mt.

  8. Candice must be partying, Happy Happy Birthday!

    Denise, just because DS doesn't want to go doesn't mean you need to ruin your camping trip because of him. If he can't be trusted, he needs to come with you. It's his problem. If he was better behaved, he could do what he wants...because he can't handle it, he gets to do what YOU want. That's just my humble opinion. Obviously I've got enough troubles with Michael so maybe I shouldn't be giving parenting advice. Just a thought.

    That's what I think too. This trip has been planned and pd for 6mts. I'm not the one who can't be trusted. It is now 9:37 on a school night. He went to the park to see friends. I said be home at 9. I'm not calling, I'll see when he strolls in, and use it against him. We are going to a festival this weekend, and he is welcome to bring a friend or study in the camper.

    Hope you are feeling better everyday Phyl. When Linda said her comment earlier about the pain meds, it made me remember how the percocet also made me cry for no reason. Sob like it was the end of the world.

    Janice, I think I got something stuck Sat. night, that's why I'm tight.

  9. Hey Everyone,

    I haven't been out the house all weekend. DH's BD yesterday. I cooked for him. He is putting in oak flooring upstairs. We painted my bedroom a lovely shade of green yesterday. Kinda pear. Worked all weekend.

    Phyl- Hope the pain goes away soon. Pain medication is the devil! You might need some MOM, pecocet is OMG the devil!!!!

    I have been PBing all weekend. Right now I have a horrible lump in my throat. Feels like I'm choking.

    We are supposed to go camping next weekend. DS doesn't want to go, and I won't leave him home. He can't be trusted. He is not easy!!!! DD was a breeze. DS is making up for it!

  10. Hello Everyone,

    School is much better this year. We got rid of most of the behavior problems, and we have new admin. that are doing great.

    Janet- right when I was reading about your kittens, Minnie jumped up on the bed and came over.

    She's just like my dog, wants to be next to me, but keep your hands off.

    Candice- I'm looking around for a brush. Maybe you could just scoot across the carpet.:)

  11. Janet- so sorry you have had such bad luck lately. I would be really pissed about the job situation. Really, really pissed. I don't like mean people, and there is no reason for her to be so damn mean.

    Hope you feel better soon. Don't worry be happy. :thumbup:

    Mom still in hospital, diviticulitus absess.

    Students come back Mon.

  12. Hi Everybody,

    I'll have to go back and read the post. I'm behind, I still have to check my presentation for tomorrow.

    Went see Mom tonight. I didn't see the dr, but she says she has an abcess in her intestines. That's kinda scary. It's one thing after another with her stomach. She's been in and out of the hos. for a couple of yrs now.

  13. Hi Everyone,

    Last post I said I had to go cause the phone was ringing.

    It was the nursing home. Mom is in hospital again. Her stomach hurting so bad the pain meds they were giving her didn't work. The hos. said it looks like diverticulitus flare up. She is on antibiotics. The nurse said the demerol wasn't working, so she gave her morphine and she got hives, so she put a pain patch on her. She feels terrible.

    Really busy at school right now. Have to go to workshop all day tom, and Wed. It's gonna be so much fun, I'll probably popl

    Phyl-congratulations on the weight loss, you are doing fantastic!!!!!!!

  14. Hello Everyone,

    A teacher came over and we worked from 10 to 3:30.

    We were working on the school's positive behavior plan.

    3:30, I started my cassoulet. I used ham hocks in the Beans, and pork shoulder, pork sausage, and chicken thighs. I just put it in the over. 6:30.

    I might go swimming. I still have school work to work on, and I have my home paperwork to work on.

    Phones ringing. TTFN

  15. Hi Everyone, Getting up for work is hell. I HATE mornings!

    Distant- You have had a really hard year. Losing your Mom when she was only 49, that's very very hard. So sorry for you and your family. Good luck with having a new baby. Wishing you the best!

    Karla and Candice ever made a yo yo quilt?

    Going to bed hungry, that's a good thing for me. OMG this work crap is hard!

  16. Hi Everyone,

    I got back from TX last night. I went to work today for the first time. I'm soooo tired. I am not a morning person.

    Janet- I am already saving money. I have a week off for Thanksgiving. Or if we do a cruise in summer we won't be in N.O. that long. It's hot but a great place to see. If I go on a cruise my family is probably gonna come to. Is that O.K.?

    Linda- I am praying everything is O.K. with your daughter.

    Karla- Hemmoroids are not the only problem it will also cause diverticulitus. Try metumucil everyday. Just don't take it around the time you take medicine, it will flush it out your system.

    Steph- I am also having problems with my DS. I had him drug tested about a week ago. It was positive for weed.

    I remember when my oldest brother was a teenager, this is what I heard everyday, "I'm gonna put your ass in boarding school." I guess boys are just tough. My DD was a breeze.

    Did ya'll see Earl's post on FB about missing Phyl? Too cute!

  17. Enjoyed the pics. Everyone looks great. The scenery looks beautiful. Ya'll passed a good time, Eh!

    I am going to TX tomorrow with the kids to visit my friend. I'll be back Sun. or Mon. I should come back Sun, but my bff is begging me to stay till Mon. Doubt I will, I have to come back to work and so does DD.

    I told ya'll about the cat having seizures, Eh? Well I gave her the first phenabarbital pill today, and I looked at her neck because her fur looked funny like she keeps licking it. Well, it looks funny cause it ain't dere no more. She has a bald patch on her neck. So either this is a new symptom, or she picked up something at the vet like maybe a dose of lovely ringworms. I'll call the vet tomorrow, but DH said he ain't taking the cat to the vet. Talks big, but he'll do it if we ask him.

  18. Hello Everyone,

    Why no PICTURES??? What's up with that? Was there illegal activity going on? Afraid to post? I want pictures!

    Can't remember if I told ya'll Minnie is having seizures. Vet did several tests which all came out clear. She is starting phenebarbital.

    Me and the kids are going spead the rest of the week with my friend in TX. We are leaving tom. DH can't get off of work Fri. cause he will be the only one there. So he can't come :biggrin:

    Steph- What is his excuse for the money?

    I can't imagine him thinking someone would drive him 2 1/2 hrs to meet someone. That's ludicrious.

    Who are you selling popcorn to?

    Oh and I forgot, I WANT PICTURES!

  19. Karla- Good job filling in the page.

    Did you see Harry Potter? Did you like it?

    Both my kids saw it, or what say what they said till you say your opinion first.

    Good thing I hadn't planned on going to Canada with everyone. My father in law passed away on Friday. The funeral is tomorrow morning. I was supposed to go to a conference for school this weekend and had to cancel. He had been sick for awhile with prostrate cancer that spread. He would have been 86 at the end of Aug.

  20. Happy anniversery to everyone. Mine is the 24th.

    Sounds like ya'll are gonna have a great time on the trip. Kiss Elvis for me. I have an Administrators meeting not next Sun, Mon., and Tues. but the next, then maybe I can find something to do at the end of that week for a small family vacation. DD finishes school that Tues.

    DH's father is dying, he is back in the hospital again, they will probably call in Hospice.

    DS is wearing out my patience. I told ya'll the sneaking out the house story. That was around the middle of June. About a week ago he stayed up all night and puked in the living room. Thurs. I came home from work and smelled smoke in his room. So yesterday, I got him drug tested. I get results Mon. DD was a breeze, this ones gonna put the gray in my hair. So now I have to watch him like a 2yr old. Can't turn my back on him. I'm thinking about installing a lock on his door, or chaining him to the toilet. I saw that on T.V. :smile:

  21. Hi Everyone,

    It's 1:34am, and I'm still wide awake. This weekend of heavy partying screwed up my sleep patterns, which is night owl to begin with. We had so much fun. If you look at my pics, me and my BFF Darlene partyed the most. No one could keep up with us. We danced for hours Fri and Sat. Every time she tried to sit I said, " Get up we have to work off that dinner. " But it didn't work because of the calories from the drinking. I was not a good girl this weekend I drank from Friday night till Sunday night.

    Everywhere we went I kept thinking about you guys seeing how great the city it. Bourbon is quite a site. OMG, you see some shit you can't believe! but the rest of the city is beautiful!!!

    My cat, Minnie, is one. She had a seizure Friday night and two today. We went to the vet today, and they did blood work. 170 dollars:ohmy: They will call tomorrow. She is afraid to sleep, that's when it happens, she's been up all day. She being so loving, wants to stay by someone. I have been googling what could be wrong. IDK, ruled out plants. IDK??

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